Chapter 52 Enchanted Leather Armor

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  Chapter 52:
  The joint investigation team of the Enchanted Leather Royal Family and the Cloverford Family was very capable and quickly investigated the matter clearly. The death of the Earl had nothing to do with the two border nobles, Harland and Stoppa.

  In order to reward the Harland and Stoppa families for reporting the matter as soon as possible, the royal family and the Cloverford family also rewarded them with two treasures.

  What was given to Sophia was the coat worn by the Baron, and what was given to the Harland family was a bottle of knight bloodline enlightenment potion.

  The enlightenment potion is worth 500 gold coins, but it is monopolized by the royal family and the great nobles. It is basically priceless and ordinary people have no way to buy it.

  But for nobles, they can use precious magic and enchanting materials to exchange bloodline enlightenment potions with the royal family.

  For example, the magic core of a rhino-horned beast is more than enough to exchange for a few bottles of bloodline enlightenment potion.

  In the Harland family, only three siblings, Hayden, Richard, and Wendy, have knight blood.

  The blood of the three siblings is already very thin.

  Richard's dual cultivation of magic and martial arts does not require the awakening of the knight's bloodline.

  Wendy mainly focuses on learning magic and does not need this potion.

  Although Hayden has needs, his qualifications are average, and Richard will not use this potion on his mediocre brother.

  Unless William loves this child particularly much and makes separate requests to Richard and Powell.

  The potion was eventually traded to Soros.

  Soros had two wives and raised five children. It was rumored that there were three illegitimate children, but Richard had never seen them.

  The eldest son Kent is already a professional. After the orc invasion, he was promoted to a second-level warrior and no longer needs to follow the path of a knight.

  The second son, Morgan, is now a trainee knight, equivalent to a high-level magic apprentice. He has graduated from the Knight Academy and joined the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade of the Northern Army.

  Although taking the bloodline enlightenment potion can help the bloodline grow, you can advance to an official knight as soon as possible.

  But the Soros family does not have the luxury to invest resources in one person just to allow Morgan to advance to the knight level two or three months in advance.

  The uncle plans to leave the bloodline enlightenment potion to his daughter Audrey Darke.

  There are five children in Uncle Soros's family, and there is only one girl, Audrey.

  Soros loves her very much. Audrey has just turned fourteen and is already showing signs of awakening her bloodline. Her talent is not much worse than Morgan's.

  In order to increase the success rate, after hearing that the royal family had rewarded the Harland family with a bottle of bloodline enlightenment potion, Soros took the initiative to speak. After getting the potion, he did not share the materials on the rhinoceros.

  In the operation that day, four people from the Harland family were involved, and the information was also provided by Richard. The Harland family should take the lion's share of the spoils.

  Although the Stopa family only gave birth to one Sophia, she was a five-ring magician, and one person could stand up to two members of the Duck family.

  After the war, Sophia was assigned the rhino-horned beast core, which was much more valuable than the bloodline enlightenment potion.

  The reason why Uncle Soros was willing to give up the profits was because he knew that the Harland family was in debt and that Richard was under great financial pressure.

  If the materials from the rhinoceros can be sold, the shortfall can be filled and the debt can be paid off sooner.

  As for rewards from the royal family and the Cloverford family, they will only reward nobles. Uncle Thoros is not a nobleman, so of course he will not be able to share the rewarded treasures.

  However, Richard naturally would not let his uncle Thoros return empty-handed, so Thoros took back a ton of the rhino-horned beast's flesh and blood.

  The enchanted leather armor made of rhinoceros hide will also be divided into two pieces by Thoros. Potions that can be successfully refined from other materials are only available in the Harland family, and they are also available in Soros.

  There are relatively few talents in Geda Province, and there are no more than ten enchanters who can make enchanted weapons.

  Two of them are also professors at Grant Royal Academy of Knights, teaching enchantment.

  Back then, Richard also wanted to learn enchantment, but unfortunately the annual tuition fee was only 100 gold coins, which even a family like William couldn't afford.

