Chapter 74 Killing the fifth-level tauren

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  Chapter 74:
  There is an interception before killing the fifth-level tauren, and there are pursuers behind.

  The situation is extremely serious, and if you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

  Bastruan could only fight with his last resort.

  Only by defeating the coalition forces of Richard and Sophia from the front can this orc brigade have a chance to escape.

  There are four squadrons of soldiers in the Richard and Sophia coalition, two of which are relatively elite and two of which are relatively average.

  Although Bastruan had eight squadrons of soldiers, the battle losses were very heavy.

  There are less than 30% of the kobolds in the two squadrons left, and their morale is also very low.

  The two quilboar squadrons were slightly better, having suffered more than half their casualties.

  The two tauren squadrons suffered relatively few casualties and maintained good morale.

  The wolf cavalry squadron and the snake heavy infantry are the trump cards of Bastruan's troops.

  Especially in frontal combat, the lethality of the Snakeman heavy infantry is very powerful.

  Many times, ten snakemen can defeat an infantry squadron's battle line.

  There are forty soldiers in a squadron of snakes. Like the harpies, they are a special unit among the orcs. Everyone is a professional and can be said to be carefully selected.

  The number of Richard and Sophia's coalition forces is about 600, which is slightly less than the orcs.

  The two armies were getting closer and closer. Richard made a visual inspection and found that the orcs had entered the archer's shooting range, and immediately ordered to release arrows.

  When humans fight orcs, long-range projection is their strength, and their equipment is better than that of the orc army.

  The strength of the orcs is physical fitness. There are more professionals than the human army and they are good at close combat.

  "Archers, prepare, shoot!"

  The orderer waved the command flag, and more than 400 arrows were fired at the orc army.

  Because the distance was relatively long, the hit rate was very average, and it only hit seven or eight orcs.

  "Shoot a first-level kobold and you will be rewarded with 500 experience points."

  After hearing the attribute panel prompt, Richard was secretly happy and commanded the soldiers to fire a second round of volley.

  This time the distance was less than 100 meters, and the hit rate was slightly higher, hitting more than twenty orcs.

  The vast majority of hits are kobolds.

  Kobolds have a lower status among the orcs, and this time they are still forced to take the lead, consuming their arrows as cannon fodder.

  In the previous battles, the dog head suffered heavy casualties, but now it was caught in a hail of arrows. It could no longer bear the casualties and fled to the rear.

  The orcs were very cruel to the deserters. The quilboars holding the line held long knives and cut the escaping kobolds in two.

  The strong pressure drove the remaining kobolds crazy. They ran around and shouted.

  Some smart kobolds fled to both sides, and some even chose to pretend to be dead. They were caught by the wild boar supervising the battle and brutally killed.

  Richard continued to direct the soldiers to fire arrows. When the two armies were thirty meters apart, six rounds of feather arrows had been fired.

  The last three rounds were the most lethal, causing about a hundred orcs to lose their weight.

  After entering thirty meters, the minotaurs used slings to throw stones.

  The strength of the tauren is very strong. The strength of an ordinary adult tauren exceeds six points, which is comparable to that of a first-level human professional.

  The stone bullets they threw were not weak.

  Several soldiers were hit on the head by stones, like rotten watermelons, stained with red and white.

  Stones the size of fists can smash shields with powerful kinetic energy, and even armor can be dented by the stones.

  Although the power of slings is not small, after all, it cannot compare with strong bows and crossbows. In long-range mutual fire, human soldiers still take advantage, and the exchange ratio is very impressive.

  The next two rounds of arrow rain and crossbows caused more than a hundred casualties to the orcs.

  The number of soldiers in Richard's coalition army who were hit by slings was only about thirty, which was less than half of the orcs.

  Seeing that the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, the soldiers in the front row could already feel the coldness of the opponent's ice blade.

  Richard and Sophia cast spells at the same time with great tacit understanding, releasing the powerful greasy spell.

  Generally speaking, under the standard model, the mental power invested in a circle of magic is 2 points.

  In order to increase the area of ​​the greasy spell, Sophia and Richard invested four points of spiritual power in this magic.

  Under the standard model, four points of spiritual power are enough to release a three-ring magic.

  Although the powerful greasy spell was not lethal, the area increased by about three times, forming a large greasy area.

  Richard and Sophia joined forces to cover almost the entire front of the position.

  The two magics were released, instantly breaking the balance of the battlefield.

  Entering the grease area, the wild boars in the front row fell down a lot and were attacked by human soldiers. A hail of arrows killed and injured about a hundred people.

  Seeing the archer drawing his bow again and preparing to fire a volley, Bastruan roared angrily and jumped over a distance of more than ten meters with all his strength.

  He held a two-handed giant ax and slashed at the waist, immediately cutting off three spears.

  Although Bastruan was in mid-air, he let out a roar, which was a savage roar of blood magic.

  This spell is a second-ring magic, a group sound-killing spell.

  Dozens of soldiers nearby were so frightened that they dropped their weapons when Bastruan yelled.

  Bastruan brandished a long-handled double axe, and was about to slash downwards when Richard took a few steps forward, swung his two-handed heavy sword, and struck hard with the heavy axe!
  The two heavy weapons collided together with the blessing of fighting spirit, making a thunderous collision sound.

  Although Richard's strength is good, he is far from able to compete with the fifth-level tauren.

  Tauren are a race specializing in strength. The strength of a fifth-level tauren exceeds about 20 points. Even his father William cannot withstand a head-on fight with Bastruan.

  Richard fell backwards, a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.

  But the Tauren's plan to break through the formation was thwarted.

  Richard could still use his strength on the ground, but Bastruan was in mid-air and was hit hard into the sky by Richard.

  Before he could land, Sophia had already fired a magic missile.

  Bastruan was still in mid-air when he was hit by the magic missile. He immediately flew back a few meters and fell to the open space where the grease spell was released.

  Richard was knocked down by Bastruan. He struggled to stand up. Although his hands were numb, he endured the pain and released the powerful fireball technique.

  The fireball flew more than ten meters away and hit Bastruan's chest.

  The fireball exploded on him instantly, and the splashing flames flew everywhere, turning Bastruan into a pyromaniac.

  This time Richard invested ten points of mental power, and the power of the powerful fireball technique was almost equal to the sixth-ring magic.

  The lethality of the six-ring magic is already very impressive. Melee professionals, if they do not have good enchanting equipment, generally cannot stop it.

  Hit by a powerful fireball, Bastruan died on the spot.

  "Killing the fifth-level tauren will reward you with 8,000 experience points."

  Richard opened the attribute panel and found that 13,000 experience points had been accumulated.

  This battle is not over yet, and I have gained 8500 experience points.

  (End of chapter)

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