Chapter 63 Orc Military Discussion

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  Chapter 63:
  After listening to the opinions of the two people at the orc military meeting, the last orc captain Shamok said: "Humans are all cowards. As long as we gather the three brigades to charge together, we will definitely defeat the soldiers on Fort William. You all listen I will take command and we will definitely achieve a great victory."

  "Since Samok is so brave, let your squadron of quilboars take the lead this time."

  Imsh usually dislikes Samok and thinks the quilboars are hopelessly stupid. After hearing Samok's rude words, he immediately opened his mouth to challenge the wild boar people.

  "Let's take the lead. I, Shamok, will be the first to charge."

  Among the three orc captains, Maruland was the more senior. When he saw that Shamok was impulsive, he immediately knocked on the table and said, "Shamok, don't be reckless. , a human trebuchet can throw a stone projectile weighing 200 kilograms. If such a stone projectile is hit, even you and I will not be able to save our lives. Although the strength of our three brigades cannot conquer Fort William

  , But they can divide their forces to bypass the human territory of Fort William and attack the logistics line of Fort William.

  If the passage between Fort William and Black River Fort is cut off and the support of Black River Fort is lost, the Fort William defenders will inevitably panic and may expose flaws to us."

  " The division of troops requires a detour of more than 100 kilometers, and adding more than 100 kilometers of food routes will greatly lengthen the supply points. Have you considered this?" Imsh frowned and stared into

  Maruland's eyes, with a still expression in his eyes. With questions.

  "For you and me, this is indeed the case. But for Shamok, adding more than a hundred kilometers of food roads is nothing. His subordinates have many wild boar and bear people. When the soldiers are hungry, You can eat people to replenish it."

  "Humans are very intelligent creatures, eating people is too barbaric. Although humans use orcs for blood experiments, they will not eat us. Compared with the savage and dirty wild boar people, humans are more attractive to me. Get close."

  Seeing Imsh's look of contempt and wanting to quarrel with Samok again, Maluland suddenly felt a headache.

  His position is the same as that of Imsh and Shamok. In addition, he has lost the battle, making it difficult to mediate the conflicts between the two sides.

  Imsh pointed at the map, his face full of impatience, obviously not agreeing with the strategy of dividing the troops.

  "Even if we divide our troops, what's the use of a large group entering the hinterland of humanity? It can be easily surrounded by human soldiers and then the whole army is annihilated." "Of course

  our three brigades alone cannot defeat the humans in northern Xinjiang. We must have a long-term vision, and it is not limited to us. The three brigades must have an overall thinking.

  In the war with the Grant Kingdom, we made a breakthrough on the Western Front in the last war, and this time we put the main force in the center.

  Our three brigades are just forwards, and there are soldiers from three legions nearby. They are about to cross the Eagle Mountains.

  When the main force of the legion fights with humans and restrains the main human army, a single brigade can cause chaos in human territory. Break through human castles, seize

  large amounts of food, and capture human slaves. It will cause human beings to The panic of the soldiers weakens the power of the human kingdom.

  In the end, we have to form a human legion to reduce the human will to resist and become the master of the Dawn Continent."

  Imsh was very excited by Maruland's words.

  "You've convinced me, how do you plan to divide the troops?"

  Maruland looked at the map and said seriously: "Let's rest for a month first. When the war becomes more intense and humans have no reinforcements, the Samok brigade will take a detour and enter human territory. Attack the human castle and mobilize the enemies in Fort William.

  Once Fort William sends reinforcements, its own strength will not be enough. We will send a large group of soldiers to sneak attack from the direction of Platos, enter the Harland territory, and attack the territory In the villages and fortresses within, capture the people of Harland Territory and see if Richard will continue to divide his troops."

  Even as the orcs adjusted their strategies in the direction of Fort William and waited for the fighter plane, Holm came to Fort William in a dusty state.

  The king's envoy arrived, and Richard immediately took Holm to visit the counterweight trebuchet. He also personally directed the auxiliary soldiers to operate the trebuchet and fired 200 kilograms of stone bullets.

  The stone bullet was thrown high, flew over a distance of three hundred meters, and hit the soil fiercely, creating a deep pit.

  Home personally touched the stone bullets and measured the pits, and was very satisfied with the power of the trebuchet.

  He took the drawing sent by Richard and said with some disappointment on his face: "It's a pity that the drawing is too simple. If it were more complicated and difficult for others to copy, your family would also get a new barony. If

  Harlan The De family is willing to hand over the ownership of the blueprint to the royal family. This blueprint can only reward you with three great achievements." "

  We, the Harland family, are vassals of the royal family. Of course we are willing to dedicate the blueprint to the royal family in exchange for military exploits."

  During this period, The meritorious service in the defense of Fort William was also rewarded. Richard commanded the defenders of Fort William and severely damaged the orc Marulande brigade. The first battle was a success and a great achievement was achieved.

  In addition, a large number of orc professionals were killed in this battle, and the head rewards added up to one major merit, four medium merit, and three minor merit.

  Counting the complete annihilation of the Orc squadron in the outpost battle, he won two medium merits and two minor merits.

  The Harland family has obtained a new fiefdom and has accumulated more than half of its merits.

  Even if he cannot inherit William's territory, if he continues to grow smoothly and fights another war, it is already certain that Richard will obtain a fief and become a hereditary noble.

  With Count Home presiding over it, the war merits were distributed very quickly.

  In less than three days, the procedures at Fort Wright had been completed and the three major achievements were registered in Richard's name.

  Baron Home returned to the capital Nolan without stopping with the heavy trebuchet drawings.

  Although there was no fighting in the direction of Fort William for the time being, other directions were involved in fierce fighting.

  Especially in the direction of Flame Castle, two orc legions crossed the Eagle Mountains and entered the Gascoigne Province.

  The pressure on the Mad Lion Legion increased greatly, and they had to carry out strategic contraction, and even abandoned the Platos Fortress Group.

  The Sixth and Seventh Squadrons, which were assisting in the battle at Fort William, suddenly became abandoned by the Mad Lion Legion. Their contact with their superiors was completely cut off. During this period, they could only obey Richard's orders.

  The central Gedda Province is also facing great danger. An orc army crossed the Eagle Mountains from the east and appeared near Black River Fort.

  The Northern Army began to fight with the main orc army, testing each other's strength without caring about the hereditary noble territories in the north.

  If the main army of the Grant Kingdom is fully staffed, its number will be 24,000.

  However, it is impossible for most legions to be fully staffed. The three main legions in the north have no more than 20,000 troops.

  The scale of the Orc Legion is much larger. The number of the main legion often exceeds 30,000, and the number of professionals is also greater. If it is a field battle, the main army of Grant Kingdom often cannot compete with the Orc Legion.

  (End of chapter)

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