Chapter 77: Going deep into enemy territory

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  Chapter 77:
  After going deep into enemy territory and capturing Fort Malte, Richard led the noble coalition to rest in the castle for a while.

  Wounded soldiers need to be treated, the vacancies in the main team headquarters need to be replenished, and supplies need to be transported to the territory.

  In this way, more than twenty days passed. During these twenty days, Richard used his authority to directly disband a city defense squadron and incorporated it into the second squadron of the Harland Territory and the seventh squadron of the eighth brigade of the Mad Lion Legion. Soldiers of the main squadron.

  Baron Sophia, Baron Rice and other nobles also recruited their subjects to make up for the battle losses.

  The large influx of new soldiers has greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the noble private army.

  But the war is not over yet, and there is no time for them to train.

  Even if the combat effectiveness is weakened, they still have to devote themselves to the war.

  The orcs don't care about your fighting ability, they will attack when it's time to attack.

  In early June, the aristocratic coalition was rewarded for its military exploits in annihilating the Shamok Brigade.

  After annihilating the Shamok Brigade, the Noble Council rewarded them with a great achievement.

  But this great achievement requires six main officers to divide it.

  In addition to the two commanders Richard and Baron Rice, the three barons Sophia, Duck, and Bazel all have military exploits.

  In addition, Dida, the squadron leader of the Mad Lion Legion, should also share in the meritorious service.

  In the end, Richard got three medium skills, Rice and Dida got two medium skills, and Sophia each got one medium skill.

  In this battle, Richard killed the acting captain Bastruan. Bastruan was a fifth-level tauren and was rewarded with three medium merits.

  Killing a first-level orc will reward you with a small merit.

  Other soldiers in Harland's territory killed many orc officers, including Larmin, the captain of the Wolf Cavalry Squadron, four third-level snakemen, and seven or eight low-level tauren and wild boars. A total of two medium merits and six minor merits were obtained.

  Richard rewarded soldiers who performed meritorious service with a large number of gold coins in exchange for their military merit.

  Almost all the meritorious deeds in this battle were registered to Richard, with a total of eight medium meritorious deeds and seven minor meritorious deeds.

  After the orc invasion war began, Richard repeatedly made military exploits.

  In addition to the three great merits awarded by the heavy trebuchet, Richard has accumulated six great merits, eight medium merits and two small merits.

  If William can make enough contributions in this war, the Harland family can also obtain a barony.

  Richard is very close to his own hereditary noble title.

  By mid-June, with the replenished noble coalition, Richard followed the main army and crossed the Eagle Mountains to serve as a logistics unit for the Northern Army.

  The Orc Empire is very large, with a territory of more than 80 million square kilometers, equivalent to half of the Eurasian continent.

  However, more than half of these 80 million square kilometers of land are uninhabited areas of permafrost, which are not suitable for biological survival at all.

  Even if the orcs are physically strong, there are only a few ice bear tribes active in the permafrost.

  There is also a part that is polluted by the fog of death. There are many undead creatures in the fog, which is a hidden danger within the orc empire.

  Although the territory of the Orc Empire is huge, its national power is far inferior to that of the Holy Radiant Empire.

  The Holy Glory Empire has a territory of 30 million square kilometers, a population of more than one billion, and a military strength of more than 200 legions.

  The main power of the Church of the Seven Gods is also in the Holy Glory Empire.

  Today's Holy Glory Empire is the most powerful force in the Dawn Continent.

  Humans can suppress the orcs and elves, occupy the mid-continent area with the best geographical conditions, and drive the powerful dragons to an alien plane.

  The Holy Radiant Empire and the Church of the Seven Gods are the main pillars. They have made the most important contribution to mankind becoming the overlord of the Dawn Plane. The Orc Empire is actually composed of tribes, and their internal organization and coordination capabilities are very average.

  There is still hatred among many tribes.

  There are many conflicts between different races.

  For example, when wolf-headed men and lion-headed men are hungry, they will hunt deer-men and goat-men.

  The reason why the orcs can come together is purely because of the oppression of powerful races and external pressure, which forces them to unite.

  For example, the tauren, wild boars, foxes, wolf-headed men, lion-headed men, snake-headed men, harpies, and Behemoths are known as the eight royal families of the orc empire.

  They united and formed the Orc Empire.

  The emperor of the Orc Empire is not hereditary, but must be elected by the top leaders of the eight royal families.

  Every orc emperor is a very powerful legendary professional, and some are even stronger demigods. Only a few powerful human professionals can compare with them.

  After the Northern Army entered the Orc Empire, they began large-scale plunder. They work in large groups and disperse across the vast grasslands.

  In just twenty days, more than a dozen orc tribes were located and a large number of orc slaves were captured.

  Richard led the noble coalition and followed the Northern Army to get some loot.

  In late July, the Orc Empire was furious and mobilized two main legions to counterattack, and successively annihilated the two brigades of the Northern Legion.

  Only then did the Northern Legion gather their forces and slowly led the army back to the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range.

  The orc army wanted to attack, but was slammed back by the heavy trebuchet. Instead, many people were killed and injured.

  In anger, the orcs actually dispatched two legendary professionals and led their elites to attack the baggage of the Northern Army.

  The strength of the legendary warrior is extremely powerful. The combat power of a legendary professional is enough to compete with the main force of the Central Legion.

  If there are legendary professionals hiding in the dark and constantly attacking, the threat they pose is far more troublesome than a main army.

  Unless there is accurate intelligence, a trap can be set up to capture this kind of super terrorist. Otherwise, if a legendary professional fights guerrilla warfare, even a powerful kingdom will be unable to do anything to it.

  The two legends took action at the same time and immediately achieved very good results.

  The heavy trebuchet brigade was severely damaged by the orcs, most of the heavy trebuchets were destroyed, and some were captured by the orcs.

  The orc army tasted the sweetness, once again let the legendary professionals take risks, and once again launched a surprise attack in the middle of the night.

  As a result, this time he fell into the trap of the Northern Army.

  The orc legendary professionals were trapped by legion magicians and besieged by six or seven high-level warriors. The elite of the orcs were also wiped out by the Northern Army.

  In the end, the legendary wild boar Ramsuk died at the hands of Martins, the commander of the Northern Legion, which earned him the glorious title of "Boar Hunter" and became the second hereditary earl in the northern region of the Grant Kingdom.

  In recent decades, the orcs have never lost a legendary professional in the war with the Grant Kingdom.

  With every invasion, many slaves were captured from the north.

  The production technology of humans is much better than that of orcs. The more humans are captured, the productivity of the orc empire will also increase.

  As for the kobolds, satyrs, werewolves, and lions who died in the battle at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range, they were all consumables to the eight royal families of the Orc Empire and could not be considered human beings at all.

  The killing of the top brass of the Orc empire this time finally made the top brass of the Orc empire sober up.

  (End of chapter)

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