  The two professors were of average skill, and each of them was accompanied by two or three apprentices. Are these apprentices not descendants of nobles? He is a famous big businessman in the north, and there are nobles behind him.

  In addition, the logistics departments of the three main legions all have a high-level enchanter.

  The last time William refined the serpentine enchanted scale armor, he found Tarak, the deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Northern Army. William had been running the Northern Army for many years and was very familiar with Tarlac.

  This time Richard found William, took the rhinoceros skin, and found Tarak again.

  Rhinoceros is a sixth-level magic beast. This level of magic beast is relatively rare. Generally speaking, for enchanting with mid-to-high-level materials, you go to Nolan, the capital, to find a higher-level enchanter.

  Grant Royal Mage Tower undertakes this kind of work all year round, and the price is relatively reasonable, charging about a quarter of the fee.

  When Tarak saw the rhinoceros skin, he happily accepted the task without even negotiating the price.

  Normally, it would be difficult for Talak to practice with sixth-level Warcraft materials.

  Talak's enchantment level was very good. He only failed twice and successfully enchanted twelve pieces of leather armor.

  That is to say, for super-large monsters like Rhinoceros, you can get generous rewards by killing one.

  William kept two pieces as Tarak's labor fee, and gave two pieces to Soros and one piece to Sophia from the remaining ten pieces of leather armor.

  The Harland family was allocated seven pieces of rhinoceros leather armor, and not only the three William brothers each had one piece. Even Ron and Hayden also wore mid-level enchanted armor this time.

  The enchanted scale armor on Richard was awarded to squadron leader Heyman.

  Another squadron leader, Martin, Richard secretly had a problem with him.

  When the rhinoceros went crazy, Martin abandoned Sophia at a critical moment.

  In fact, he was fully capable of saving Sophia at that time.

  On the battlefield, soldiers are originally the shield of magicians, and they should bear the obligation to protect magicians in times of crisis.

  Protecting Sophia was the task assigned to Martin by Richard. Martin escaped at the critical moment. If Martin was not William's old subordinate and had a very close relationship, Richard would have dealt with him severely after the war.

  After the animal skin is made into enchanted leather armor, the rhinoceros' internal organs can also be made into Tenghui potion.

  Tenghui potion can activate fighting spirit and enhance the activity of fighting spirit. Taking this potion has some benefits for warrior training.

  Especially for advanced warrior students and advanced professionals, after taking Tenghui Potion, the success rate will increase by about 30%.

  However, you cannot take more of this medicine. Generally speaking, you can only use one bottle per month. If you take too much, it will increase the burden on the body without any benefit.

  Compared with enchanters, the number of apothecaries is even rarer. There are only six apothecaries in the northern region.

  These pharmacists are all employees of the royal magic tower and have little contact with the local nobles in the north.

  Even if William wanted to find a relationship, it would be difficult to strike up a conversation or get involved for a while.

  Fortunately, Sophia herself is a junior pharmacist. By chance, she received part of the pharmacist inheritance in Markholm Kingdom and can refine three low-level potions.

  The Tenghui potion is the most common potion used in warrior training, and Sophia can refine it. For a while, she also took on the task of refining the Tenghui potion for the main army of the Markholm Kingdom.

  Her success rate in refining this potion is very high, no worse than the pharmacist in the Royal Mage Tower.

  The rhinoceros has so many internal organs that 126 bottles of potion were refined.

  The price of Tenghui potion is not high, about thirty gold coins per bottle.

  The internal organs of a rhinoceros beast cost less than 600 gold coins. Even if some other magical plants were added, the cost would not exceed 1,000 gold coins. When made into a potion, the price tripled.

  Because of the materials provided by Richard, Sophia only took 16 bottles of medicine to prepare soldiers of the Stopa family.

  Of the remaining 110 bottles of Tenghui potions, Richard gave 20 bottles to his uncle Soros, leaving 90 bottles for Richard to prepare for internal digestion.

  Junior warriors such as Richard, Hayden, and Powell all have a demand for Tenghui Potion.

  (End of chapter)

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