Chapter 4 Snake Body Man

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  Chapter 4: The snake-like man

  Soros and the others did not act rashly, but quietly followed the feral wildebeest herd. It lasted for another four days before they finally figured out the migration route of the feral wildebeest herd.

  "Roland, how far is the horned horse's smell range?"

  The horned horse monster is not rare in northern Xinjiang. There are six horned horse knight squads in the Mad Lion Legion Knight Brigade. There are more than a hundred horned horses in the mad lion. Legion service.

  Duke Edward's knights also use iron horned horses as their main mounts. The Duke's horse farm has hundreds of iron horned horses participating in Warcraft hybrid experiments.

  The Church of Dawn, Kingship and Church, and Church of Glory all have herds of iron horned horses, and they often sell some in major kingdoms.

  The Grant royal family has also successfully bred a group of wildebeests and is preparing to change them into the Royal Knights. The
  Wild Lions have been domesticating wildebeests for more than hundreds of years and have accumulated a lot of experience. Roland has been in the Wild Lions for many years and is familiar with the habits of this kind of monster. Very understanding.

  "The wildebeest has a very good sense of smell and can smell odors up to three kilometers away. In addition, the wildebeest has strong eyesight, which is better than that of humans. Especially its night vision ability is much better than that of ordinary people." Soros said

  slightly Zuo thought: "There is a waterhole forty miles to the west, and the wildebeest will definitely pass there. Roland, take Powell, Richard, and Morgan to drive away the animals near the waterhole and set traps to catch the wildebeest. Remember No blood can be seen for several kilometers near the waterhole."

  Richard followed Roland to the waterhole first, but because the wildebeest needed to eat all the way, he fell behind the four of them.

  The four of them drove away the animals near the waterhole.

  Roland stood next to the pool, carefully took out eight light blue grasses from his backpack, then poured a little red juice from a clay pot, and spread it evenly on the grass.

  "This light blue grass is the second-level magic plant Sleeping Grass, which can be used to refine potions for treating mental trauma.

  A sleeping grass can be sold on the market for twenty-four gold coins, which is very rare in Black River Castle.

  The red juice comes from red blood grass extract, which is a third-level magic plant that grows in the Eagle Mountains. This magical plant can be used to evolve bloodlines and is the main material for refining bloodline awakening potions. "

  Roland explained a few words in a low voice, and quickly transplanted eight sleepweed plants near the water pool, and then guarded the high ground three kilometers east of the water pool. Richard and the other three cooperated with Roland to block and drive away animals from other directions to prevent wild beasts from intruding. Near the waterhole, swallow the sleeping grass to destroy the trap.

  Richard knows that this red blood grass comes from his father William. William is not a hereditary baron and cannot exchange this red blood grass for the royal bloodline awakening potion. So he can only use it here to set up traps. Capture the wildebeests.

  Richard and the other four set up traps, and the three Thoros quietly followed the wildebeests.

  In less than half a day, the wildebeests slowly walked to the water pool.

  Although the wildebeests are smarter than ordinary horses, Quite a few, equivalent to three or four-year-old human children. But they have no wisdom and experience to see through traps.

  Moreover, red blood grass can promote the evolution of blood. Driven by instinct, they easily swallowed sleep grass and fell into the trap.

  Eight adult iron horses The wildebeest suddenly became confused and fell to the ground. There were four ponies left. One mare panicked and fled eastward without choosing a path.

  Richard and the four men accelerated and ran wildly, and immediately put special ponies on the unconscious wildebeest. Halters and nose rings were put on.

  The remaining five wildebeests happened to bump into the three of Soros.

  Thoros was good at using lasso and easily lassoed the only adult wildebeest. Kent and Hayden teamed up to also Successfully captured a pony.

  Without the protection of the stallion, the three ponies that escaped could not run very far. They were caught by everyone in less than a day. It took

  thirty-seven days to come out this time, and finally achieved it. As he wished.

  In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Soros made a decisive decision and immediately decided to go back.

