Chapter 68 Defense of Vicksburg IV

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  Chapter 68: Vicksburg Defense Battle IV

  was attacked in the dark night. Even the main force of the orcs would be in chaos, let alone the sheep-headed men with weak combat effectiveness.

  The two squadrons were overwhelming and successfully attacked the Sheephead camp from three directions.

  Seeing that the situation was critical, the sheep-headed professionals stepped forward one after another. The leader of the squadron, Ramasi, took courage and shouted loudly: "Anu, Dacia, you command the slingers and suppress the human archers. Others with the ability to organize Soldiers who are up, follow me and charge to drive the human soldiers out of the camp."

  As soon as Ramasi finished speaking, a sharp arrow shot out of Richard's hand.

  This arrow was an enchanted arrow with a powerful fighting spirit. It made a sharp sound and was aimed at Ramasi's chest.

  Richard made ten enchanted arrows in his hand, specially used to shoot junior officers.

  The cost of this kind of arrow is very high. It uses orichalcum as the raw material and has incantations engraved on it. Each arrow is worth twenty gold coins.

  In the entire Haaland territory, only two sharpshooters, Richard and Thoros, had customized some.

  Realizing that Richard had shot a cold arrow, Ramasi quickly raised his shield and hid himself under it.

  Although this sheep-headed man has average fighting ability, he is quite smart. In the complex battlefield, I immediately discovered that it was because I organized and commanded and exposed my identity that I attracted the enemy's cold arrows.

  The enchanted arrow was extremely powerful, and the fighting energy attached to it was very lethal. It easily penetrated the shield. The arrow's power was not reduced, and it suddenly pierced Lamasi's chest.

  Ramasi let out a cry of pain, and saw the second enchanted arrow continue to shoot. He had no time to raise his shield to block it. In panic, he could only release the bloodline magic protective force field.

  The protective force field is a second-ring magic. The mental power of the sheep-headed man is very average. Using the protective force field once will consume most of his mental power.

  But the effect of the protective force field was quite good. The arrow hit the protective force field hard and bounced away after exhausting its kinetic energy.

  The great fear between life and death made Ramasi sweat all over. He slowed down a bit and then hit a magic missile head-on.

  This magic missile is unusual. It is much larger than normal magic missiles. It is as big as an adult's head.

  Richard invested six points of mental power into this magic missile, which was more powerful than the standard three-ring magic fireball.

  The magic missile accurately hit the protective field, and the sputtering energy swept down the sheep-headed man next to Ramasi.

  In an instant, the protective force field was broken.

  Ramasi was also affected by the scattered energy and fell to the ground in a panic.

  As soon as he got up, an enchanted arrow fell from the sky and pierced Ramasi's eye socket.

  Ramasi suddenly felt a trance, and his memory became clearer. He struggled to stand up, but his body became weaker and weaker.

  "Killing the third-level sheep-headed man will reward you with 2,000 experience points."

  Hearing the prompt in his mind, Richard quietly opened the attribute panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 13
  Agility: 3.2
  Physical: 4.5
  Mental Power: 20.3
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 6 (9203/30000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 5 (2813/30000) 20000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (1832/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 6 (306/30000)

  Zero-level Magic: Energy Ray, Treat Minor Injuries
  One-level Magic: Energy Missile , Wooden Vine Wrapping, Treatment of Minor Injuries, Petrification, Magic Shield, Freezing Ray, Grease Skill Second Ring Magic: Brute Force
  Experience: 2000
  In recent times, all skills and experience have increased, and there are two more on the attribute panel. A magic skill.

  One is the greasy technique that Richard learned earlier, and the other is the second-ring magic brute force technique.

  The structure of brute force magic is relatively simple. After using this magic, your strength will increase by four points within three minutes.

  The magic effect disappears after three minutes, but the body will feel tired.

  This kind of magic is a relatively common auxiliary magic. Similar to agility, it can increase agility by two points.

  Adding two points of agility almost triples the speed for ordinary people, and is far more effective on the battlefield than brute force.

  But agility is a three-ring magic, and even Sophia doesn't have a collection of this magic's spell model.

  This magic is obviously more precious.

  Ramasi, the leader of the Sheephead squadron, died in the battle, and the remaining Sheepheads immediately fell into chaos.

  Many sheepheads tried to escape from the camp, but were cut down by the soldiers who surrounded them.

  The remaining two sheep-headed professionals, Anu and Dacia, wanted to disperse and escape.

  Dasia was stopped and killed by Heiman, but Anu actually raised his hands and chose to surrender to humans and became a prisoner.

  Having participated in two orc invasion wars, this was the first time that Richard saw an orc surrendering voluntarily.

  No one under Richard could understand the language of the sheep-headed people, but Lian Mengdai Guess finally understood roughly what the sheep-headed people were thinking.

  In this battle, Richard used two main squadrons to sneak attack a logistics squadron of the Orcs, annihilating the Sheephead squadron with minimal casualties, and captured more than fifty Sheephead prisoners.

  The number of prisoners exceeds one-third, which is very rare in orc wars.

  "Richard, while cleaning the battlefield, we found some humans in the tents. These people are the Northern Territory residents who were captured by the orcs in the previous orc invasion wars. They are very pitiful. When they

  crossed the Eagle Mountains, We were eaten a lot by the orcs.

  Through their explanations, we learned a little bit about the enemy's situation. The one who

  attacked Vic Castle this time was the orc Shamok Brigade, and the commander was a wild boar man.

  The Shamok Brigade has two squadrons of goatheads, two squadrons of kobolds, two squadrons of quilboars, two squadrons of tauren, one squadron of snakes, and one squadron of harpies. "

  Richard has fought with several orc brigades, and even wiped out the remnants of the orc Wald brigade. The

  orc army is very messy. Some orcs of various races are mixed together, and some are organized separately.

  According to Richard When their experience is mixed together, the command is often very confusing. The orcs organized separately are more powerful.

  When he found that some humans had been saved, Richard was immediately happy and asked: "How many people were saved? "

  "The total number of men, women and children is more than 1,400. "

  The territory now lacks population. These people are asking them to sign a contract and serve the Harland family for five years before they can be free." Dida, ask someone during the rescue of humans to see if anyone understands the language of the orcs? "

  After a while, Dida hurried back.

  "After living in the Orc Empire for several years, most of these captives know a little orc language. Many people are proficient in the language of the fox people, and they understand a little bit of the language of the sheep-headed people and the kobolds. But they don't understand the language of the wild boars, lion-headed people, and snake-bodied people. Only a few people understand the official language of the Orc Empire.

  (End of chapter)

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