Chapter 6 Killing Experience

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  Chapter 6 Killing Experience

  Although Powell and Kent are professionals, they lack enchanted weapons. The two people's professional levels are not high and they are not good at attacking difficulties. Although the two men successfully hit the snake-shaped man several times, they failed to hit the snake-shaped man's vitals. The snakeman was only slightly injured, but it did not affect the battle.

  Although the Snake Man's professional level is only at the third level, according to Richard's estimation, his strength has exceeded fifteen points, which is stronger than his uncle Thoros.

  Every time they blocked their attacks, Richard's palms were numb and tingling, and the tiger's mouth almost cracked.

  Fortunately, the snake's speed is relatively slow, only 1.5 to 2 points, which is not much different from Hayden, but far not as fast as the four Richards.

  Under the care of two professionals, Powell and Kent, the three apprentices can participate in the battle and rely on speed to tangle with the snake-shaped man.

  Seeing that Richard and the other five had restrained a snake-shaped man, they were a little reluctant. Roland decisively raised his fighting spirit and used the desperate strike combat technique.

  Under the blessing of this state, Roland's strength and agility increased by 30%, but the combat skill only lasted for three minutes, which was very short in a battle.

  The fighting energy in Roland's hands emitted light and was transmitted to the enchanted sword. In just three minutes, his power was greatly strengthened, almost increasing by four or five points.

  After using the desperate strike, Roland's power was enough to rival William of the sixth level.

  Roland swung the big sword in his hand, his eyes were red, and the muscles on his body were bulging.

  Driven by his terrifying power, only an afterimage of the sword could be seen, and a sharp and harsh sound roared through the air. The sound was only audible after the shadow of the sword was swung.

  Roland tiptoed and immediately changed direction, dodging the steel spear wielded by the snake-shaped man. Then he slashed with the heavy sword in his hand, easily cutting off the snake-shaped man's left arm.

  The snake body let out a painful cry from its mouth, lunged forward ferociously, and sprayed a stream of venom at Roland.

  Roland turned around quickly, dodging the snake's bite and the spray of venom. He held the sword in his backhand and stabbed fiercely into the snake's abdomen.

  The snake-body man's eyes showed a fierce light, his tail rolled forward, and he immediately wrapped Roland around, trying to break his lumbar vertebrae.

  Roland was unable to dodge and was caught by the snake-shaped man. His ears buzzed and he felt a brief dizziness in his mind. He almost lost his ability to hold the heavy sword.

  However, he is a fourth-level warrior with a very strong will, and he got rid of the effects of dizziness in the blink of an eye. Roland used all his strength, raised his arms, and let the sword slash with full strength. He cut the snake-shaped man into two pieces with fierce force.

  After killing the snake-bodied man, Roland had consumed most of his fighting energy, and his muscles were a little sore, leaving less than half of his combat effectiveness.

  Roland's 50% combat effectiveness is still higher than that of a third-level professional.

  With Roland joining the team, 70% to 80% of the snake-body man's attention was focused on him. The pressure on Richard and the others suddenly eased a lot, and they immediately felt more relaxed.

  Sensing the change in the battle situation, Richard did not hesitate. He suddenly kicked the ground with both feet and turned into an afterimage. He avoided the weapon wielded by the snake-shaped man and circled around the snake-shaped man's back.

  The stabbing sword in his hand emitted a cold and sharp light, suddenly piercing the scales of the snake-body man, and viciously nailed the snake-body man to the ground.

  In severe pain, the snake-like man turned around and pounced, but Richard had already let go, avoiding the fatal threat.

  The snake-like man raised his tail and was about to roll towards Richard when Powell waved his spear and stood in front of Richard.

  A violent collision immediately knocked Powell hard against the tree trunk.

  The spear in Powell's hand also fiercely penetrated the snake's abdomen, firmly nailing the snake to the soil.

  Powell was hit by the snake-bodied man and suffered severe pain in his chest. The corner of his mouth was sweet, and blood flowed from his mouth in an instant.

  Seeing that the snake-bodied man couldn't move, Richard's hand shone with a crystal cold light. He quickly stepped forward, grabbed an arrow and slashed it towards the snake-bodied man's throat.

  The arrow was very sharp, and with one quick stroke, it cut across the snake-shaped man's throat.