  When he entered the Eagle Mountains, there was still snow in the mountains. When he returned, most of the snow had melted away, and the weather was much more comfortable, but Richard knew Today's forests tend to be more dangerous.

  The monsters have woken up from hibernation and are moving more frequently in the mountains.

  The snow melted and the tunnels in the mountains became passable. The orc tribes in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains also began to go south to hunt deep in the mountains.

  Due to the obstruction of mountain glaciers, orcs often go south in spring and summer. If they cannot establish a foothold in the north and obtain stable supplies, they will return to the north of the Eagle Mountains in late autumn before the heavy snow seals the mountains.

  Richard followed Powell to explore the road ahead and learned from Powell's reconnaissance experience.

  Suddenly, Powell's expression changed drastically. He touched Richard and whispered, "There is the smell of snakes nearby." Snakes are a type of orcs in the north.

  Orcs, like knights, are also the product of ancient wizard blood experiments.

  The knights are the winners of the bloodline experiment, and the orcs are the failures of the bloodline experiment.

  Compared to human knights, although orcs have gained powerful extraordinary powers, they also inherit the flaws of extraordinary creatures.

  In racial competition, this flaw is often a weakness.

  The upper body of a snake is not much different from that of a human being, the only difference is that it has some scales.

  This kind of scales has good defensive power, even stronger than iron armor.

  The lower body is a snake body, three to four meters long, like a python as thick as a bucket.

  Orcs rely on the power of blood. The stronger the blood, the stronger the career level growth, the higher the career level.

  Generally speaking, snake-like people with outstanding qualifications can evolve to the third level after awakening their extraordinary bloodline.

  Ordinary people with snake bodies cannot even awaken their blood, and their movement speed is very slow, only slightly faster than a python.

  Such an obvious weakness makes ordinary snakes unable to defeat adult humans.

  An army composed of ordinary snake-shaped people will only become living targets on the battlefield, and will be shot into snake meat skewers by strong bows and crossbows.

  However, the fighting ability of snake-body professionals is extraordinary.

  The strength of the third-level snake body man is comparable to that of a fifth-level warrior, and his agility is faster than that of ordinary people.

  There are more than a dozen kinds of spells in the blood of snake-like people, and most third-level snake-like people can only awaken three kinds. The most common ones are olfactory perception, venom missiles, and sonic shock.

  Snake professionals have strong defensive power, outstanding lethality of bloodline spells, and are not very slow either. The heavy infantry composed of snake-born professionals is the trump card of the orc army.

  Snakes have good intelligence and are as smart as humans, but their life span is shorter than humans.

  The lifespan of a normal snake is only one-third of that of a human being, and it is relatively rare for a snake to live to the age of thirty.

  Life is short, and the accumulation of knowledge is less.

  In terms of pharmacy, runes, bloodline cultivation, and magic equipment manufacturing, snake-like people have hardly developed much.

  Most of the weapons equipped by the snake-like people come from the tauren and kobolds. Their productivity level is very low.

  The eyesight of the snake body person is weak, even if it is tens of meters away, it is already blurry and invisible. They rely on their extraordinary sense of smell to hunt in their daily lives.

  Snakes have strong fertility. They lay a clutch of eggs every three years and hatch several baby snakes at once. A female snake can give birth to more than twenty offspring.

  They don't like to gather together and their range of activities is very scattered.

  Although snake-like people rarely evolve into high-level professionals, they are still the backbone of the orcs in Northern Xinjiang.

  The vast majority of orc armies will incorporate serpentine professional soldiers.

  Although Powell's sense of smell is not as good as that of the snake-bodied man, he has also awakened his extraordinary sense of smell. He participated in three northern Xinjiang wars, met a snake-bodied man many times, and personally peeled off a snake-bodied man's scales. He was very sensitive to this special smell.

  Smelling the scent of the serpent, the two ran quickly and immediately informed Thoros of the news.

  Kent, who had the best eyesight among the seven-member team, immediately climbed up a nearby hill and occupied the commanding heights, observing the surroundings to prevent being touched by the snake-like man.

  (End of chapter)

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