Chapter 51 Earl of Cloford

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  Chapter 51 When Lord Cloford
  saw the corpse, Sophia's eyes widened, her mouth opened, and she said in disbelief: "How could it be him?" "Do

  you know him?"

  "This corpse He is the Earl of Cloverford, a great nobleman in the south of the Kingdom of Grant."

  When the Kingdom of Grant was established, the initial nobles were all located in the south.

  At that time, this kingdom was not called the Kingdom of Grant, but the Kingdom of Venus.

  The seven earls in the south are all from families that contributed to the founding of the empire.

  In the earliest days, every great noble family in the south was a ducal family and owned a larger territory.

  After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the great nobles of the south developed into the central and northern parts of the country. The most powerful family is the current royal family, the Grant family.

  The Grant family joined forces with their in-laws, the Lorain family, to overthrow the Venus royal family and establish the Grant Kingdom.

  After the founding of the People's Republic of China, four marquises in the east were awarded.

  The seven dukes of the southern nobles were all given back part of their territory, and their titles were reduced to counts.

  The two founding Dukes, the Fourth Marquis, and the Seventh Earl were the initial nobles of the Grant Kingdom.

  The Duke of Guise and the Duke of Duran were both great nobles from the neighboring Kingdom of Delon, and they joined the Kingdom of Grant with their territories.

  Duke Jonathan was originally from the royal family of Grand Duke Stanek. After joining the Grant Kingdom, he was granted a large amount of land through the war with the orcs.

  Nowadays, Duke Jonathan's family is the most powerful noble family in Grant Kingdom.

  The Duke of York is a member of the Grant royal family.

  Only Duke Edward and Duke Fox are rising stars. These two families have become the great aristocrats of the Grant royal family through military merit and exchanging territories.

  Earl Cloverford is a famous nobleman in the Kingdom of Grant, and is known as the Magical Earl.

  It is said that he loves magic very much. In order to learn magic in his early years, he went to the United Kingdom of Celtic alone and joined the magic organization Heart of the Elements.

  In order to learn magic, Earl Cloford even gave up his inheritance rights and must stay in the United Kingdom of Celtic.

  Like Sophia, the Earl would not have come back from the United Kingdom of Celtic had it not been for the changes that had occurred in the Cloverford family.

  Earl Cloverford is a seven-ring magician. After returning to the Kingdom of Grant, he established the Cloverford Mage Association and trained some magicians for the Cloverford family. Counting the magic apprentices, there are already more than ten people in total. .

  A hereditary earl, he was also a big shot in the Grant Kingdom.

  Unexpectedly, he died in the North without any explanation, and was swallowed into the abdomen by his own monster mount.

  When Sophia was a child, she had outstanding magic talent. She was taken by her father, Baron Stoppa, and visited Count Cloverford.

  The count also gave Sophia a magic book.

  Sophia was very impressed by this incident. Even after many years, when I saw the body of Lord Cloford, I could recognize it at a glance.

  Everyone checked Earl Cloverford's relics and found that he was carrying several pieces of magic equipment.

  The earl's coat was made of earth dragon skin, and a fourth-level magic core was embedded in the collar. After careful identification, Richard found that the coat had constant three-ring magic protection. Magic equipment is different from enchanted weapons. Enchanted weapons use special materials to make special weapons that can transmit the power of fighting spirit.

  Simply put, enchanted weapons are for warriors. It can conduct the power of fighting spirit and provide bonus to fighting spirit.

  Magic equipment is for use by magicians. They use materials with high magic affinity to draw special magic runes and install magic crystals that provide energy. Using only part of their mental power, they can use magic equipment to release magic.

  Generally speaking, magic equipment is more difficult to make and has higher value.

  If a magic apprentice with weak combat power masters powerful magic equipment and uses this magic equipment well, he can defeat his opponent by leaps and bounds.

  Powerful enchanted equipment requires powerful warriors to exert its effect. If you don't have enough fighting spirit, even if you give you a legendary enchanted weapon, it won't be of much use.

  In addition, hanging around the earl's neck was a copper pocket watch the size of a baby's fist.

  I don't know what kind of magic is fixed on the copper pocket watch, but the small magic crystal inside the pocket watch is extremely pure. According to Sophia's research, the runes inside the pocket watch should be engraved with the soul fog spell.

  Soul fog is a five-ring soul magic. Using this magic, one's soul can be trapped in a fog.

  The most important thing is that mind fog is a large-scale magic. This magic is very useful when two armies are fighting. It is a spell that high-level magicians in the army must learn.

  The most important piece of magic equipment is the space bag carried by Lord Cloford.

  Space bags need to be made from the stomach bags and animal skins of some special magical creatures, such as space dragons, some high-level rare demons and other extraordinary creatures.

  Extraordinary creatures are very powerful and rare.

  Hunting a space dragon requires a team of legendary warriors. Even a well-equipped main force is no match against a giant dragon.

  The space bag carried by Earl Crawford is worth at least 30,000 gold coins.

  Hearing that the body belonged to Earl Cloverford, Powell said hesitantly: "We buried the Earl's body and took away the magic equipment. Can we hide this matter?" "The

  Cloverford family is a very powerful family in the country. , once the magic equipment is used, the news will be easily leaked. By then, we will not be able to explain it with all our mouths covered? It is likely to trigger a noble war, and the three families of Harland, Stoppard, and Duck will be exterminated by the Cloverford family. .

  What good will it do to us if we hide the magic equipment?
  If things are handled like this, it will be a hidden danger to us after all."

  Hearing what Richard said, Sophia nodded and said: "This matter has nothing to do with us. Now that we have killed the rhino-horned beast, we have already gained a lot of benefits. I think we can't be greedy for magic equipment. We should Report this matter to the Noble Council and bring it to the royal capital."

  Although Earl Cloverford's death was very strange and there must be a secret behind it, neither Richard nor Sophia planned to delve into it.

  Earl Crawford was a seventh-level magician, and he died easily.

  The strength of the seven Richards is not as good as the count, let alone the opponent of the mastermind behind the scenes. Moreover, his uncle Thoros is injured, and Richard is not willing to let him take risks and continue to participate in the battle.

  They decisively took the count's body away, and after returning to Fort William, they immediately sent people to Nolan, the capital, to report the matter to the Noble Council.

  After receiving the news of the Earl's death, the royal family and the Cloverford family sent an investigation team to inquire about the process in detail. Then the investigation team entered the depths of the Eagle Mountains, but unfortunately found nothing. In the end, the Cloverford family could only lead Returned the count's body.

  The materials from the Rhinoceros were left to Harland's territory.

  (End of chapter)

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