Chapter 70 Defense of Vicksburg 6

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  Chapter 70:

  After annihilating the Sheephead Squadron in the Sixth Battle of Fort Vick, Richard once again divided his forces and asked four squads of soldiers to escort the prisoners and return the wounded.

  The rescued citizens were enriched into the Harland territory.

  With two war fortunes, the population of Harland territory increased by approximately 5,600 people.

  Counting the original 4,800 people in the territory, the total population of Harland Territory has exceeded 10,000.

  Winning consecutive battles and annihilating two Sheephead squadrons naturally aroused the vigilance of the Orc brigade.

  Shamok was seriously injured and unconscious, and the tauren deputy captain Bastruan took over the command.

  Compared to Shamok's recklessness, Bastruan is on the other extreme, a bit too cautious in character.

  Unable to figure out the situation of the attackers, they did not dare to devote their main force to the siege.

  After the Shamok brigade was divided, the losses were already considerable.

  Two squadrons of goatheads were completely wiped out, and two squadrons of kobolds suffered more than half casualties.

  The two quilboar squadrons suffered one-third casualties. Although the remaining squadrons were the main squadron, their combat personnel had been reduced by half.

  A heavy trebuchet is installed on Vicksburg. If you want to break the castle, you must pay serious casualties. By then, the Sandmok Brigade will be equivalent to being disabled.

  The enemy appeared nearby to prevent a sneak attack by the enemy. Bastruan sent out the only cavalry squadron to look for traces of Richard and others.

  After dividing his troops, Richard was about to lead his team back when he spotted a wolf cavalry in the distance.

  Richard didn't panic, he immediately drew his bow and arrow, and shot the wolf cavalry off his horse.

  A shrill howl came, and a cloud of smoke and dust rose in the distance. Their whereabouts had been discovered by the wolf cavalry.

  Now four squads of soldiers were escorting the prisoners, accompanied by four thousand unarmed civilians.

  Their location was not very far from Richard. In order to attract the enemy, Richard took the initiative to appear with his soldiers.

  After dividing the troops twice, the number of soldiers directly under Richard was less than one squadron.

  After discovering the traces of Richard, the Wolf Cavalry Squadron couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to attack once to test the quality of human soldiers.

  But squadron leader Larmin was very sober and suppressed the impulse of the wolf cavalry, and instead followed Richard and the others from a distance.

  The Wolf Cavalry Squadron is the only cavalry force of the Shamok Brigade.

  If the losses in the battle are too great, the Shamok Brigade will become even more passive.

  After Duke Roger led the royal cavalry into the battlefield, his erratic fighting style caused heavy losses to the orcs.

  In just half a month, four orc brigades were annihilated by Duke Roger.

  In order to detect the whereabouts of Duke Roger, a large number of harpies were transferred to the Lach Province.

  Now there are only four harpies under Shamok's command, and he can only rely on the Wolf Cavalry for a large number of reconnaissance missions.

  The Orcs fight without a rear, and their ability to take the initiative in war relies entirely on powerful reconnaissance forces. The harpies in the air are very critical.

  Now that the reconnaissance force is insufficient, the werewolf cavalry is unwilling to take risks in combat.

  Seeing that the werewolf cavalry did not charge, Richard felt a little regretful.

  He learned the Magic Grease Technique and was very able to restrain cavalry charges. After releasing several Grease Techniques in a row, the impact of the cavalry was reduced by more than half.

  Cavalry without impact can only become a living target.

  The importance of magicians to the war can be seen from this. Realizing that the wolf cavalry was too close, Richard drew his bow and arrow, and shot the arrow, hitting the wolf cavalry.

  The wolf cavalry fell off its horse and howled. A brave soldier ran quickly, broke away from the formation and came to the wolf cavalry's side. He violently chopped off the prodigal's head, and then took the horse away.

  The remaining wolf cavalry were extremely angry and approached and threw stone bullets. Richard immediately commanded the archers to shoot at the wolf cavalry.

  Of course, it would be very disadvantageous to shoot with a sling and a strong bow and a hard crossbow.

  Larmin found that it was not cost-effective, and immediately asked the wolf cavalry to retreat a little to avoid getting too close to Richard's squadron.

  Despite the harassment of wolf cavalry, Richard's squadron walked for two days and arrived at the predetermined location.

  Hayden had completed the task of escorting the prisoners and brought six small teams of soldiers to the meeting point.

  After discovering that Richard and others had entered the forest, the Wolf Cavalry Squadron did not dare to enter the jungle. They could only return to the Vicksburg camp and told Bastruan about the situation of Richard and others.

  "In this way, there are actually two squadrons of soldiers hiding near Vicksburg. They can not panic during the harassment and dare to fight with the Wolf Cavalry in the field. They must be the main force of human legionnaires. Vicksburg is already difficult to conquer

  . , there are reinforcements outside. Even if we win this battle, our brigade will be crippled. I think it is better to attack the Barony of Dirham and conquer the Castle of Malte, so that we can grab more loot."

  Bastru With such a plan, An would naturally not continue to attack Fort Vick. With some wounded soldiers, they withdrew to the southeast and entered the Barony of Dirham.

  Baron Dirham fled the war, but the war still came.

  Orcs are not fools, of course they like to pick on the weak. If the lords of Northern Xinjiang expose their cowardice to the orcs, they will often be attacked by the orcs.

  Baron Dirham first rejected Sophia's request for help, and then chose to avoid fighting when the Sheephead Squadron invaded the territory.

  Richard despised his cowardice and decided that Baron Dirham was not a partner who could support each other.

  Sophia also complained about him not sending reinforcements.

  Both neighbors decided not to send troops to rescue, and the fate of the Dirham territory was sealed. It soon fell to an orc attack.

  A few days after the fall of the Baron of Dirham, Richard's achievements in annihilating two squadrons of orcs were also distributed.

  The war to rescue Stopa's territory will reward a medium skill. The annihilation of two auxiliary squadrons of orcs will reward a medium skill. Kill two third-level sheep-headed men, one second-level sheep-headed man, and two first-level sheep-headed men. Combined. For a medium skill.

  Sophia won the defense battle of Vic Castle, but its importance was far less than that of the defense battle of William Castle, and only awarded two medium merits.

  Although many orc professionals were killed by trebuchets.

  But without gaining control of the battlefield and grabbing the heads of the orc professionals, the achievements they made cannot be counted.

  Richard took his soldiers and entered Vic Castle to join Sophia.

  When the two met this time, Sophia suddenly felt like she was surviving a disaster.

  During the orc siege, Sophia was under great pressure.

  Baron Dirham, whom she had high hopes for, refused to send troops for rescue, which once made Sophia very desperate, and fear gnawed at her heart all the time.

  She was still so young, not even married, and was going to die at the hands of the orcs. Every time she thought of this ending, Sophia would burst into tears.

  But she was a baron of the Stopa Territory, and her weakness must not be seen by the soldiers. She could only hold on, hoping to persevere until the situation changed.

  Sophia never expected that Richard, who was under great pressure, would send soldiers to rescue him, break the siege of Vicksburg by the orcs, and save himself from danger.

  The moment Richard led his troops into the castle, Sophia suddenly felt moved and felt that she had found someone she could rely on.

  (End of chapter)

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