Chapter 72 Fireball

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  Chapter 72: Fireball Technique

  After the defensive battle of Vic Castle, Bastruan led the orc army toward the southeast.

  An orc group coming from the west was blocked by the Baron of Harden, and the baronies of Harland and Stopa ushered in a brief period of peace.

  Although there are still two large groups of orcs stationed in the northern part of the Harland Valley.

  But Maruland suffered a loss and was not willing to fight hard.

  In order to prevent the human army from passing through the northern part of the Harland Valley from Fort William and attacking the orc army's retreat, the orcs must have garrison in the northern part of the Harland Valley.

  For a while, the two sides faced off like this, and time slowly entered May.

  Now the fog of war is gradually lifting and the situation is becoming clearer.

  The situation in the three directions of the Grant Kingdom's northern border is still the easiest in the east.

  Duke Jonathan is a legendary knight, and the army under the Duke is also very good at fighting, and has driven the orcs out of the country.

  Now Duke Jonathan personally led his troops, crossed the Grota River, and counterattacked into the orc territory. Many orc tribes were annihilated, and even about 30,000 orc slaves were captured.

  The Grant Kingdom had won the war on the Eastern Front.

  The situation on the Western Front is still at a stalemate.

  Duke Edward agreed to King Charles's request and handed over six ownerless baronies in the duchy to the king. King Charles sent a legion of reinforcements to Duke Edward.

  This legion is composed of noble private soldiers and second-line city defense troops.

  Although their combat effectiveness is average, their number is 16,000.

  Sixteen thousand fresh troops came, plus reinforcements brought by the Duke of York.

  Although several castles were lost and more than 20,000 people were captured by the orcs, the situation was finally maintained.

  The situation in the territory directly under the royal family in the middle is the most severe.

  This time the orcs invested five and a half legions in the middle, and all three provinces were at a disadvantage.

  The province of Gascoigne in the west gave up many outlying castles.

  The Platos defenses were withdrawn, and the orc army besieged the Flame Keep.

  The orc commander Gunderson led three brigades of orc soldiers in three groups, burning, killing, looting and capturing human slaves throughout the Gascoigne Province.

  By now, four baronies in Gascoigne Province have lost their territory.

  The Rab Basin organized four large groups of noble coalition forces, and cooperated with Baron Harden to barely maintain the balance of the battle line.

  The situation in the central Gedda Province was not very good either. The Barony of Dirham fell, and Bastruan led a brigade of orcs into the hinterland of Gedda Province.

  Maruland led two large groups of orcs to blockade the Harland Valley and held a stalemate with the garrison of Fort William.

  The main force of the orcs invaded from the mountain road in the east and captured several military forts at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains. The Phillips territory was lost, and they once again threatened Black River Fort and wanted to enter the Dragon Canyon to plunder.

  The situation in the eastern province of Lach is the worst, with all six baronies on the border lost.

  The Grizzly Bear Legion was restrained by the main force of the orcs, and was besieged by the orcs in Grizzly Bear Castle. Although the Feiyan and Feiying legions are both in Lach Province, they are both second-line legions. Whether it is the quality of officers and soldiers or weapons and equipment, their combat effectiveness is far insufficient compared to the main force.

  The two second-line legions did not dare to fight in the field with the orcs, and were defeated by the orcs one by one.

  The Flying Eagle Legion was almost completely wiped out by the orcs, with losses exceeding 80%. Even the Flying Eagle Fort, the headquarters of the Flying Eagle Legion, was on the verge of being lost.

  If Duke Roger hadn't led the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment to storm the rear of the Orc Army and severely damaged one of the Orcs, the situation in Lach Province would have been difficult to sustain. Now that Flying Eagle Castle is still in the hands of the Grant Kingdom, Duke Roger leads a royal cavalry regiment and is active in the Lach Province, attacking the orcs' logistics line.

  Three scattered orc brigades were wiped out.

  The orcs had no choice but to continue dividing their troops, but the number of humans captured by the orcs in Lach Province exceeded 100,000.

  If the orcs were allowed to plunder these 100,000 people, the battle would be a complete defeat.

  Duke Roger is ready to snatch this part of the population.

  But this part of the population is already under the protection of the main orc army.

  The 30,000 orc army faced off against the 16,000 grizzly bear army, and Duke Roger led the cavalry regiment to cruise near the main orc force.

  Although it was still a long time before the snow closed the mountains, the orcs had already gained a lot along the way and began to slowly withdraw their troops.

  Black River Fort was besieged by the main force of orcs, and Richard could not receive military orders from his superiors.

  There happened to be no fighting in the past month, and Richard was willing to take action to avoid drawing the attention of the orcs into Harland's territory, so he did not take the initiative to provoke the orcs.

  Although Richard likes fighting very much, his killing experience will increase every time he kills an orc.

  Every time he participated in a battle and every time he killed an orc professional, Richard's strength would also increase by one point. In the northern Xinjiang region, the stronger the strength, the stronger the battlefield survivability.

  As your strength increases, you can gain benefits in all aspects.

  In the past month or so, Richard has been stationed in Vicksburg with two squadrons, focusing mainly on learning magic.

  With Sophia's guidance, Richard finally learned the first three-ring magic fireball technique.

  Fireball is almost synonymous with magic, and it is also a famous destructive magic in the Dawn Continent.

  Almost all three-ring magicians will learn this magic.

  After learning the fireball technique, Richard's mental power increased by 0.2 points, and his experience points for other skills also increased slightly.

  Richard experimentally fired a fireball and found that releasing a standard three-ring magic fireball requires four points of mental power and consumes about forty points of magic power. It is as lethal as a grenade. Even a soldier wearing steel armor cannot stop a fireball.

  If he invests 20 points of mental power into fireball, the lethality is not weaker than the nine-ring magic, and the destructive power is equivalent to a large-caliber cannonball.

  If the time is chosen well, one super fireball is enough to kill a high-level professional. Especially warrior professionals, without the protection of high-grade defensive equipment, cannot block this super fireball at all.

  However, after using this fire ball, Richard's mental power will be completely exhausted, and it will take a few days to recover.

  There are many ways to bridge the gap between levels in battles between magicians, legendary and below.

  Mental strength and magic equipment can determine the outcome of a game.

  Richard is born with strong mental power, and 20 points of mental power is equivalent to the level of an average five-ring magician.

  Even though Sophia, a talented magician with a high reputation, carries magic equipment that increases her mental power, her mental power only exceeded 20 points after advancing to the fourth ring.

  In the past, Richard had not learned powerful magic and could not use his powerful mental talent.

  Now that he has learned the fireball technique, his magic explosive power is not much worse than Sophia's.

  Although the explosive power of killing is already comparable to that of a mid-level magician, Richard still has many shortcomings in terms of comprehensive ability compared with mid-level magicians. He knows relatively little magic and cannot adapt to various complex environments.

  Facing space magic such as any door, Richard has no countermeasures. His magic ability is not enough to deal with complex situations
  (End of Chapter)

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