Chapter 93 Incorporation

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  Chapter 93: Incorporation
  The current situation is that people are fighting for their own good. If the leader of the refugees wants good terms, he can only negotiate with Richard.

  "Ordinary civilians can become indentured servants. We, the leaders, demand better conditions. There are three nobles in the camp. You should give them the treatment of nobles." Frank is a very loyal person. Although he is in the enemy camp, he still remains loyal

  . Making conditions for the refugees.

  Indentured servants were treated much better than serfs. After completing their term, they could automatically become freedmen.

  Many people in the refugee camp were slaves before being captured by the orcs. After being captured by the orcs, their treatment was even worse, and they were in danger of becoming food at any time.

  Becoming a free citizen has become an obsession for many people.

  The reason why they wandered in the dangerous depths of the Eagle Mountains and were unwilling to enter the lord's territory was because they were afraid of being caught by the lord and continuing to be slaves for the rest of their lives.

  As long as such people give them some hope, the refugees will not rebel.

  "The conditions you proposed are not excessive. Ordinary refugees can sign a five-year contract with the territory. After five years, you will become free citizens. The territory will allocate five acres of land to you, and the tax burden will be lighter than that of nearby lords. Camp

  Army They will be reorganized immediately, and you can also become territorial officers. As for the nobles in the camp, I will give them a sum of money and let them return to their families." Richard's conditions took care of all aspects of the refugee camp, except for

  the Those who were too satisfied were a few noble officers.

  Dawn Continent's requirement for nobles is to be brave and good at fighting. Being a prisoner will be a stain on the nobles' life.

  Especially being captured by orcs brought shame to the family.

  The reason why these nobles hang out in the refugee camp is actually to obtain the leadership of the refugee camp.

  As long as these refugees are brought back, they will be a precious resource for their respective territories, and they will be able to speak more easily in the family.

  Taking Richard's conditions back, the three nobles weighed the pros and cons and decided to talk to Richard in person.

  "I am Marvin from the Fabian family. I think we should have a good talk. This group of refugees has recognized me as their lord. I think the lord should make friends with the Fabian family and let me take away those who are willing to follow me. The subjects."

  Marvin Fabian was interrupted by Richard before he could finish his words.

  "Dear Fabian, you should realize a real issue now, survival or destruction?"

  Richard drew out his heavy sword and threw his white gloves in front of Fabian.

  Fabian is a nobleman of the Grant Kingdom, so he naturally knows what this means.

  A duel between nobles can solve all troubles.

  Fabian's professional level is only second level.

  And Richard looked strong and capable. From the eyes of the soldiers looking at Richard, one could feel the admiration from the bottom of their hearts. He should be much more powerful than the second-level professional.

  Otherwise, those professional officers would take the initiative and not let the lord take risks?
  Squadron Leader Martin took a step forward, threw his weapon to Fabian, and gave Fabian a meaningful look, as if he were looking at a dead person.

  Fabian took the enchanted sword tremblingly, and saw Richard walking over step by step, with magic missiles already beginning to condense in his hand.

  There was a sudden panic in his heart, and the approach of death broke down his psychological defenses.

  "I was captured by the orcs for eight years. I survived all the hardships. During these eight years, I wonder if my wife has remarried and whether my son has survived to adulthood?
  Now that I am not far away from returning home, what is the situation of the Fabian family?

  Why bother to save face ? , interests, easily dueling with others? It’s too late to admit defeat now. Only by saving your life can you have long-term development."

  The thoughts in his mind kept coming, Fabian’s expression kept changing, and finally he dropped the sword in despair and raised his hand actively. Give up.

  The reason why Richard dared to duel with Fabian was because he had obtained the information in advance.

  From Frank and others, Richard knew that there were no mid-level professionals in the refugee camp, and the most powerful Frank and Marcus were only at level three. Fabian's professional level is only second level, and his congenital conditions are also very average.

  Richard has outstanding talents. Before he became a professional, he had two talents: super mental power and super strength. His mental power exceeded twenty points and he also awakened his sense of danger.

  He is a third-level warrior and a third-level magician. His actual combat power is stronger than that of a fifth-level warrior.

  In a fight with Fabian, Richard would have a chance of winning with his eyes closed.

  Fabian gave in, and now Richard, with three hundred fully armed soldiers, was eager to try, as if he might fall out at any moment.

  Although there are more people in the refugee camp, there are very few soldiers wearing armor, especially iron armor, there are only a few pieces at all.

  On a frontal battlefield, one armored soldier can defeat ten. In special circumstances, it is not uncommon for one to fight against a hundred.

  With the knife already held to his neck, who dares to oppose his opinion?

  Although several nobles had regrets in their hearts, they could only agree to Richard's request, put down their weapons and agreed to Richard's recruitment.

  There are more than 2,300 people in this group of refugees.

  Less than half were old and weak, adding up to just over 600 people.

  There are more than 1,700 young men and women left, including 1,330 men.

  Most of the more than a thousand men have war experience. They have fought several battles with the orcs in the past year. Although their equipment is very inferior, they actually have more war experience than the third and fourth squadrons of the Harland Territory.

  In addition, there are also some qualified officers among the more than a thousand troops.

  Counting the three nobles, there were seven professionals in the refugee camp, all of whom Richard wanted to recruit.

  In the end, the three noble refugee leaders were unwilling to serve Richard and chose to leave with ten gold coins.

  The remaining four professionals are willing to be recruited by Richard and become officers of the Harland Territory as free citizens.

  Richard carefully selected 150 soldiers from the refugees and organized them into the seventh squadron.

  After the recruit training is completed, the 7th Squadron will be mixed with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Squadrons.

  Of the four refugee professionals, three remain in the 7th Squadron, of which Marcus, the third-level, serves as the squadron leader, Tyron, the second-level, and Bruno, the first-level, serve as the deputy squadron leader.

  Frank, the most prestigious among the refugees, was transferred to Richard's side.

  Frank was the deputy squadron leader of the Grizzly Legion seven years ago. After the defeat, he was captured by the orcs and lived in the orc empire for six years.

  Despite the difficult conditions in the past six years, Frank did not dare to interrupt his breathing practice for a moment, advancing from a first-level professional to a third-level professional.

  Last winter, when he heard the news that the orcs were defeated and the legendary quilboar was killed, Frank decisively led the human slaves to rebel.

  He has been an important commander of this refugee army for more than a year.

  Although the conditions have been difficult this year, Frank's abilities have been well tempered.

  He can handle everything in the refugee territory in an orderly manner.

  After comprehensive consideration of his abilities, Richard decided to entrust him with an important task and appointed him as the chief logistics officer.

  (End of chapter)

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