Chapter 62 King Charles

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  Chapter 62 King Charles
  Richard’s social skills are very average and he is not good at communicating with nobles.

  In many conversations between nobles, they do not discuss interests directly. They often like to make insinuations, making things vague and vague, and do not explain things clearly directly.

  Richard very clearly distrusted Spencer, which made him feel a little unhappy.

  But Spencer is very scheming, and even if he is unhappy in his heart, it will not show on his face.

  The Halland family is a hereditary noble and is directly loyal to the royal family.

  Hereditary nobles had almost unlimited rights over their fiefdoms.

  The lord can make laws, and as long as they do not violate the laws of the Grant Kingdom, the lord's decrees must be implemented.

  The lord can set the tax policy. In addition to paying tithes to the Church of the Seven Gods, the taxes collected do not require a single copper coin to be handed over to the kingdom.

  Lords can establish private armies, which are an important part of the kingdom's legal military power.

  The lord also has a lifelong seat in the Nobles' Assembly, where he can discuss national affairs and communicate with the leadership of the Grant Kingdom at the Nobles' Assembly.

  Even the royal family cannot go beyond the hereditary nobles and handle the internal affairs of the noble fiefdoms.

  These rights and obligations were written on the title contract and were notarized by the Church of Kingship and Order.

  Although Spencer is the mayor of Heihe County, he is an important official of the royal family in northern Xinjiang.

  But after all, he is a temporary official, and he will be replaced after a few years. He is not yet a hereditary noble, and he has no prestige among the nobles.

  His noble honor is actually worthless.

  On major issues, the Harland family will never believe in the so-called honor of the nobility and place their hopes on Spencer's morality.

  Spencer wanted to get rid of the Harland family and quietly stole the manufacturing plans for the new trebuchet.

  But he didn't dare to act rashly.

  Harland Territory is a new territory with few outsiders.

  If you inquire rashly, it is easy to expose your flaws.

  Moreover, the Haaland family attaches great importance to the new trebuchet, and it is very difficult to obtain the drawings.

  If Richard were an ordinary person, Spencer could certainly grab him head-on.

  However, the Harland family is a hereditary noble. There are more than a thousand armed forces in the territory, and an orc brigade was defeated.

  If all the Black River Castle defense forces are dispatched, they may not be able to defeat a large group of orcs.

  Wanting to mobilize the main army, Baron William has been running the Northern Army for more than 20 years. By then, we still don’t know who will fight whom?
  It was impossible to rob by force. If someone was caught stealing and brought to the aristocratic council, the Allen family would also be embarrassed.

  Although Spencer himself did not have much credibility, the Allen family had been operating in the Grant royal family for sixty years, and some members of the family had obtained fiefdoms through hard work.

  Now the Allen family already has one hereditary viscount and two hereditary barons in the Kingdom of Harant. Among the small and medium-sized nobles, he already has quite a reputation.

  The Allen family has lost a person, and Spencer will never get any good results.

  A person who has brought shame to his family and whose own strength is not very good can only be marginalized.

  Not only is the palace baron unable to be retained, but the mayor of Heihe County is also expected to be replaced. The vast majority of nobles were conservatives, and so was Spencer.

  Until the last moment, you will never make a decision that endangers yourself.

  Even though he disliked Richard's directness in his heart, he quickly weighed the pros and cons and decided to write a letter with Richard.

  The two nobles wrote a letter together, saying the same thing. They immediately attracted the attention of the royal secretary and sent the letter to King Charles.

  King Charles read the letter and immediately said to the court earl next to him: "Holm, go to Fort William in person and take a look at the secret weapons in the Harland territory. Evaluate how much merit they should be rewarded for?"

  Home Sunit wears many hats. He is not only a hereditary viscount in the eastern province of Grant Kingdom, but also a seventh-level silver knight. He is also a court baron. He receives a royal salary, directly serves the royal family and obeys the king's orders. .

  Upon hearing King Charles's order, Home did not hesitate at all and respectfully saluted King Charles with a military salute. He took dozens of followers overnight and immediately rushed to the north at full speed.

  After Richard defeated the Maruland Brigade at Fort William, the orcs continued to increase their troops in the Harland Gorge.

  Soon the strength of the orcs increased to three brigades, and a large number of harpy scouts were sent.

  The harpies were conducting reconnaissance at high altitudes, and the situation in Fort William could not be hidden from the orcs at all.

  After discovering the reinforcements in the direction of Fort William, the faces of several orc captains looked a little heavy.

  "In recent times, I have sent out a large number of scouts. Among them are harpies for aerial reconnaissance, and I have also sent human slaves to make up for reconnaissance. Through the intelligence detected by the harpies, Fort William has sent more troops to the humans.

  Now Reinforcements came from five squadrons, two main squadrons, and three city defense squadrons. Counting the original defenders in the castle, there were already 2,000 soldiers in total. Through human makeup reconnaissance, although we lost some of our manpower, we

  also Now you know who the enemy is on the opposite side?
  Fort William opposite belongs to the Harland territory. This territory is a new territory. Lord William is the first generation of military nobles and has made many military exploits. Now it is the

  lord who manages the territory and directs operations. William's son Richard, this person has a high prestige in the territory and is also very capable in commanding operations."

  Maruland pointed at the map and introduced the enemy's situation to the two orc captains next to him.

  "Fort William has a great geographical advantage. For such a castle that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, auxiliary troops can also play a very important role. Moreover, the enemy also has very terrifying trebuchets. We should not fight hard. In less than three

  years , the Harland family can build such a majestic castle, their funds must be very strong, and they may have hidden power, so we should be more careful to avoid falling into a trap."

  Another orc captain Imsh is a vixen, and vixen are a relatively special group in the orc empire.

  In terms of physical talent, fox people are quite average. Some strong human teenagers can kill fox people one on one.

  But the fox people are very smart, and there are many spells passed down in their blood. Many fox people have also been passed down by magicians and become magicians in the orc empire.

  In the war with the orcs, the foxmen are not easy to deal with.

  Female vixen can also use spells to charm humans. If the mental attribute is low, the soul's spell resistance will be poor.

  Even high-level professionals will be controlled by this kind of magic.

  The appearance of female slaves is very similar to that of humans, and they are also very popular in human society. They are all forbidden species of nobles.
  Although the population of fox slaves is average, their status in the orc empire is very high.

  Imsh is a fifth-level magician fox. He looks gentle and elegant, like a human scholar, with gold-rimmed glasses hanging on his nose.

  But there was some cunning and ferocity in his eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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