Chapter 64 Palace Meeting

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  Chapter 64 Palace Meeting
  It was still a bit cold in the Eagle Mountains in April.

  Outside the wilderness, even in the dark night, under the organization of orc professionals, the orc soldiers endured great hardships and began an arduous march.

  The Orc Empire suffered from a rare snow disaster last year. Countless cattle and sheep died in the snow disaster.

  It is the common will of the orc empire from top to bottom to develop towards the warm south and seize the territory of the human kingdom.

  If it were not clear that human power is still very powerful, much more than that of orcs, they would be afraid of a decisive battle with the Holy Empire of Radiance. The Orc Empire will probably try its best, and its huge legions will overwhelm the northern kingdoms.

  More than a month ago, the orcs had already started taking action.

  Starting in late March, a large number of orc troops crossed the Eagle Mountains and attacked the northern territory of the Grant Kingdom.

  This time, the orc army came with force. Groups of orcs broke through the defense line of the castle at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range. The situation had become very serious.

  Letters asking for help were sent to King Charles' desk one after another.

  After flipping through it at random, there were dozens of letters.

  There are not only officials from the territories directly under the royal family, but also many hereditary nobles.

  Even the Duke of the North lowered his head and sent a letter asking for help in a humble tone.

  Although the relationship between the royal family and the great nobles was somewhat troubled, King Charles also liked to see the orcs draining the power of the four northern dukes.

  However, the relationship between the royal family and the great nobles is actually a bitter one.

  If the four northern Dukes were severely damaged by orcs and lost their territory, the Grant royal family would lose their buffer and face the orcs' attack on a 1,600-kilometer front.

  Supporting the four northern dukes is actually protecting one's own safety.

  King Charles has been in power for thirty years. Although he is not a talented and strategic monarch, he understands this very clearly. Therefore, he was very supportive of the previous kingdoms' decisions to invest a lot of resources and manage the northern territories. And he constantly mobilized nobles loyal to him to control the three main armies in northern Xinjiang and strengthen his influence over the northern provinces.

  Every time the orcs invaded, when the focus was not on the Grant Kingdom, King Charles would let the orc army consume the power of the four Dukes.

  In the last orc invasion war, Duke Edward's territory suffered a lot of losses.

  The royal family did not invest in the Central Army to help Duke Edward drive away the orcs.

  If the orcs focus their attack on the Grant Kingdom, the Grant Kingdom will dispatch its main army to fight the orcs to the death.

  Another hard bite made the orc feel the pain and maintained the balance between the two parties.

  This time the orc invasion was somewhat unusual.

  Two more legions were invested than last time, and it was not considered a key attack.

  The two extra main legions are also attacking in the territory directly under the royal family.

  Especially in the province of Lach, the losses have been very serious.

  Duke Edward suffered heavy losses in the last war. Although the orcs' power changed slightly this time, he couldn't withstand it immediately.

  King Charles read a lot of information about Edward's territory, and after careful consideration, he summoned the nobles of the court. "Duke Edward has sent another letter asking for help. I have comprehensively analyzed the situation in the dukedom. Although the losses in the past ten years have been great, they are mainly from the vassals of the Edward family. The strength directly under the duke has also increased. I think we have been defeated this time. Orcs, you can seal some palace nobles in Duke Edward's territory.

  Earl Zachary, you write a letter to Duke Edward. If Duke Edward agrees to divide a part of the territory, I will send him a legion of reinforcements."

  Zachary. The earl nodded and said: "I will communicate with Duke Edward immediately after returning. According to my estimation, Duke Edward will most likely agree, but he will probably make a request to increase the central garrison."

  "We only have six mobile legions, and these six mobile legions cannot be easily mobilized. The garrison can only be second-line legions, and half of them are noble private soldiers. Issue a recruitment

  order to the four eastern marquises to recruit half of the legion of noble private soldiers, plus Half of the Norland City Defense Army is waiting for Duke Edward's reply to reinforce Edward Territory."

  After hearing King Charles' decision, Earl Home immediately wrote a transfer order, King Charles stamped it, and quickly sent it to the four eastern marquis territories. .

  Each of the four eastern marquis territories needs to recruit 2,000 soldiers, and all hereditary nobles must send family members to fight.

  Roger Grant stared at the map and said decisively: "The territory directly under the royal family is under the greatest pressure, and the main army must be dispatched to drive away the orcs." Roger

  Grant is the concubine brother of King Charles. He has just passed the age of forty and looks very impressive. young.

  Roger Knight has outstanding talent and has participated in many wars in the Grant Kingdom. He is now an eighth-level golden knight and has a 300-man Warcraft Cavalry under his command.

  Although this cavalry is small in size, its combat effectiveness is very powerful.

  Every soldier is a professional, and many of the cavalry have knight blood, plus monster mounts on their hips.

  The combat effectiveness of a cavalry regiment can compete with the main army.

  Among the royal nobles, Duke Roger's status is very important. His accumulated military exploits are enough to create a hereditary earl.

  In fact, the upper echelons of the kingdom had already made a decision, and Roger's fiefdom was set near the Dukedom of Jonathan.

  When Roger seals the title and establishes a firm foothold, a great noble will be added to the northern region of the Grant Kingdom.

  According to usual practice, every time a noble is added to the northern region, the strength will be strengthened and the situation will become more stable.

  If Roger takes part in the war with his cavalry, the pressure caused by the orc invasion will immediately weaken a bit.

  As soon as Roger finished speaking, Finance Minister Oren Warda immediately objected.

  "If we dispatch the main army to go north, will it turn into a decisive battle with the Orc Empire? If we offend the Orcs and mobilize the main force to invade, we alone cannot stop the Orc army. The boundless Orcs will flood our territory, and even the capital

  Novo Landu will not be spared, and the kingdom is at risk of overthrowing.

  Anyway, the orcs will definitely return to the north of the Eagle Mountains in winter, otherwise they will wait."

  Earl Zachary shook his head and said: "The orcs are not strong enough. If the orcs dare to provoke a comprehensive The Holy Glorious Empire and the Church of the Seven Gods will never agree to a war. When the Holy Glorious Empire and the Church of the Seven Gods organize an expeditionary force and fight another decisive battle with the main force, the Orc Empire will only be destroyed." "Even if the Holy Glorious Empire organizes an expeditionary force

  , , after defeating the Orc Empire, our countries invaded by the Orcs will also be reduced to ruins. The nobles will be wiped out by the Orcs, and the territories will be occupied by the Orcs. At that time, what use will victory or defeat be to us?" (End of this chapter


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