Chapter 65 Defense of Vicksburg 1

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  Chapter 65: Defense of Vicksburg -
  King Charles listened to the opinions from both sides, and after weighing the pros and cons, decided not to send the main army to reinforce the northern border and provoke a bigger war.

  Instead, they divided part of the royal family's direct northern territory, made Roger Grant a hereditary earl, and asked Roger to lead his Warcraft Cavalry Regiment to stabilize the situation in the northern border.

  The nobles of the royal family and court were demoted to the rank of nobility.

  Even palace dukes will become ordinary people after five generations.

  Every court noble dreams of becoming a hereditary noble.

  It is a pity that the Grant royal family did not have large-scale enfeoffment of territory except when the country was founded.

  Territories directly under the royal family are rarely divided among others.

  If you want to become a hereditary noble, your greatest opportunity lies in Northern Xinjiang.

  Without strong capabilities and a large amount of gold coins to support it, it is impossible to gain a firm foothold in Northern Xinjiang.

  In the values ​​​​of Dawn Continent, the status of a hereditary earl is actually somewhat nobler than that of a palace duke.

  A hereditary earl is the owner of the territory, a great noble of a kingdom, and an important part of the country.

  The Duke of the Palace looked up to others.

  If the king does not trust him, the palace duke will sound better, but in fact he may not have much power.

  "Roger, you have withdrawn all your annuity from the royal family, a total of 320,000 gold coins, which is the capital for your territory development.

  In addition, your territory includes three towns, one castle, and a total of 12,000 citizens. After the war is over ,

  all the 14,000 slaves in the slave camp can be allocated to you to develop your territory.

  In addition, the cavalry regiment under your command will also be allocated to you to allow you to gain a foothold in northern Xinjiang.

  This team under your command will be allocated to you . The cavalry can only stay in Northern Xinjiang for five years. After five years, you can only rely on your own strength to defend the territory. When you

  go to Northern Xinjiang this time, don't fight too hard when commanding the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment."

  When Roger set off, King Charles gave a few words of advice.

  In mid-April, Roger led this powerful Warcraft Cavalry Regiment and appeared on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang.

  The appearance of the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment on the battlefield immediately restored balance to the battle situation.

  Dawn calendar year 3255, April 11th.

  Through the misty morning fog, Sophia Stopa could vaguely see the orc flag flying in the distance.

  After the orcs invaded, Richard would send cavalry to her every day to deliver messages to inform her of the situation near Fort William.

  Communication was cut off yesterday.

  There was a communication problem, and Sophia responded very quickly. She immediately fortified the wall and cleared the field, and brought the slaves to the castle.

  Baron Stopa was attacked by orcs last time, and its people eventually became the spoils of Baron Harden.

  Today the Stopa territory is very empty, and the more than two thousand slaves purchased by Sophia are basically placed near Vicksburg.

  Sophia looked at the orc flag from a distance and thought to herself: "It seems that the main force of this orc army is the wild boar people. It is said that the wild boar people are cruel and stupid. Maybe they can take advantage of this weakness to attack the wild boar people. The most important thing is that the wild boar people are cruel and stupid." Request reinforcements from nearby lords.

  Baron Harden has a grudge against my family, so he may not be willing to send reinforcements. There is a lot of pressure on Richard, and he may not be able to send many reinforcements. The one who has the best chance of sending reinforcements is Baron Diram." Su

  . Feia thought very quickly, and before the orcs besieged the city, she immediately sent some cavalry to ask for help from the three nearby baronies.

  Even though there was Baron Harden who had a grudge, she did not forget to send someone for help.

  At this time, even if it is a life-saving straw, Sophia must try to grasp it. Whether reinforcements can come or not is related to the lives of everyone in Vicksburg.

  “Uncle Vito, raise the Stoppa family flag.

  Our Stoppa family can lose the castle and sacrifice our lives, but we cannot abandon our fighting spirit, let alone the courage to face the orcs. As long as all the people of my territory, Baron Stopa, participate in this year's battle, they will become free citizens of the territory after the war.

  We have installed a powerful trebuchet on Vic Castle. Today, under Vic Castle, the savage and rude orcs hit their heads with blood.

  Victory will belong to the Stoppa family and to us!

  Soldiers, fight for glory!

  "As you command, Lord Baron. " "

  Although Vito is Sophia's cousin, he is also a qualified officer. Seeing that Sophia was boosting morale, he immediately sent an order to the soldiers behind him.

  "The baron has an order, raise the flag and prepare for battle. "

  Sofia turned her head slightly and saw a flag rising slowly.

  The gray flag unfolded in the wind, and the gray-white pattern looked solemn and solemn.

  A portrait of an old warrior was in the middle, with crossed spears on both sides.

  This is The coat of arms of the Stopa family is also the flag of the territory and the flag of the soldiers of Vicksburg.

  It was this brave and wise old man who changed the identity of the Stopa family and made future generations respected nobles.

  He is the The founder of the Topa family and the founder of Vic Castle.

  After receiving the news of the orc invasion, Sophia took decisive measures. Although there was a huge wave in her heart, she was very calm on the surface.

  She was from Northern Xinjiang, I saw several wars when I was a child.

  When I was eleven years old, I even saw with my own eyes how an orc soldier ate a citizen alive?
  Children who grew up in such an environment have a strong ability to withstand war.

  Northern Xinjiang Soldiers are good at fighting and have almost become the label of Grant Kingdom.

  But no one knows what price the civilians of northern Xinjiang have paid over the years?
  How much the people here long for peace.

  Unfortunately, the special geographical location keeps Northern Xinjiang at war all year round.

  Unless the main force of the Orc Empire can be defeated, the territory can be expanded, and the territory can be managed to the north, making it the hinterland, only then can peace be ushered in at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range.

  Sophia's calmness gave many soldiers a lot of confidence.

  The Stopa territory was severely damaged and was very weak.

  Even if the Stoppa family tried their best, Sophia only had more than 10,000 gold coins, and there was not much left after buying slaves.

  Due to insufficient funds, Stopa Territory has only trained one squadron of soldiers in the past two years.

  Today's military strength in the territory is not even comparable to that of the old baron's time.

  If it weren't for the construction of six heavy trebuchets, Sophia wouldn't have much confidence in holding on to her territory.

  Although successive generations of barons continued to strengthen the city's defenses, Vicksburg was not considered a fortified city.

  The highest point of the city wall is thirteen meters, and the lowest point is only nine meters.

  It's okay to deal with ordinary orcs. If you encounter an orc like a snake-shaped man who is good at climbing, you can climb the city wall in no time.

  Seeing that the orc army began to move slowly, the soldiers of the two newly formed squadrons were already trembling with fear.

  Sophia waved her hands and said: "Orcs are very cruel and dirty creatures, especially the wild boars. After they broke into the castle, their favorite thing is to eat people. In order to prevent our wives and children from becoming food, we have to fight to the death. .

  Even if we bite them with our teeth, we will bite them to death. Only by making the orcs feel the pain can we have peace.

  I am a noble baron and a beautiful woman. I am not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

  (End of Chapter)

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