Chapter 75 Attack from both sides

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  Chapter 75: Attack from the front and back.
  Sandmok has not recovered from his injuries and has been sent to the rear. Bastruan is the supreme commander of the orc brigade.

  Now that Bastruan died in battle, it brought great chaos to the morale of the orcs.

  Especially the tauren, the main force of the orcs, Bastruan is their spiritual leader and the most prestigious commander.

  As soon as the tauren wavered, problems began to arise on the battle line.

  Seeing that the army was about to be defeated, Larmin, the captain of the wolf cavalry squadron, stepped forward.

  After discussing with the serpentine squadron leader Dakota Lacey, he decided to commit the final reserve team.

  Larmin led his cavalry to attack the flanks of the Richard and Sophia alliance, while Dakota Lacey led the snake-like heavy infantry to attack the front of the human army.

  The two armies coincided with each other and devoted their last efforts to reverse the situation.

  The Wolf Cavalry charged extremely fast. In just one or two minutes, they rushed to the front of the coalition formation.

  Richard hurriedly ordered a squadron to turn around and directed the soldiers to fire crossbows.

  Dozens of archers only fired two rounds of arrows, shooting down seven or eight wolf cavalry. Larmin had already led the team and rushed into the line of the second squadron in Grant's territory.

  The wolf cavalry surged up like a tide. Richard held a shield in one hand and a heavy sword in the other hand. He slashed hard at the wolf cavalry, easily cutting a cavalryman into two pieces.

  An ordinary army would probably collapse on the spot if the cavalry broke through the formation.

  The Second Squadron of Haaland Territory is quite elite. Not only is the equipment better, but the quality of the soldiers is also pretty good. They have been training for two full years.

  Moreover, Richard had a high prestige among the soldiers. He took the lead and personally led the troops to fight, which greatly increased morale.

  Coupled with the brutality of the orcs and the racial war, even if they surrender, there will be no good results.

  They have seen with their own eyes that humans captured by orcs will become food for the orcs at any time, and will be treated like cattle and sheep.

  The soldiers of the second squadron of Harland Territory have defeated the orcs several times. As a victorious army, they already have a sense of honor as a soldier.

  This sense of honor also requires them to continue fighting and not be defeated.

  Moreover, Richard established a pension system to relieve soldiers from worries and let them fight to the death.

  Officers such as Hyman and Vincent led the soldiers to fight to the death. Even though the formation was in chaos, they still adopted a desperate strategy.

  Richard saw with his own eyes that a soldier's arm was chopped off, and he stabbed a broken spear in the other hand into the belly of the war horse. The war horse whined and fell to the ground, pressing a wolf-headed man under the horse's belly.

  The Wolf Cavalry struggled to stand up and was severely pierced by several spears.

  Richard was furious and once again fired a powerful fireball at the wolf cavalry commander Larmin. This time, Richard invested 6 points of mental power and had already exhausted all his mental power.

  Although the power of the second fireball is far less than that of the first, it is still much more powerful than the standard model fireball.

  The fireball exploded in Larmin's chest, knocking Larmin over immediately.

  The war horse was killed by the fireball on the spot. Larmin also suffered serious internal injuries and vomited blood on the spot.

  Although Vincent was young, he was quite brave. He charged hard with a spear and stabbed the horse in the belly.

  Like a candied haws on a stick, Larmin was impaled on both his body and his horse.

  Larmin let out a shrill cry, and his head was chopped off by Vincent.

  "Retreat first!"

  Duram roared, commanding the already chaotic wolf cavalry to retreat.

  He is the deputy squadron leader of the Wolf Cavalry Squadron, and his abilities are very average.

  The last time I met Richard's squadron, he and the junior officers shouted loudly. But when it came to a real hard battle, he was far less brave than squadron leader Larmin. Larmin died in the battle, and more than half of the Wolf Cavalry squadron suffered casualties.

  Seeing that the Second Squadron was still fighting to the death, Richard braced himself and led the charge with an epee in hand.

  Fear suddenly took over Duram's mind, and he issued the wrong military order.

  War tests endurance. An army that can withstand casualties and endure hard battles is an excellent and strong army.

  Whoever can persist to the last minute will win the final victory.

  If the orcs refuse to retreat, perhaps the second squadron will be defeated, and the outcome of this battle will change.

  Richard's mental power is equivalent to that of a five-ring magician. He has used three powerful magics and his mental power has been exhausted.

  But these three powerful magics have very critical effects after use.

  The powerful grease spell delayed the orcs' charge, bought the archers a few rounds of firing time, and caused an additional 200 casualties to the orcs.

  Two powerful fireballs killed and seriously injured the two most important commanders of the orcs.

  The wolf cavalry squadron retreated, and the tauren and wild boars were locked in a bitter battle.

  Just when the defeat of the orcs was determined, even worse news came. Baron Rice, Baron Dark, and Baron Bazel appeared nearby. Their strength was as many as five squadrons, plus more than one auxiliary force. thousand.

  Baron Rice was also a qualified commander. He did not hesitate and immediately led the noble coalition to attack the orcs from the rear.

  Originally, the orcs were already having a hard time fighting against Richard and Sophia's coalition forces.

  The battle was fierce, and the orcs suffered more than 400 casualties.

  If the snake-like heavy infantry had not broken through the defense line of Sophia Squadron and reversed some of the situation, the orcs might have been defeated.

  Seeing Baron Rice leading his troops to attack from the rear, the broken wild boars and tauren were unable to stop them.

  In desperation, the orcs could only let the snake-like heavy infantry bear the heavy responsibility and turn around to block the reinforcements.

  It turned out that the Snake Man broke through the blockage of Sophia Squadron and was about to tear through the Seventh Squadron's line. Now they can only fall short of the success and lead a squadron of tauren to join forces with the remnants of the Wolf Cavalry to stop Baron Rice.

  The soldiers under the command of Baron Rice's coalition are not considered weak, although they are not as good as the elite soldiers of Harland Territory, they are better than the city defense army and Sophia Squadron.

  Although the snake-like heavy infantry was powerful, it was surrounded by ten times the number of enemies and soon suffered a lot of attrition.

  Four of the Snakemen were killed and two wounded when they attacked Vic Castle, and one more was killed and one wounded when they captured the Malte Castle in the Barony of Dirham.

  The Sophia Squadron had just broken through and suffered the most serious casualties, with seven killed and six seriously wounded.

  The casualties of the Snakeman heavy infantry had exceeded half.

  As casualties mount, the orcs' situation becomes increasingly dangerous.

  Baron Rice's coalition forces and the three hereditary baronies were all destroyed by orcs.

  The number of dead and missing people has exceeded 10,000.

  The territorial soldiers and the orcs already had a deep hatred. Now when they had the opportunity to beat up the drowned dog, the soldiers all rushed to the front.

  Even if they were chewing bones and fighting the snake-like heavy infantry, the noble coalition still refused to retreat.

  They took firm steps, endured casualties, and drowned the orcs in the sea of ​​humans.

  In this battle, the Shamok Brigade was almost completely wiped out. Except for half of the Wild Boar Squadron to guard the captives and baggage, the remaining troops were completely wiped out by the coalition of nobles from Heihe County.

  (End of chapter)

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