Chapter 67 Defense of Vicksburg III

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  Chapter 67: The third defensive battle of Vicksburg

  repelled the first fierce attack of the orcs, and the defenders of Vicksburg finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The messenger sent by Sophia for help successfully reached three baronies.

  The Platos fortress group has been withdrawn, and Haddon Castle has become a front line.

  The Stopa Territory still had a grudge against the Baron of Haddon, and even if Haddon Castle still had some remaining strength, it was not willing to take the risk of rescuing it.

  The strength of the Dirham Baron Territory is relatively average. It has trained two squadrons of private soldiers, which is slightly stronger than the Stopa Territory.

  After the orcs crossed the Eagle Mountains, Baron Diram became frightened and was unwilling to send troops to rescue him.

  After the messenger returned from Harden Territory and Dirham Territory, Sophia's face became very ugly.

  Although the orc attack was repelled, the situation of the enemy being strong and we being weak has not changed.

  If the orcs change their tactics and use wolf-headed men to climb up the cliffs on both sides to sneak attack, while the tauren attack and contain them from the front, and then cooperate with the harpy aerial assault, Vic Castle may not really be able to hold it.

  Only one squadron of soldiers in the castle garrison has been trained, and the remaining two newly formed squadrons are ragtag.

  The newly formed team does not have a complete backbone and can only fight against the odds.

  Once there are larger casualties, panic will spread.

  The newly formed squadron caused chaos at the top of the city and also caused panic among the main squadron.

  Under the chain reaction, the orcs were able to take advantage of the chaos and take over the city.

  Without the protection of city fortifications, a main squadron of Orcs could defeat the Vicksburg defenders.

  After receiving a letter from Fort Vick asking for help, Richard did not hesitate for too long and decided to send reinforcements to help the Stopa family defend the city.

  The First Stoppa family has a good relationship with the Haaland family.

  The second two territories are very close to each other, so it’s almost as if the upper lip is dead and the teeth are cold.

  Once Vicksburg fell, Stopa's territory fell. The brick kilns and reclamation camps in the rear will become the front line.

  When the time comes, the walls must be fortified and the wilderness cleared, which will seriously affect the life and production of the Harland territory.

  The most critical point is that Fort William now has sufficient troops.

  There are four main squadrons stationed in Fort William, three squadrons of the city defense army, and the new squadrons also have the backbone of mercenaries brought by Soros. Their combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the city defense army.

  The two auxiliary squadrons mainly operate trebuchets and play a crucial role in defensive operations.

  There were more than 1,600 soldiers garrisoned in the castle.

  Limited by geographical conditions, it is difficult for the orcs to develop an attack formation.

  There are four main squadrons, two auxiliary squadrons, and two city defense army reserves, which is enough to hold on to Fort William.

  Richard held a pre-war meeting and analyzed the nearby situation.

  In the end, it was decided to mobilize the 7th Squadron of the 8th Battalion of the Mad Lions and the 2nd Squadron of the Haaland Territory to form the rescue detachment.

  He personally commanded the rescue detachment, left Fort William overnight, and launched a raid at dawn tomorrow to rescue the Stopa territory.

  The garrison of Fort William was placed under the command of Soros and Diarra.

  After the reinforcements entered Fort William, Richard had been clearly appointed as the commander of the Fort William garrison.

  There are frequent wars in northern Xinjiang, and the main army often needs to cooperate with the noble private soldiers to fight.

  It is also common for noble officers to command the main legionnaires. For example, in the last orc invasion war, Baron Harden was the supreme commander of the Platos Defense Line.

  The troops commanded by Baron Harden not only included the Baron Knights, but also the Eighth Battalion of the Wild Lions, Baron Stopa's private soldiers, and six squadrons of the city defense army. They looked quite messy. The two squadrons of the Mad Lion Legion are very familiar with Richard's abilities and are willing to cooperate with Richard's command.

  The main army had no objections, and the city defense army certainly did not dare to cause trouble.

  It is now a wartime situation. If Richard wants to enforce battlefield discipline, he can execute the first-level officer of the squadron.

  As long as he can win the war, no one will pursue this kind of thing after the war.

  Because everyone understands that command power must be centralized on the battlefield and only one voice can speak.

  When necessary, each commander will punish the leader and warn other officers.

  Richard led two squadrons of soldiers to march all night. At midnight, he vaguely discovered a camp ahead.

  The moonlight is relatively bright today, especially in the second half of the night. The moon hangs high in the night sky and the sight is relatively good.

  Richard immediately issued a warning order. The sentry in the camp ahead noticed the abnormality and immediately lit the torch. There was chaos in the camp.

  The commander of the 7th Squadron is Richard's old comrade Dida.

  Back then, they joined forces and killed Walder in the orc brigade.

  After this battle, Dida made great achievements, exchanged the breathing method, and successfully advanced to become a professional.

  Today, three years later, Dida has grown into a second-level soldier, captain of the 7th Squadron, and an officer with the rank of captain.

  His talent is very good. Although he was delayed for many years at the bottom because of his low background, he can seize the opportunity once he encounters it.

  His position in the Wild Lion Legion is slightly higher than Ron's.

  Although Ron has also advanced to the second level professional, he is only the captain of the 10th Squadron, commanding a new squadron, and only has the rank of lieutenant.

  Dida's eyesight is very outstanding, which is also a key factor in his becoming a sharp archer.

  Under the dim light, Dida said with great certainty: "It's a Sheephead camp. It's not very big. There are at most two squadrons of Sheepheads stationed there." "This is ten kilometers away from

  Vicksburg. If we fight here, In the battle, the sneak attack at dawn will lose its surprise."

  Heyman drew a suggested map on the ground with a wooden stick, and said decisively: "Our whereabouts have been exposed, and the main attack on the orcs has failed. It is better to attack the Sheephead camp and kill them. Cut off one of the orc's fingers."

  Richard analyzed the situation and said very decisively: "Soldiers need speed, so do it like this."

  The two squadrons each divided into three squads to harass the Sheephead camp from both sides of the camp.

  Dida and Heiman commanded partial divisions respectively, while Richard led the main force and approached the Sheephead camp from the front.

  Sheepheads are the weaklings of the orcs, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of kobolds. Sheephead professionals who can use spells are also very average in strength.

  Richard led a dozen sharpshooters and quickly shot sharp arrows, accurately killing the sentry.

  The sheep-headed man has no long-range projection ability, so he can only hide in embarrassment behind the fence and in the tent, trembling and waiting for the judgment of fate.

  He took the lead, leading dozens of soldiers wearing heavy armor, holding heavy swords and fiercely split open the wooden fence of the camp.

  After killing more than 20 snake-like people and pulling off a large number of snake-like human scales, Fort William made dozens of low-level enchanted armors and replaced the armors of the grassroots officers of the two main squadrons.

  A piece of snake-like enchanted scale armor is worth more than a hundred gold coins, and dozens of pieces of armor are worth thousands of gold coins.

  The junior officers are equipped with enchanted armor, and the key soldiers are equipped with the iron armor replaced by the junior officers.

  The equipment of the two main squadrons in Harland's territory is better than that of the main squadrons of the Mad Lion Legion.

  Richard led the soldiers into the sheep-headed camp, chopping melons and vegetables, and successfully opened up the situation.

  (End of chapter)

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