Chapter 71 Remarks on the launch

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  The editor informed me a few days before Chapter 71 was released
  that it would be released on May Day. In the blink of an eye, there are only two hours left before it goes on sale for money.

  This is already the third time it has been published, so I don’t really have much to say.

  Thank you to the readers of the previous book. After such a damn update, I still received 1,500 subscriptions. I would like to apologize to you and say I'm sorry.

  There are many manuscripts of new books, more than 200,000 words in total. The new book month should be able to update 6,000 words per day. After the new book month, try to update 6,000 words per day.

  Old readers all know that my coding speed is relatively slow and I dare not promise too many updates.

  After it was put on the shelves, I uploaded five updates. I asked the editor today and found that there were 2,400 followers, more than 2,000 first subscriptions, and an additional 100 chapters to be updated.

  It will be released at the beginning of the month. Please ask for a monthly pass. Two hundred monthly passes will add an additional chapter.

  If there are 1,000 monthly tickets and 3,000 initial subscriptions tomorrow, upload twenty chapters.

  Readers, take me for a ride.

  (End of chapter)

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