Chapter 69 Defense of Vicksburg 5

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  Chapter 69: Vicksburg Defense Battle 5

  "Let these prisoners serve as translators and help interrogate the captured goat-headed men."

  Soon Dida selected a few smart people from the rescued citizens.

  Being rescued by humans, even though they were not their own lords, these people all felt like they were surviving a disaster.

  One of the old captives seemed to have an unusual temperament. Through conversation, Richard knew that this person was a low-ranking official of the Duke of Jonathan.

  "What is your name? Do you have noble blood?"

  "My name is Bernard. I am a distant relative of Baron Luca. I work as a tax collector in Deira Castle." "

  How many years have you lived in the Orc Empire?" "

  Already thirteen Years have passed."

  "How is your life in the Orc Empire?"

  "That's a frightening memory, sir!
  This time the Shamok Brigade took a detour and crossed the Eagle Mountains. They ate people when they didn't have enough food. Our companions Many of them were eaten by the orcs.

  The foxes and goatmen were slightly better, the lions were cruel, the werewolves were bloodthirsty, and the pigs were savage.

  We spent every day in the orc empire, and our hearts felt like being cut by a knife, and we were in constant danger. In fear of being eaten."

  As he spoke, Bernard actually started crying.

  They have been captured by orcs for many years, and their lives have been precarious. They have even become food for the orcs. The heavy pressure has made their lives seem like years. I was rescued by Richard today and was in a safe situation, so I couldn't help but cry and vent my tears.

  "My condolences! Mr. Bernard, the situation is very urgent now. This is not the time to cry. Why are you guys following the sheep-headed people?" "The

  Shamok Brigade has a long detour this time, so it is difficult to carry too much food. , I heard that Captain Maruland made a suggestion to let humans transport food. When the food is not enough, people can be eaten to supplement the military rations. A few days after crossing the

  Eagle Mountains, our people were eaten by Shamok. Few, especially women and children, were half-eaten by orcs.”

  "This news is secret information in the orc army. How did you know?" "In the

  fourth year after I was captured by the orc empire, I was sold to the fox tribe and I have been looking after the children of the fox nobles. This child is now Imsh Brigade of magicians, he told me the news."

  "You have been in the Orc Empire for many years, which race of orc language can you understand?" "

  The orc language is actually derived from the ancient northern language family of the Dawn Continent. After the wizard blood experiment, the major orcs The vocal organs of the races are different, forming different languages.

  After the establishment of the Orc Empire, the official script and official language were vigorously promoted.

  Nowadays, most of the middle and upper classes in the Orc Empire speak the official language. However, the official language has a small vocabulary and encounters complex problems. Orcs can still speak their own language.

  I have been in the orc empire for many years, and I can understand the fox language, satyr language, official language, and some tauren language, and I know about half of the orc writing."

  Hearing that there are such talents among the rescuers of mankind, Richard said very happily: "You have noble blood, I should have given you freedom. But now is a state of war, and I need you to serve us. Unfortunately, Mr.

  Bernard , you have been requisitioned. You can regain your freedom only after the war is over." "

  I understand your decision very well."

  Bernard has been in the Orc Empire for many years. If he didn't understand current affairs, he wouldn't have survived that long.

  Let Bernard act as a translator, and Dida led him to interrogate the orc captives.

  Richard began to count the casualties.

  "One of the Seventh Squadron was killed and three were injured."

  "Two were killed and four were injured in the First Squadron of Haaland Territory."

  Richard nodded and said to the officers beside him: "Each of the two squadrons dispatched three squads. The soldiers escorted the prisoners back to Fort William and the wounded back to the Poppy Brick Kiln Factory. These six squads of soldiers were under the command of Hayden.

  The rescued population was temporarily settled in reclamation camps. Now is the spring plowing season, let’s start the reclamation camp and don’t delay farming.

  After the mission, we met with the main force in the woods six kilometers east of Vicksburg. "

  Soon, the intelligence came out. The main force of Shamok attacked Vicksburg, and two auxiliary squadrons wiped out human villages in the Stopa territory.

  Because there were no people in the Stopa territory, a Sheephead squadron had already entered Di. Ram's territory.

  By interrogating the prisoners, Richard roughly figured out the deployment of the orcs.

  The Sheephead camp is less than 20 kilometers away from Fort Vic.

  Of course, the sound of killing caused by the war could not be heard from Vic Fort.

  But in the dark night During the surprise attack, some goatheads took advantage of the chaos and fled the battlefield.

  These people may bring intelligence to the Vicksburg orcs, and there is a risk of being exposed when attacking the Vicksburg orcs.

  If the orc commander is smart and can pull the trick, Instead, he might have calculated the reinforcements brought by Richard.

  After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Richard decided to enter the Dirham Territory and annihilate the Sheephead Squadron.

  See if he could unite the troops in the Dirham Territory and go to Vicksburg together. Rescue, this way the chance of winning will be greater.

  Richard told the grassroots officers and the backbone of the soldiers about his determination.

  After unifying the opinions, he bypassed the Stopa Territory overnight and entered the Dirham Territory.

  The previous generation of Baron Dirham died of illness , the new Baron Dirham was less courageous and did not carry out the task of strengthening the walls and clearing the country. He

  actually let a squadron of sheepheads scare him so much that he did not dare to leave the city. This

  was the first time for Richard to see such a hereditary noble.

  After nine years in the Dawn Continent, Richard saw The hereditary nobles who arrived are all strong and brave types.

  Northern Xinjiang nobles like his father William, Baron Harden, Baron Duck, and the previous generation Baron Stoppa are relatively common.

  Even Sophia grew up from Northern Xinjiang. Girls are very courageous in character.

  Baron Dirham's performance naturally earned him no respect from Richard.

  The joint rescue plan has not yet begun, and Richard is already bankrupt in his heart.

  Through investigation, Richard discovered that the sheep-headed men were constantly breaking into villages and towns, arresting the citizens of Dirham, and it was as if they were in no one's land.

  Richard deliberately ignored it and instead hid in the Dirham territory for three days. After discovering that the sheep-headed men had no intention of attacking the lord's castle, Richard led his soldiers and launched an attack on the sheep-headed squadron.

  This battle was very successful. Richard personally shot and killed a first-level sheep-headed man, and then cooperated with Heyman to kill the leader of the sheep-headed man, earning 2,500 experience points.

  In addition, more than 60 sheep-headed men were captured and 4,000 Dirham citizens were rescued.

  During the last orc invasion war, the Dirham Territory was lucky enough to escape.

  This time, Richard transformed into Baron Harden and got a big deal from the Baron of Dirham.

  Since there is no respect for Baron Dirham, of course the rescued territory citizens Richard will not be returned, and all of them will move to the Harland territory.

  (End of chapter)

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