Chapter 76 Dividing the spoils

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  Chapter 76: Divide the Spoils

  After the war ended, Richard immediately ordered the battlefield to be cleaned, statistics of casualties, and all-out efforts to treat the wounded.

  The supplies plundered by the orcs had not yet been captured, so in order to prevent the orc army from receiving the news, they massacred the prisoners.

  Richard discussed with Baron Rice and decided to use force quickly. The soldiers would not rest after the war, but would seize Marte Castle with a forced march and eliminate the orcs' logistics management army.

  This time the orcs invaded, the Shamok Brigade achieved good results, conquering the Baron of Dirham, and also successfully plundered the Baron of Les, Baron Dark, and Baron Bazel, and robbed a lot of gold coins and people.

  Although the situation was already very dangerous, Bastruan was still unwilling to give up the loot and asked a half-broken squadron of wild boars to escort the prisoners and stationed them in the Malte Castle in the Barony of Dirham.

  Richard led his troops into the Baron of Dirham, intending to conquer Marte Castle first and seize the orc stronghold.

  But worried about the lack of supplies and the burden of prisoners, the main force of the orcs escaped from the encirclement with light equipment.

  After annihilating the orc brigade, it was already dusk.

  Richard and Baron Rice joined forces and decided to lead a surprise attack on the Castle of Malte overnight with their elite troops.

  The garrison strength of Malte Castle is insufficient, with less than a hundred wild boars left to garrison.

  Facing Richard, the elite soldiers and generals mobilized by Baron Rice were completely vulnerable and were wiped out before dawn.

  By this time the casualties had been tallied.

  "The Second Squadron has twenty-two killed and fifty-three injured, seven of which are seriously injured and disabled. The casualties have exceeded half. The Seventh

  Squadron of the Eighth Battalion of the Mad Lion Legion has twelve killed and thirty-one injured.

  Sophia Squadron Thirty-six were killed and forty-eight were wounded. The casualty ratio exceeded 70%, and most of the key members were lost. The

  city defense army squadron was sixteen killed and thirty-eight wounded."

  Having commanded many battles, Richard's heart has become as hard as stone.

  The heavy casualties were already a number to him.

  The situation in the northern border of Grant Kingdom is severe, and even survival is a problem. People from this place are not sentimental, and their hearts are as hard as steel.

  Although when he dreamed back at midnight, Richard would occasionally think of his past life. I miss that peaceful and happy life very much.

  But after waking up from the dream, he was still the ruthless noble officer of Northern Xinjiang.

  In Marteburg, a large amount of supplies and a population of more than 10,000 people were accumulated.

  It's different from the last Orc War.

  In the last war, although Richard led his troops to defeat the remnants of Wald's brigade and captured a large amount of people and money.

  But the commander-in-chief of the last war was Baron Harden, and Richard was just a squadron leader who had just taken office. The Harland family was not yet a hereditary noble, and their status was far from that of Baron Harden.

  Even if he captured a large amount of gold coins and captured 6,000 people, Richard would not dare to be greedy.

  He angered Baron Harden and assigned him a fatal mission, but no one could accuse him at that time.

  During this war, the Haaland family was now a hereditary baron and finally had human rights.

  Richard had great military exploits and was also the commander of the aristocratic coalition.

  Having seized supplies and rescued the population, he has a great say.

  "According to statistics, Malte Castle has a total population of 10,700, of which 1,200 are from the Duck Territory, 600 are from the Bazel Territory, and 2,400 are from the Barony of Les. The remaining six Fifteen hundred people, all citizens of the Barony of Dirham. In addition to the population, a large amount of coins were also seized in the castle, totaling 46,000 gold coins. In addition, 6,000 kilograms of iron ore were piled

  up , 1,400 kilograms of copper ore, and the grain in the warehouse was piled up in mountains, about more than 3,000 tons.

  In addition, a lot of livestock was also seized, a total of thirty war horses, more than a hundred cattle, thousands of pigs and sheep, and There are several Warcraft horses. There are

  also some farm tools, hemp ropes, cloth, and herbs."

  Listening to Dida's report, Richard called Baron Rice, Baron Duck, and Baron Barzel to the conference room, and then handed them a list.

  "This is a list of the seized supplies. Send people down to count some of them.

  Count the captured people in your territory first, and then take them back.

  The remaining 6,500 people in the Dirham Territory will be divided into three parts by our Haaland family. Thousand, the Sophia family will be divided into a thousand and a half.

  Baron Les will be divided into a thousand, Baron Duck, and Baron Bazel will be divided into five hundred."

  Richard glanced at everyone and saw that everyone was still calm and did not object. He suppressed the thought of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, and continued: "The territories of Harland and Stopa are sparsely populated, so they are divided a little more.

  Baron Les received 10,000 gold coins, and Baron Duck and Baron Bazel each received 6,000. We Harland's territory is divided into 8,000, Stopa's territory is divided into 4,000, the seventh squadron, the city defense squadron and other participating troops are divided into 6,000, and the remaining 6,000 need to be managed. The beasts and war horses are divided equally among

  our five territories. But Warcraft War Horse will give us Harland Territory.

  We Harland Territory will allocate more food. We need to take away two thousand tons. The remaining four families will share it equally. You guys will take a little more ore and sundries. We only need a tenth. One is enough.

  The collection of books in the Dirham Territory is sent to Vicksburg first. Everyone has a share and can copy it.

  His family’s breathing method, the Bull Breathing Method, only has four levels, and can only be practiced to the first-level profession. The author is in my hands now. If any company wants to copy it, they can come to me.

  My opinion is this, who of you agrees and who objects?"

  Richard originally planned to see who objected and then write it down in a notebook. , and sent him to die in the next battle.

  Unexpectedly, Baron Rice and others were quite satisfied and gave thumbs up, praising Richard as a fair commander. It seems that these guys are all smart people, and as long as they can get by, they will definitely not do it.

  In this battle, Richard was not only the commander of the noble coalition, but also made the most important contribution, so the Harland territory received the most generous spoils.

  After several battles, the Harland territory gained a population of about 9,000, which was converted into more than 50,000 gold coins.

  After hundreds of years of operation in the Dirham Territory, the essence has been eaten up by Richard.

  This shows the cruelty of competition between noble territories.

  But according to the values ​​of the Grant Kingdom, no one would sympathize with Baron Dirham. Just like the last Orc War, there will be no sympathy for Baron Stopa.

  Once the northern lord of Grant Kingdom failed to manage his territory, his whole family was killed by orcs, and the people in his territory were either plundered by nearby nobles or became captives of orcs, and the ending was even more tragic.

  Every three years, after the orc invasion, there are failed lords.

  Some of these hereditary lords, like Sophia, can get back on their feet.

  Some will lose their status as hereditary nobles and fall to the professional family class.

  Of course, every time the orcs invade, there are also people who have made military exploits and been promoted to hereditary nobles, completing the leap in class status.

  (End of chapter)

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