Chapter 53 Tenghui Potion

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  Chapter 53 Tenghui Pharmacy
  After being busy for a while, Richard finally had some free time. He opened the properties panel.

  After killing the sixth-level rhino-horned beast, Richard gained 16,000 experience points. Counting the previous 2,500 killing experience points, Richard now has 18,500 killing experience points.

  He first added 6,000 experience points to the Highland Meditation Method and upgraded the Highland Meditation Method to the fifth level.

  After being promoted to a second-level mage, Richard's mental power increased by 2 points, and his mental attributes became 17.8 points.

  Then Richard added 3,000 experience points to his archery skills and upgraded his archery skills to level five.

  Unexpectedly, fifth-level archery is still not the limit of this basic skill. With the addition of archery skills, Richard's strength has increased by 0.3 points, and his mental attributes have increased by 0.5 points.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 13
  Agility: 3.2
  Physical: 4.5
  Mental Power: 18.3
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 6 (2259/30000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 5 (20/ 20000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (902/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 5 (193/20000)

  Zero-level Magic: Energy Ray, Treat Minor Injuries
  One-level Magic: Energy Missile , Wood and vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries, petrification, magic shield

  experience: 9500
  After Richard took out the Tenghui potion, the officers and soldiers of the two squadrons immediately launched a rush to buy it.

  The soldiers are not stupid, they all want to increase their strength before the orcs invade.

  If you can advance to the professional level, you will be promoted to an officer. Officers are protected by soldiers, and their chances of surviving in a war are much higher than that of soldiers.

  These ninety bottles of Tenghui potion are related to the future of every soldier.

  Two squadrons of soldiers from the Harland family have been training for two years. Some of these soldiers are prisoners of the Delong Kingdom and have practiced breathing techniques before.

  After some ordinary slaves entered Harland's territory, they practiced the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique. Because many of them were illiterate, Richard personally explained to them the key points of the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique when he was free.

  The Harland family does not have the seal of royal power and order, so there is naturally no way to ensure that the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique is not leaked.

  If you want to obtain the Seal of Royal Power and Order, you must obtain the approval of the Church of King Power and Order and use the power of the artifact to make the seal.

  Making a seal once actually consumes the power of the artifact.

  Today, the God of Kingship and Order is still sleeping, and the church has made very little use of the power of faith.

  The church only produces one seal of royal power and order every year. Dozens of countries on the Dawn Continent, as long as they are big nobles, have a demand for seals of royal power and order.

  For example, the Grant royal family has more than ten seals in their hands. Each main army has a royal seal, and the Mage Association also has it.

  If you want to obtain the seal, you need to take out precious treasures and impress the Church of Royal Power and Order in order to exchange for the King Power Seal.

  The most critical issue is that the church has a very high threshold for issuing seals. Only nobles above the count can apply to the Church of Royal Power and Order.

  From waiting in line to the issuance of seals, it usually takes more than ten years.

  At the rate the Haaland family is growing, it will be difficult to get the seal for many years to come.

  Even without the seal, Richard still decided to teach the soldiers breathing techniques.

  Even if there are geniuses among the soldiers, Richard is confident that his prestige can suppress them. The key factor why the Stopa family was easily breached by the orcs was that they were conservative and did not teach a large number of breathing techniques to their soldiers.

  This breathing method is only used to train members of the Stopa family and their captive domestic slaves.

  Although this is very beneficial to internal governance, it can easily suppress the people in the territory.

  Of course, most of the nobles in Dawn Continent do this.

  But in the face of the invasion of orcs, if they don't have enough strength, they have no choice but to exterminate the clan.

  The Harland family had just obtained a fiefdom, and William was much more confident than Baron Stoppa.

  Members of the Harland family all know how difficult it is to practice the breathing method. William, who is so talented, has only reached the sixth level after so many years.

  Moreover, the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique can be advanced to a fifth-level professional at most. Although professionals of this level are powerful warriors. For a barony, three or five such enemies are not difficult to deal with.

  Strong bows and crossbows, explosive arrows, magic bombs, many weapons and equipment can kill mid-level professionals as long as they are willing to spend the money.

  So after discussion, the Haaland family agreed with William, Bernie, Richard, and Wendy, while Ron and Powell opposed it.

  The vote was successfully passed at 23:5, and it was decided to popularize the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique to all soldiers and train the soldiers like a regular army.

  According to the rules set by Richard, major issues in the Haaland family require a vote by family members.

  As long as family members are professionals, they have the right to vote. But everyone's voting weight is different.

  According to each family member's career level, career type, and family contribution, different voting rights are given to family members.

  In today's Harland family, William has the highest authority, Richard is second only to William, third uncle Bernie is third, second uncle Powell is fourth, then sister Wendy, and eldest brother Ron.

  Hayden has not yet become a professional and does not have the right to vote for the time being.

  Mrs. Ola and Richard's two aunts are also ordinary women. They cannot make decisions on family affairs, and they also have no right to vote.

  The soldiers have been practicing the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique for two years. Some of them are very talented and are already advanced warrior students, very close to being professionals.

  After successfully refining the Tenghui potion, Richard used one bottle. After a few days, he discovered that the Breathing Technique of the Mad Lion Legion actually increased his experience by 300 points.

  Normally, Richard works very hard on breathing techniques. He practices breathing techniques every morning, which takes about three hours.

  Richard is quite talented in the practice of breathing techniques.

  After a month, the experience value can be increased by about 1,000 points. After using the Tenghui potion, the progress of breathing method practice has increased by about 30%.

  The Tenghui potion was so effective that all the soldiers wanted to take it.

  But there are only ninety bottles of medicine in the territory, and the stock is far from enough.

  In the end, Richard could only stipulate that each member of the Haaland family could take 12 bottles.

  The two squadron commanders Martin Heyman took up to 9 bottles, and the deputy squadron commanders such as Alves and Bradlick took 6 bottles. Judge Graham took 5 bottles.

  There were only 19 bottles of Tenghui potion left for the soldiers.

  Except for members of the Harland family, officers and soldiers who take Tenghui Potion need to exchange it with gold coins or meritorious deeds. If they do not have gold coins or meritorious deeds, they can owe the debt first and repay it later.

  (End of chapter)

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