Chapter 66 Defense of Vicksburg II

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  Chapter 66 Vicksburg Defense Battle 2

  Sophia's mobilization achieved very good results, and the nervousness and fear of the soldiers of the two newly formed squadrons were slightly relieved.

  At the same time, the orc brigade began to slowly approach Vicksburg.

  The wild boar captain Shamok was reckless and rude. He rashly launched an attack on Vicksburg without any investigation.

  And in order to show his bravery, he actually took the lead in the charge.

  Shamok sent three squadrons of kobolds to serve as the vanguard and use them as cannon fodder to consume the arrows and wood of the defenders.

  He led two squadrons of wild boars in the center.

  The third echelon is the serpentine heavy infantry, followed by two squadrons of tauren.

  The wolf-headed men were cavalry, protecting the orc flanks.

  The two Sheephead squadrons were the weakest in combat effectiveness and were used by Shamok as logistics transport troops.

  When food is severely lacking, Shamok will even eat goatheads.

  The kobolds, led by professional officers, slowly approached the city wall.

  Vicksburg is not particularly large and is built halfway up a mountain.

  There are cliffs tens of meters high on both sides and a hillside behind.

  If you want to capture Vicksburg, there is only one way to climb the mountain and attack from the top.

  Although the mountain climbing path is not narrow, only two squadrons can be put into combat at one time.

  Although Sophia was commanding a battle for the first time and had little experience, some of the officers under her command had experienced many northern Xinjiang wars.

  Her uncle Vito is an old officer. Although he is only a third-level warrior, he has experienced nine orc invasions.

  War experience also exceeded that of William.

  By identifying the flag, Vito immediately found the orc commander.

  After the orcs lined up, Vito aimed the trebuchet at the two quilboar squadrons, preparing to focus on the second echelon of the orcs.

  After the kobolds came within range of the trebuchet, Vito did not expose the trebuchet, but asked the archers on the castle to fully draw their bows.

  When the kobold was less than a hundred meters away from the castle, Vito gave the military order.

  "Archers, release the arrows!"

  The archers on the top of the city had already fully drawn their bows, and after hearing the order, they loosened the strings almost simultaneously.

  Suddenly more than two hundred arrows were shot down, shooting down several kobolds on the spot.

  The archers at the top of the city fired arrows continuously, shooting five or six rounds in one minute.

  The closer the kobolds are to the wall, the higher the archer's chance of hitting.

  By the time the two kobold squadrons began to climb the city wall, the casualties had already exceeded 20%.

  Without any urging, the kobolds quickened their pace and climbed the city wall with a strong body.

  After finally climbing to the city wall, they were stabbed randomly by spearmen at the top of the city. They fell down the city wall like a gourd and died one after another.

  Several kobold officers gave orders.

  "Raise your shield, pay attention to your feet, and defend yourself against arrows.

  Concentrate your strength to attack in one place.

  Pay attention to protect the wooden ladder to prevent it from being pushed down or destroyed by humans."

  Sophia carefully observed the battlefield, and after discovering the kobold commander, she immediately fired Magic missiles.

  Sophia is already a fifth-level magician. Even releasing a single-level magic missile is enough to threaten low-level professionals.

  Several magic missiles flew from the top of the city and accurately hit the two first-order kobolds.

  The violent explosion swallowed up a small group of kobold warriors. In an instant, two first-order kobolds were not prepared and lost their lives on the spot. The remaining kobold officers raised their shields and hid themselves among the ordinary kobold soldiers.

  As the casualties increased, the kobolds finally couldn't bear it anymore and retreated under the city wall.

  In the first tentative attack on the city, the kobolds suffered seventy or eighty casualties. There were very few casualties on the castle. Only five or six soldiers were injured by stones.

  The kobold's test made Shamok think he had figured out the fortifications of Vicksburg.

  Soon he punished a few fleeing kobolds, and then forced the kobolds to attack the city again, but this time two squadrons of wild boars were also preparing to enter the battlefield.

  Shamok also followed two squadrons of wild boars and personally led the team to attack the city.

  When the two quilboar squadrons entered the range of the counterweighted trebuchets, Vito immediately issued a military order.

  "Trebuchets No. 1 and 2 fire 200 kilograms of stone bullets with a counterweight of 2,600 kilograms.

  No. 3, 4, 5, and 6 trebuchets fire 100 kilograms of stone bullets with a counterweight of 1,200 kilograms. One hundred catties."

  After the military order was issued, the heavy trebuchet was launched immediately, and stone bullets fell from the sky one after another.

  The impact point was almost very close, and it hit the wild boar formation accurately.

  All wild boars hit by heavy stone bullets were immediately reduced to meat patties.

  The stone bullets hit the ground and rolled around. The powerful kinetic energy injured more than a dozen people.

  A stone bullet was thrown at Shamok. Shamok was a fifth-level warrior and reacted very quickly. Seeing the stone bullets falling from the sky, he jumped up with all his strength and dodged the first wave of stone bullets.

  Before he could relax, another stone bullet hit near him.

  Two hundred kilograms directly smashed to death a third-level wild boar squadron leader, and the powerful kinetic energy rolled towards Shamok.

  Shamok kicked hard, and his strong thick legs actually broke the stone bullet.

  But there was severe pain in his limbs instantly, and his left leg was broken by a stone bullet at the same time.

  Shamok jumped hard on one leg and led the quilboar squadron in a desperate run. He suffered two rounds of stone bullets before he passed this death journey.

  Shamok endured the severe pain, and his heart was extremely furious.

  Prepare to destroy all humans after breaking through the city.

  Especially the beautiful human girl at the top of the city, cutting off her delicate flesh bit by bit and biting into pieces her bones.

  Let her watch her body alive, being swallowed bit by bit into Shamok's belly.

  Every time he tortured a human noble girl, Shamok was very excited.

  Just when Shamok was secretly dreaming about breaking through the human castle, a fireball landed from the top of the city and was aimed at Shamok.

  Shamok had a broken leg, and his reaction and speed were a bit slower than normal.

  Just as he was about to dodge, the fireball fell from the sky and hit Shamok fiercely on the chest.

  The fireball exploded instantly, and the violent energy killed and injured more than ten wild boars.

  Shamok was at the center of the explosion. He barely managed to save his life due to his high professional level and strong magic resistance.

  However, this fireball directly severely injured Shamok, leaving him in danger of death.

  The wild boar people have conflicts with the fox people, and the fox magicians are not willing to serve the Shamok Brigade.

  In the entire Shamok brigade, there is only one tauren who is a magician and can use healing techniques.

  Fortunately, the tauren magician was relatively close to Shamok, and he quickly used the healing minor injury spell to hang Shamok's life.

  The orc brigade was severely wounded, and the orcs attacking the city were immediately thrown into chaos.

  By the time the tauren deputy captain took over the command, this siege had already ended without any problem.

  (End of chapter)

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