Chapter 5 Encounter

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  Chapter 5 Encounter:

  Snakes have an extraordinary sense of smell and can smell smells five kilometers away. Although Richard and others carried things that disrupted their own smell, traces were still exposed.

  In less than half an hour, four snake-body professionals had slowly approached, not very far away from them.

  Walking in the primeval forest, it was impossible for Richard and others to speed up, and their speed was relatively slow.

  After his whereabouts were exposed, Soros made a prompt decision and decided to take the initiative to kill the snake-shaped man and solve this problem.

  When he gave the order, everyone was immediately on high alert.

  When he met the enemy for the first time, Richard was very calm inside. At this moment, he didn't feel afraid, but instead felt excited.

  The iron horned horses have not yet been tamed and cannot cooperate with Richard and others in fighting. Instead, they may take advantage of the chaos to escape.

  Thoros and others first tied up the four hooves of the wildebeest and tied the reins to a thick tree.

  Then, in skirmish formation, they rushed towards the snake-shaped man without hesitation.

  In the six years since he came to this world, Richard has been cautious every day, fearing that he would reveal his abnormal behavior, be possessed by a suspected devil, and end up on the stake of the Inquisition.

  On the third day after he had just crossed over, he saw a living person being burned in the Black River Castle.

  In a world where religion is rampant and extraordinary powers exist, any abnormal behavior may lead to death. In order to avoid being burned at the stake, Richard must be careful not to reveal his identity or cause trouble.

  Fortunately, when Richard traveled through time, his mother was already seriously ill, Heihe Fort was facing a war, and his father was busy with military affairs and could not take care of his family at all.

  After being possessed by the devil, after experiencing such a big change, his behavior and habits became more introverted, and some changes in his personality were understandable.

  Even so, Richard was taken to the church of Dawn Church several times. After the senior pastor confirmed that there was no problem, he gained the trust of his father William.

  One year after coming into this world, his mother died of illness, and a few months later his father William married his third wife, Ola Massar.

  In the next few years, the Harland family welcomed three new members. William's father's love was transferred more to the little guy, and his stepmother, Mrs. Ola, didn't care much about Richard and the others.

  In this way, Richard quietly integrated into the different world, and showed his talent in the next few years. He was specially trained by the Harland family and entered the Knight Academy.

  Living in a depressive environment for a long time has changed Richard's personality, making him a bit cold-blooded from the optimistic and cheerful person in his previous life. Become cautious and taciturn.

  Among the seven Richards, Soros and Roland are both experienced mid-level professionals and the leading soldiers of the scattered team.

  Thoros is good at using bows and arrows, and has a very good enchanted bow in his hand.

  This bow and arrow is already a sixth-level enchanted weapon. The bowstring material comes from the dragon tendon of a high-level magical beast bipedal dragon. The bow body is also smelted from the fourth-level mineral redbud copper. It costs more than 5,000 gold coins. It was the favorite weapon of the first generation Baron Dark.

  After Thoros advanced to an intermediate professional, the previous generation of Baron Dark passed this enchanted bow to him. It is said that the Dark family had a lot of conflicts because of the ownership of this enchanted bow.

  The relationship between Soros and this generation of Baron Dark has also become worse.

  Soros is not known for his strength among professionals, but his physical strength is more prominent. Even so, according to Richard's estimation, Soros' strength still exceeds fourteen points and can move a ton of goods.

  Thoros used both arms hard, opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and the arrows made a sound of breaking through the air. They instantly pierced the snake's scale armor, fiercely penetrated the snake's abdomen, and nailed a third-level snake to the thick body. on the tree trunk.

  Thoros was about to shoot the second arrow, but the snake-shaped man took the lead, opened his mouth, rolled his tongue, and shot three missiles.

  The snake-shaped man was very smart and did not attack the strongest Thoros and Roland. The three missiles drew an arc and instead aimed at Richard, Hayden and Morgan.

  The three of them have not yet become professionals, and they do not have sophisticated enchanted weapons for self-defense.

  Once hit by a venom missile, the body may be poisoned at worst, or life may be lost at worst. Seeing that Richard and the other three were in danger, Thoros immediately planted his bow and rein on the ground, raised his arm and shield, his hand glowed with light, and transferred his fighting spirit to the shield, protecting his second son Morgan first without thinking.

  Richard's reaction was also very quick. He drew his bow and arrow and was about to take aim.

  Seeing a venom missile coming towards him from a distance, he immediately turned around. After estimating the lead time, he shot the arrow towards the venom missile.

  Richard's basic archery skills are already at the third level.

  With level 3 basic archery skills, one can easily hit the target from a hundred meters away.

  In terms of archery accuracy alone, Richard is only slightly worse than Soros.

  Even professionals such as Roland and Powell are not as accurate as Richard.

  After shooting this arrow, Richard immediately turned around and hid behind a big tree, regardless of whether he shot the venom missile.

  If he shoots at a fixed target, Richard is already 100% sure, but when shooting at a fast-moving target, Richard's success rate is less than 30%.

  The arrow flew past the venom missile. Seeing that the venom missile was about to hit the big tree, Roland jumped forward and immediately crossed a distance of five or six meters. The red light of the sword in his palm flashed and accurately hit the venom missile.

  Two venom missiles were blocked, and the last one hit Powell's shield hard. In order to protect his nephew Hayden, Powell stood in front and used his arm shield to catch a venom missile.

  Powell is only a second-level professional, and his strength and reaction are far inferior to those of Soros and Roland. In addition, he has been retired for several years, so his physical condition is slightly stronger than that of Richard.

  According to Richard's estimation, his strength does not exceed eight points at most.

  He was instantly repelled by this force and crashed into Hayden, causing the two of them to roll around on the ground in a panic.

  Seeing the venom splashing around and attacking the two of them, Kent threw out the leather tent in his backpack to block the splashing venom and protect the two of them.

  The fighting time between the two sides was very short, and they began to engage in hand-to-hand combat in just a few seconds.

  Thoros had no time to use his bow and arrow, so he raised his spear and stabbed the snake man. Roland also held a heavy sword to stop another snake man.

  Powell and Hayden scrambled to their feet and formed a small skirmish formation with Kent, Morgan, and Richard. Surrounded the last snake-shaped man.

  Snakes have great strength and average speed. Their four to five meter long tail gives them very good balance.

  This species has good physical strength and scale armor defense, making it a natural heavy infantry.

  In the orc army, serpentine professionals often serve as the commander's guards and are responsible for attacking the enemy when encountering fierce battles.

  In close combat, the Snake Man can compete with mid-level professionals.

  If Thoros is here today, relying on the enchanted bow in his hand, he can be much faster than the snakes. Even a small team of snakes will not be his opponent.

  Using kiting tactics, Soros can kill all his enemies. It's not too difficult for him.

  However, there are also Richard, Morgan and others in the team. In sudden encounters, they are equivalent to burdens and troubles. This in turn drags down Soros and makes him fall into close combat, which he is not very good at.

  Thoros is already a fifth-level warrior. Although he is not good at attacking, he is still able to deal with a snake-shaped man with ease, and he still has a good chance of winning.

  Roland has superb swordsmanship and has also learned several fighting skills of the Mad Lion Legion, so he obviously has a better chance of winning.

  Although Richard's team had a large number of people, it lacked the power to make the final decision, so it had some troubles in the battle with the snake-like people.

  (End of chapter)

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