Chapter 94 Bipedal Flying Dragon 1

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  Chapter 94 Bipedal Flying Dragon 1
  Nowadays, the army command system in Harland Territory is becoming more and more complete.

  Richard is the commander-in-chief, Graham is the military judge-in-chief, Hayden is the chief intelligence officer, and Frank is the chief logistics officer.

  In the past, Richard was mainly responsible for the logistics work, and occasionally Uncle Powell shared some of the work for him.

  Now that part of the logistics work is handed over to Frank, Richard will be able to relax in the future.

  After collecting the refugees, Richard led the team back.

  After walking less than five kilometers, there was some commotion in front of the team. When Richard looked up, a bipedal flying dragon appeared in the sky.

  Flying dragons are high-level monsters that usually evolve to level seven when they reach adulthood.

  This kind of monster has a higher IQ. Although it is not as good as humans, the difference is not very far.

  The wyvern has the blood of a giant dragon and inherits some knowledge of the dragon in its genes.

  Generally speaking, this smart monster will not provoke the human kingdom and rarely enters the south of the Eagle Mountains.

  Seeing the bipedal flying dragon swooping down from high altitude, it showed a hunting posture.

  Richard took out the enchanted bow and arrow from his back. In order to increase the accuracy of the arrow, he also upgraded his archery skill by one level.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 13
  Agility: 3.2
  Physical: 4.5
  Mental Power: 20.5
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 6 (27600/30000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 6 (Extreme)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (5390/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 6 (3850/30000)

  Zero-ring magic: energy ray, treatment of minor injuries, reading magic, light spell.
  One-ring magic: energy missile, vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries, petrification, magic shield, freezing ray, greasy spell. Falling Feather, Hypnosis.
  Second-level magic: Brute Force, Venom Missile, Spider Web, Lightness, Sound Transmission.
  Third-level magic: Fireball, Flying.
  Experience: 3700.
  Richard opened the attribute panel and used 9300 experience points. Raised his archery skills to the sixth level.

  Sixth-level basic archery is already at its limit.

  After reaching this level, you can shoot a running person in the eye from 500 meters away.

  If you want to continue to improve the lethality of archery, you can only practice special archery skills, conduct vindictiveness into arrows through enchantment, and use the lethality of vindictiveness to destroy the internal structure.

  Richard has not yet practiced this special archery skill.

  Most fighting skills are treasured in the hands of nobles. The nobles have practiced fighting qi for many years and have accumulated a lot of experience in using fighting qi.

  Basically, these secret skills will not be taught to outsiders unless they join the army and exchange their merits with the superiors.

  William has learned four secret skills, but he cannot leak these secret skills at all.

  Witnessed by the royal seal, William had signed a strict confidentiality contract when he learned the secret skills.

  Richard shook his head, suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on shooting a fatal arrow.

  Richard's strength was impressive, and his basic archery skills were at their peak.

  This arrow aimed at the eyes of the flying dragon with extraordinary accuracy.

  If the flying dragon continued to dive, it would be impossible to avoid this arrow.

  The bipedal flying dragon flapped its wings, immediately stopped its dive, turned around, opened its mouth, and sprayed five venom missiles in the direction of Richard.

  Venom Missile is a second-ring magic.

  Shooting five venom missiles at once consumes at least ten points of mental power.

  Five venom missiles make this magic a stronger threat than five-ring magic.

  The venom missiles hit, and Richard instantly felt the danger. This was because his talent for danger perception came into play. If Richard was the only one at the scene, he would have no choice but to find a way to escape and would not dare to get entangled with the flying dragon.

  But beside Richard, there were more than 500 soldiers and eight or nine professional officers.

  The combined strength of these people would make the legs of a ninth-level knight tremble.

  Generally speaking, it is difficult for a ninth-level warrior to fight head-on with a squadron of regular soldiers. The ninth-level knights are more powerful and are no match for three hundred regular soldiers.

  Even legendary professionals cannot fight head-on with a large army.

  There are many flying claws and fishing nets in the refugee camp. As long as the flying dragon dares to land, it will in turn be easily hunted by Richard.

  Venom missiles hit, and strong professionals such as Martin, Alves, Marcus, and Frank drew their weapons and blocked one of the venom missiles.

  Seeing that the venom missile did not hit Richard, the flying dragon spit out a stream of flames in anger.

  This flame is the Dragon Flame Breath spell of the flying dragon bloodline, which has reached the fifth level.

  Seeing the flames coming, Richard did not panic. He hurriedly released the three-ring magic flying technique and flew into the air, avoiding the range of the dragon's flame breath.

  Although Long Yan's breath did not hit Richard, it affected the soldiers around him.

  Professionals react quickly and immediately dodge around.

  The soldiers of the third squadron reacted slowly and were hit by this large-scale magic. More than ten soldiers were burned to death on the spot, which was very miserable.

  It is late autumn now, and there are many dead branches and leaves in the forest.

  After the flying dragon used this magic, the fire burned in the forest and suddenly became difficult to extinguish.

  If the fire turns into a huge wildfire, no one will be spared.

  The fire was still small now, so Frank immediately directed the refugees to dig isolation strips to extinguish the flames.

  As soon as Richard flew into the air, the flying dragon rushed towards him.

  Seeing the danger, Richard became extremely calm. He concentrated and estimated the distance between the flying dragon and himself.

  Finding that the distance between the two sides was close to about fifteen meters, he immediately fired a super magic missile at the flying dragon.

  Richard invested sixteen points of mental power in this magic missile, consuming more than half of his mental power.

  After releasing the super magic missile, Richard felt dizzy.

  He originally wanted to use the fireball technique, which would be more lethal.

  However, using fireball would increase the range of the mountain fire, so only one ring of magic magic missiles was used.

  Although the power of the one-ring magic is weak, the mental power Richard invested is extremely strong.

  This super magic missile is more powerful than the six-ring magic.

  The distance was so close that the flying dragon had no time to dodge.

  He was instantly hit by a magic missile and fell hard to the ground.

  The bipedal flying dragon was about to struggle to get up and fly into the sky again.

  Martin, Alves, and Marcus all threw their spears, piercing the wings of the wyvern fiercely, nailing the wyvern to the ground like nails.

  At the same time, a dozen brave soldiers threw out the flying tiger claws and entangled the body of the flying dragon.

  Several low-level officers rushed forward, using enchanted swords made of blood steel, and stabbed the flying dragon randomly.

  There were dozens of soldiers with good archery skills outside, all firing arrows at the flying dragon.

  (End of chapter)

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