Chapter 73 Defense Battle of Black River Fort

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  Chapter 73 Defense Battle of Black River Fort
  Richard spent every day leisurely in Vicksburg, learning magic with Sophia. He wished he could live like this every day and wait until the winter, waiting for the orcs to return to the northern foot of the Eagle Mountains.

  His father, William, was in trouble at Black River Castle.

  The Sixth Brigade was dispatched to build a camp outside Black River Fort and was a key target of the orc army.

  In more than two months of fighting, the Sixth Battalion suffered more than one-third casualties.

  Even Richard's third uncle Bernie had his stomach cut open by the orcs, and his intestines flowed out all over the floor. If it hadn't been for the priest's spell to treat serious injuries, Bernie would have been killed in the battle.

  Now the camp can no longer hold on, and the Legion Headquarters has not yet issued an order to retreat.

  Just when William was worried, the orcs launched another overwhelming attack.

  William has rich war experience and knows that in such dangerous moments, he should be calmer and not expose his panic and fear to the soldiers.

  He looked at the remaining soldiers of the Sixth Brigade and found that there was timidity in the soldiers' eyes. William knew very well that he could not vent his anger at this time.

  Once morale declines, the camp will immediately fall.

  At the critical moment, William decided to do a pre-war mobilization. He stood among the soldiers and shouted loudly.

  "Brothers of the Sixth Brigade, if the war continues to this point, maybe we will all die?
  People are born to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

  As the captain of the Sixth Brigade, I was granted the title of hereditary baron in the last war, and I have not enjoyed the hereditary nobility for a few days. In fact, I am more afraid of death.

  Now, I am actually scared to death inside, but I still want to encourage you and mobilize you. How ironic is this?"

  I heard a burst of laughter from the soldiers.

  William waved his hand to stop everyone.

  "But what's the use of being afraid of death?

  If you're afraid of death, you won't die?
  I have experienced ten orc invasion wars and am a veteran who has been in the army for twenty-seven years.

  According to my experience, people who are more afraid of death in war will die more miserably.

  On the contrary, the goddess of the morning favors brave men.

  I am here today to call on everyone to fight the final battle.

  In the last period of our lives, we must shine with the light of courage and fight against fate.

  In the coming battles, I, William Haaland, will stand in the middle of the first row and take on the most difficult task.

  If I take a step back, please supervise me and cut off the foot I am taking a step back from.

  Please also fulfill your duty to fight. No matter who takes a step back, I will cut off the leg he retreats from.

  Soldiers, let us cheer, victory will definitely belong to us, to the Sixth Battalion, and to the Grant people! "

  William's encouragement was very inspiring. The injured Bernie struggled to stand up, walked to William's side, and shouted loudly: "Let us follow William, victory belongs to us, and victory belongs to the Grant people. "

  The soldiers shouted in unison, and the sound was deafening.

  When the deputy commander of the army, Tengwei Saman, who was standing at the top of the city, saw this scene, he was greatly shocked, and tears suddenly filled his eyes.

  But for the victory of the war, he could not give William Issued the order to retreat.

  He needed to use William's brigade as bait to attract the main force of the orcs to the camp.

  In more than two months, Black River Fort built 138 heavy trebuchets and was already preparing to give the orcs a heavy blow. The camp where William was stationed was the burial ground

  prepared by the Northern Army for the orcs.

  William fought head-on with six brigades of orcs in the camp, and the orcs concentrated their main force near the camp. Seeing that the fighter opportunities were ripe, Tengwei Shaman fiercely Waving.

  The command flag was waved, and more than a hundred catapults were launched at once.

  The stone bullets were like meteors falling from the sky, hitting the orc team fiercely and accurately.

  The sudden scene frightened the attacking orcs.

  Although Richard did not give the method of calculating ballistics to the royal family, there was no shortage of smart people in the royal family.

  There are many magicians inside the Royal Mage Tower, all of whom are proficient in mathematics. I quickly figured out a lot of stupid ways and summed up some experience in using heavy trebuchets.

  For example, if the counterweight is one ton, the riprap pole is fifteen meters long, and the stone bullet is two hundred kilograms, the stone bullet can be launched three hundred meters away on flat ground.

  If the trebuchet is installed on a thirty-meter-high city wall, the range can be increased by more than forty meters.

  After summing up a lot of experience, the Magic Tower bound these experiences into a book and handed them to the main leaders of each province and each legion.

  The trebuchets fired continuously, and after only three rounds of stone bombs, the orcs were already suffering heavy casualties.

  Seeing that the orcs began to retreat, the gate of Black River Castle opened wide, and a group of cavalry rushed out from the city gate and killed the retreating orcs.

  The Orc Empire was lagging behind in organization. Two months ago, Richard and the Fort William garrison used heavy trebuchets to severely injure the Orcs.

  Such important information did not attract the attention of the top orcs.

  Today, the heavy trebuchet was used for the first time in Black River Castle, and it immediately achieved decisive results, severely damaging the main orc army.

  Statistics after the war showed that the orcs left more than 19,000 corpses. Counting the missing and captured, more than 80% of the main orc army was killed.

  The Northern Legion severely damaged the orcs at Black River Fort, and the situation in Geda Province immediately changed.

  Without the orc blockade, political orders issued from Black River Fort can pass.

  Finally, Richard could no longer take it easy. Spencer, the mayor of Heihe Fort, sent a military order, asking Richard to mobilize three squadrons of troops to organize a coalition of nobles to expel the Bastruan Brigade.

  Now the Northern Legion is chasing the remnants of the main orc army, and the Bastruan Brigade operating in the Gedda Province is left to the noble private army.

  As the most powerful part of the aristocratic private army in the northern part of Black River Castle, the Harland family naturally shouldered important responsibilities.

  After seeing off the messenger, Richard took action immediately.

  He first removed a city defense squadron from Fort William, and then persuaded Sophia to send troops to remove a main squadron from Fort Vick.

  Concentrating the strength of four squadrons, they left Vic Castle and began to pursue the orcs.

  Baron Diram was a softie, and his territory was easily captured by the orcs.

  But Baron Rice, who borders Baron Dirham, is a qualified hereditary noble.

  Baron Les had only two squadrons of soldiers, and with the support of the neighboring Baron Bazel and Baron Duck, the territory was not lost.

  For more than a month, Baron Rice led a coalition of nobles to fight against Bastruan's brigade three times, with each winning and losing, killing more than 200 orcs.

  During the attack and defense of Vic Castle, the orc brigade had already lost more than 500 troops, and now it was consuming another 200 men.

  More than half of Bastruan's brigade had suffered casualties.

  After receiving the news of the defeat of Black River Fort, this orc brigade was already in retreat.

  Being entangled by Baron Wright, the Bastruan brigade retreated very slowly, and was quickly stopped by the troops led by Richard and Sophia.

  (End of chapter)

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