  Even if he senses danger, he is caught off guard and unable to dodge.

  The throat was cut instantly, the head hung unsteadily, blood sprayed in the air, and a large puddle was left on the ground.

  "Kill the third-level snake-like man, and you will be rewarded with 2,000 experience points."

  A reminder suddenly came in his mind. Richard's expression changed, and he walked aside as if there was no one around, and quietly opened the attribute panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 6.7
  Agility: 2.3
  Physical: 3.5
  Mental Power: 8.9
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 3 (4000/4000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (289/4000)

  Archery: Level 3 ( 2590/4000) Riding Skills: Level 2 (1743/2000)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skills: Level 2 (435/2000)

  Experience Value: 2000
  adds 2000 experience points, and archery, riding, and fighting skills can all be advanced.

  Now that we are still in danger, we urgently need to enhance our combat effectiveness and improve our archery skills without delay.

  Richard added 1,500 experience points to his archery skills. His body became slightly warm, and the attribute panel in his mind changed. His archery skills had been upgraded to the fourth level.

  With the remaining 500 experience points, Richard upgraded his riding skills to the third level.

  After adding killing experience to the skills, the attribute panel becomes.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 6.7
  Agility: 2.3
  Physical: 3.5
  Mental Power: 8.9
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 3 (4000/4000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (289/4000)

  Archery: Level 4 (90/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (243/4000)

  Northern Legion Combat Skill: Level 2 (435/2000)

  Experience Value: 0
  Level 4 Archery not only increases the accuracy of shooting moving targets A lot of things happened, and when he was shooting arrows, Richard seemed to have an intuition.

  As long as the enemy is locked by him, he basically cannot avoid a fatal arrow.

  Richard completed the final blow and successfully killed the snake-shaped man. Thoros quickly resolved the battle with the help of everyone.

  "Uncle Powell, how do you feel?"

  "My chest hurts so much that I can't move for the moment." Both

  Soros and Roland have rich first aid experience. They looked at Powell's condition separately. Soros breathed a sigh of relief and said: " The chest ribs are slightly cracked and the lungs are slightly bruised. They are not life-threatening. If no treatment is used, they will have to stay in bed for a month to recuperate."

  Roland nodded and said: "On the battlefield, there are usually 40 people in the squadron of snake formations. We just eliminated them. There is a small team of snakes, and there may be danger nearby. I hope we are lucky and won't encounter a squadron of snakes head-on, otherwise we may be in big trouble." "Clean the battlefield quickly and cut off the heads

  of the snakes. Come down, peel off the scales on your body and take them away. Take away all the weapons and go back to smelt them again.

  Richard and Kent made a stretcher to carry Powell. They traveled all night today and camped a hundred kilometers away for the night."

  Everyone is a strong professional. , and there are thirteen iron horned horses to help carry the luggage. I walked continuously for seven or eight hours. Richard looked at the sky and estimated that it was about eleven o'clock in the night before he settled down, set up a tent, and ate some dry food for the night.

  In the next ten days, Richard and the others returned to Black River Castle smoothly without encountering any accidents, and handed over the information about their encounter with the Snake Man to William.

  "Serpentine professionals appear in the Eagle Mountains, and the orcs will go south again this year!"

  Thoros patted the Wildebeest's neck and said, "I'm afraid there will be a war this year?"

  Although the thirteen iron horned horses are small in size, they are still a complete herd. If they are kept for breeding and breeding, they may form a large scale and form a Warcraft Cavalry Regiment in a few decades.

  Unfortunately, these feral horned horses belong to three families. Even if they are closely related, it is still difficult to raise the feral horned horses together.

  William and Roland both came from military officer families and did not have much farmland in their hands.

  Soros, the concubine of a baron, was in a slightly better situation. He purchased several hundred acres of land and established a small manor.

  Even if the Iron Horned Horse has a gentle temperament, it is still a kind of magical beast, and it is difficult for ordinary people to control it when it goes crazy.

  Breeding wildebeest requires professionals to personally participate and be familiar with the habits of wildebeest.

  The required site must be large, and hundreds of acres of land are far from enough. For William and Soros's class, it was too early to establish a horse farm and breed Warcraft horses.

  It's still a bit difficult for the three families to unite.

  (End of chapter)

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