Chapter 92 Refugees

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  Chapter 92: The refugee
  time has entered September, and the autumn harvest has just ended.

  After a year-long construction effort of more than 3,000 people, more than half of the construction of Fort Sophia has been completed.

  The foundation of the city wall has been completed, and most of the rammed earth wall has been completed.

  When the outer walls are covered with bricks and some city fortifications are built next year, the construction of the city wall will be complete.

  The main project of the City Lord's Mansion has been completed, only the decoration work is left, the main road has been laid, and even the sewerage project was completed before the snow this year.

  Less than half of the houses in Sophia City have been repaired this year.

  Richard was inspecting the construction site and arranging the latest work, and Zhan Ningsi hurriedly walked to his side.

  Richard looked at everyone and said goodbye to everyone calmly.

  After many people managing the construction site left, he quietly said to Zhannings: "Is something wrong?" "

  Baron, a group of refugees came to the territory after winter and were discovered by our patrol members. These people were so audacious that they actually attacked Shooting arrows at the patrolling soldiers?"

  "How are the casualties?"

  "No one was injured. The patrolling soldiers saw that there were very many people in this group, and they were protected by professionals, so they were not reckless."

  Richard nodded and said to Jennings Said: "Send someone to Fort William, call the No. 1 Squadron, and look for this group of refugees tomorrow to see where they have fled to?"

  Although the No. 3 Squadron where Jennings is located has been training for almost a year, it has broken away. As for the new recruits, their combat effectiveness is far from being comparable to that of the two main squadrons.

  Since there are intelligence reports that there are professionals among the refugees who have broken into the territory, Richard must not underestimate them.

  When a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength. Richard would never reveal his flaws easily.

  Now that the territory lacks a population, since this group of refugees has broken into the territory, Richard will naturally not miss the opportunity.

  Now that the fat meat has been brought to his mouth, of course Richard wants to take a bite and swallow the refugee.

  Jennings saluted a military salute and immediately sent troops to Fort William to deliver the message. With the transfer order written by Richard himself, the First Squadron left Fort William in a rapid march and arrived at Fort Sophia at nine o'clock in the evening.

  Richard arranged for people to prepare dinner for the 1st Squadron, and held a meeting with the main officers of the 1st and 3rd Squadron overnight to discuss countermeasures.

  Everyone unanimously decided to launch a surprise attack on the refugee camp early tomorrow morning.

  Early the next morning.

  Richard led two squadrons of soldiers and ran for fifteen kilometers to the vicinity of the refugee camp.

  This group of refugees was very alert. After being spotted by patrolling soldiers yesterday, they immediately sensed the danger.

  Although very tired, they still chose to move overnight.

  But a cunning fox is no match for an experienced hunter.

  An army of more than two thousand refugees marched very slowly through the forest.

  The forest is full of human footprints, and the traces are very obvious.

  After walking for a long time, the refugee team was already looming.

  This group of refugees comes from the Orc Empire.

  Last summer, in order to repel the invading forces of the Grant Kingdom, the Orc Empire mobilized a large number of troops from the northern foot of the Eagle Mountains.

  In July, the Orc Empire was defeated and the legendary quilboar was killed in battle. After the news came out, the human slaves in the northern foothills of the Eagle Mountains rebelled one after another in winter.

  After the defeat of these human resistance forces, they crossed the mountains and entered the south of the Eagle Mountains this spring and summer.

  Seeing winter, the climate in the mountains is getting colder and colder, so this group of refugees took the risk and chose to move south.

  Realizing that Richard was chasing after him with his troops, the refugee team immediately became very confused.

  Seeing that the team was about to collapse, several strong refugee leaders organized their soldiers into a loose formation. The First Squadron stopped. The veteran took out the armor from his backpack and put on the armor with the help of his comrades.





















  Only one brave refugee leader came forward in person.

  "Who are you, and why did you break into Harland's territory?"

  "We are free citizens of the kingdom, and there are three noble officers in the camp." "

  What's your name?"

  "My name is Frank, sir."

  Richard said softly. He picked up the riding crop and calmed the Iron Wildebeest. Pointing at Frank's chest, he said: "I already know your identities very well. Many slaves captured by the orcs this year have fled to nearby territories. There are more or less incidents of refugees entering the lord's territory. My

  territory Lack of population, no matter what you say, is destined to become Mr. Harland's meal. I hope you will recognize the reality, give up your illusions, hand over your weapons and surrender." "We hate our status as slaves, starting

  from the day we took up arms. , we decided not to be slaves. Without freedom, we would rather die." "

  Only those who are afraid of death will be captured by the orcs. Real warriors will only die on the battlefield and let the orcs bleed. Standing Mr. Harland in front of you looks young. He has participated in many wars and has been granted the title of hereditary baron.

  Your threats will only make you bleed out."

  Richard pointed to his chest and said loudly to Frank. : "Negotiation or war? The terms are up to you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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