Chapter 54 Making Iron Armor

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  Chapter 54: Forging Iron Armor
  Nineteen bottles of medicine are left for the soldiers. Two advanced warrior students who practice the Silver Wolf Breathing Method can take four bottles.

  A soldier practicing the Bull Breathing Technique took three bottles.

  This soldier who practiced the Bull Breathing Technique was a low-level officer of the Kingdom of Delon. He had already redeemed the fourth level of the Bull Breathing Technique, but was captured by the Duke of Guise during the war and eventually became a slave.

  In fact, this person's chance of becoming a professional is better than that of the two soldiers who practiced the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique.

  But without the follow-up breathing method, this person is not as promising as a soldier who practices the Silver Wolf Breathing Method.
  Not everyone is William and can successfully switch to the breathing method.

  Most people who switch to breathing methods will inevitably have serious physical problems, and even die on the spot if they are not careful.

  According to statistics from the Dawn Church, only three out of a hundred people who switch to breathing techniques can succeed.

  Of the ninety-seven losers left, twenty-three died on the spot and nineteen were paralyzed. Six suffered severe vomiting of blood, and thirty-two had severe pain in their bodies. They stopped practicing breathing techniques and suffered serious physical deterioration.

  Seventeen others barely succeeded and completely lost their ability to advance.

  Such serious consequences let people know that once you start practicing the breathing method, you must never change it.

  This is a truth that all professionals understand.

  It's a pity that the Harland family came from a humble background. William ignorantly practiced the breathing method. It was only when he entered the Northern Army that he realized that he had taken a detour.

  William originally planned to quit the Northern Army and find a way to join the Wild Lion Army.

  During an operation, William found a fifth-level magical plant in the Eagle Mountains. He was attacked by the monster guarding the magical plant. After escaping from death, he devoured the magical plant in a panic.

  William fled into a cave, and the monster was blocked at the entrance because of its size. In order to avoid being killed by the angry monsters, I had no choice but to take the risk and switch to the breathing method. Unexpectedly, it went very smoothly. Became a formal professional and escaped the pursuit of World of Warcraft.

  The officers and outstanding soldiers divided up the remaining Tenghui potions, and the remaining eight bottles of potions were reserved for ordinary soldiers.

  These eight bottles of Tenghui potion should also be given to soldiers who have made rapid progress in breathing techniques.

  Soldiers with average qualifications are simply not eligible to purchase.

  Richard inquired in detail about the soldiers who had used Tenghui Potion, and wrote letters to Hayden and Powell, and found that Tenghui Potion had different effects on everyone.

  The best two or three were the same as Richard, and their cultivation progress increased by about 30%. Most soldiers who use Tenghui Potion can only increase their progress by more than ten percent, and some even increase their progress by a few percent.

  Judging from the effects of taking Tenghui Potion, we can also observe the soldiers' talent in practicing breathing techniques.

  After using the Tenghui Potion, the two soldiers successfully advanced to become professionals. Their names are Jennings and Vincent.

  Vincent was the soldier who practiced the Bull Breathing Technique. After becoming a professional, he was promoted by Richard to the deputy squadron leader of the second squadron.

  Jennings was a common slave, and his family was sold to Harland Territory.

  When Jennings suffered from the plague, Richard once used healing techniques to save his life. He had a strong sense of belonging to the Harland territory and was also very loyal to Richard.

  To be able to turn pro in less than three years, Jennings is undoubtedly very talented.

  If you are lucky, you can survive every war, and you may even become a high-level professional. It's a pity that the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique can only be promoted to level five professionals. Practicing this breathing technique may be a waste of Zhan Nings' talent.

  Judging from the experience of Zhannings, there are many outstanding talents among ordinary slaves and civilians. It depends on whether the superiors can discern pearls.

  After entering winter, all outdoor projects can only be stopped. Richard purchased a batch of iron materials from Heihe Fort and hired several high-level blacksmiths at a high price to prepare some armors.

  There are now two squadrons of soldiers in Harland's territory, totaling about 300 people.

  There are seven professionals in the two squadrons, and the soldiers have been training for two years.

  Soldiers practice the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique on a large scale, and even if they have average talents, most of them advance to the level of junior warrior students.

  With good talents, six soldiers broke through the realm with the help of the Tenghui Potion and were promoted to advanced warrior students.

  In terms of physical fitness alone, the soldiers of these two squadrons are no worse than the main army.

  But in terms of equipment, it is far from comparable to the main army. Not only are there no powerful weapons such as enchanted bows and explosive arrows, but ordinary armor is also far from enough.

  Richard is planning to build some iron armor this winter to provide some protection for junior officers.

  In the past two years, the Harland Territory has trained some slaves who are good at blacksmithing, and the territory has become self-sufficient with ordinary farm tools.

  But making armor requires high blacksmithing skills.

  The craftsmen who know how to make armor in Black River Castle are considered high-quality talents, and they basically serve the nobles.

  William has many connections in Black River Fort. The aristocratic officer Tengwei Saman whom he saved back then is now the deputy commander of the Northern Army.

  The Saman family is the first batch of military nobles in the Northern Territory. Their territory is in the hinterland of the Northern Territory, south of Leyte Fort, the capital of Gedda Province.

  The kingdom's territory in the north is divided into three provinces, with a main army stationed in each province.

  The territorial scope of the Gedda Province includes the Dragon Canyon, the eastern part of the Platos Mountains, the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains, and is located in the middle of the three provinces in the northern border of the royal family.

  The territory of the western Gascoigne Province is relatively deserted, and the only densely populated area is the Rab Basin. The Wild Lion Legion is stationed at the Flame Castle in the northern part of the Gascoyne Province.

  Platos Fortress is located at the junction of the two provinces. The barony of Harden in the west belongs to the province of Gascoyne, and the barony of Stopa and Barony Halland in the east belong to the province of Gedda.

  The most developed royal territory is the Lach Province in the east. This province not only has the main Grizzly Bear Legion, but also has two auxiliary legions, the Flying Eagle and the Flying Swallow.

  The province of Lach borders the Dukedom of Jonathan. The reason why the Kingdom of Grant stationed three central legions in this province may have other reasons that are difficult to explain.

  The royal family would always be on guard against the Jonathan family, which ranked second in strength.

  Although the Saman family's territory is far less large than Harland's territory, only more than 400 square kilometers, it is densely populated, with a population of more than 50,000.

  Also a hereditary baron, the Samman family is now far more powerful than the Haaland family.

  In order to make iron armor, William found the old chief Teng Wei.

  Tengwei was very considerate to William and transferred the best blacksmiths from the blacksmith shop controlled by the Saman family to Harland.

  Under the guidance of this group of highly skilled blacksmiths, by March of the following year, it took more than five months to successfully build more than 30 pieces of iron armor in the Harland Territory, adding protection to the grassroots officers at the squad level.

  In addition, over the past five months, Richard arranged for the blacksmiths in the territory to forge 50,000 iron arrowheads.

  (End of chapter)

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