Chapter 78 Territory Development Bonds

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  Chapter 78: Territory Development Bond
  After killing the orc legend, the intensity of the battle became much lower.

  Perhaps the orcs were completely hurt by the beating, or perhaps the orcs were not ready yet, so several orc armies chose to retreat.

  Before August, the orcs had retreated to the northern part of the Eagle Mountains, ending the war two months early.

  In this Orc invasion war, although the Grant Kingdom suffered a lot of losses, the Harland family ushered in greater development, not only swallowing more than 9,000 people, but also acquiring a group of Orc slaves.

  After many battles, Richard accumulated nearly seven great achievements.

  William also undertook key battles and won three major merits and eight medium merits.

  William has been a sixth-level professional for many years. He had been accumulating meritorious service in order to become a hereditary noble. He did not even redeem the advanced breathing method. This time, he exchanged it for the seventh-level professional breathing method.

  After several months of arduous fighting, the Northern Army suffered considerable losses. Two brigades were wiped out by the orcs, and three brigades were severely damaged. Counting scattered casualties, the loss exceeded 8,000 people.

  Except for the Northern Army, the Flying Eagle Army was almost completely wiped out. The two legions of grizzly bears and mad lions suffered a total of 6,000 casualties.

  Two or three years may not be enough to replenish battle losses.

  After the war, King Charles had issued an edict, requiring the hereditary nobles in other areas of the Grant Kingdom to fulfill their obligations and deploy troops to replenish war losses.

  Thirty soldiers from each barony were required, and a noble man was also required to serve in the army to supplement the central army in the three northern provinces.

  As for the great nobles such as the Four Dukes of the North, they can only rely on themselves to make up for their losses.

  After this war, the political situation in the northern Xinjiang region also changed, and two hereditary nobles appeared on the stage of the Grant Kingdom.

  The brave and warlike prince Roger was granted the title of hereditary earl in the northern territory. His territory was located near the Dukedom of Jonathan.

  The Roger Earl Territory covers an area of ​​27,000 square kilometers. Most of it is territory directly under the royal family, and a small part is the unclaimed land in the north of the Eagle Mountains.

  If Roger can establish a foothold in the new territory, he can become a rival with the Duke of Jonathan, and the eastern defense line will become more solid.

  Donnie Martins, who was extremely lucky, was awarded the title of hereditary earl for killing the legendary orc.

  In fact, in that battle that day, many mid-level and high-level professionals took action, and even William participated in the battle that day.

  But Martins was the strongest and made the greatest contribution. He also grabbed the head and completed the final blow to kill the legendary quilboar.

  Martins is the commander of the Northern Army, and his background is relatively ordinary. His grandfather had just been promoted to a hereditary baronet, and his father was not the first heir. Martins was very low in the succession order. He had been developing in the military as an adult and was a veteran with 46 years of military service.

  In his early years, Martins served as a junior officer in the Nolan Guards and became Prince Charles' bodyguard.

  After Charles became king, he continued to promote him, and Martins lived up to expectations. He showed his ability in the war and controlled the Northern Army.

  After fighting in the Northern Army for many years, Martins accumulated enough military exploits to become a hereditary baron more than ten years ago.

  I thought that my whole life would pass like this, but I didn't expect that when I was old, I could go one step further and become a great noble of the Grant Kingdom, achieving another class leap.

  This leap is more difficult than becoming a hereditary baron.

  This life experience is enough to be praised for many years.

  After fighting this battle, Donnie Martins has become a famous general in Grant Kingdom.

  The growth of a famous general is a long-term accumulation process. Only those who have fought in important battles can be called a famous general.

  Although there are many generals in the Grant Kingdom who can win battles, there are only three who can be called famous generals.

  The first is Duke Jonathan of the North. He fought a key victory twenty years ago, annihilating two legions of orcs and beheading 60,000 orcs. That battle was also his legendary battle.

  The second famous general is a member of the Grant royal family, the Grand Duke of Brenner.

  Grand Duke Brenner is also a legendary knight. He is the brother of King Charles' great-grandfather, King Ron. He is now over 160 years old and commanded the pioneering war a hundred years ago.

  This old Duke is the biggest pillar of the royal family and the first Duke of the Duke of York.

  Now the Duke of Brenner has settled in Norland, and his eldest grandson is the contemporary Duke of York. Although the Duke is old, he is still strong and strong. He often attends meetings of the nobility and mediates conflicts between the nobility. Even King Charles wants to see his expression.

  Compared with the above two famous generals, the title of Earl Martins' famous general is slightly more watery.

  But the battles he commanded this year were also very beautiful. First, he severely damaged the main orc army under the Black River Castle, and then killed the leader of the orc army, the ninth-level werewolf Vader, in the pursuit.

  Then he led troops to invade the Orc Empire, attacked a large number of Orc tribes, and captured tens of thousands of Orc slaves.

  During the retreat, a trap was also set and the legendary quilboar was killed.

  This battle is quite beautiful, it is the battle for Count Martins to be promoted to a famous general.

  The Earldom of Martins is located in the province of Gascoigne, bordering the Dukedom of Edward. The area is as high as 60,000 square kilometers, but there are not many people.

  There is almost no development in this territory. More than half of it is the desolate and idle territory of the Gascoigne Province, and the less half is located in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains. It can be regarded as a buffer area between the Grant Kingdom and the orcs.

  Count Martins has served as the commander of the Northern Army for many years and is considered to be in a high position.

  He was stationed in the prosperous place of Black River Fort all year round and accumulated a large amount of funds.

  However, developing a county requires millions of gold coins, and the few gold coins in Count Martins' hands are far from enough.

  In order to raise funds to develop the territory, Count Martins issued territory development bonds at Black River Fort, which were mainly sold to soldiers of the Northern Army.

  It's a pity that no one is optimistic about the prospects of the Martins Earldom. Even though the bond interest is higher, not many are sold.

  Tens of thousands of gold coins are a huge sum of money for a barony, but for an earldom, it is a drop in the bucket.

  Even Richard's father, William, bought a 2,000 gold coin bond out of respect for his old superiors and officers.

  As for whether the bonds can be redeemed for interest, William actually doesn't care.

  The two thousand gold coins were actually used to make favors and please the old chief. Today's Earl Martins has greatly increased his voice in the Parliament of Nobles. If he says a word to the Harland family, the territory can be divided slightly better.

  With William's remaining military exploits and Richard's accumulated military exploits, the Harland family is not far away from being granted the second territory.

  If there are connections from the upper level to help with a few words, the territorial division will be more advantageous.

  In order to develop the territory as quickly as possible, Count Martins also invested in the purchase of 30,000 orc slaves. In his territory, the number of orcs exceeded that of humans, which was also a great wonder in the Grant Kingdom.

  (End of chapter)

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