Chapter 44 Return of the property to its original owner

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  Chapter 44 The property is returned to its original owner
  . According to the information Richard obtained, Baron Sophia is only twenty-three years old this year.

  Before going to Markholm Kingdom five years ago, he was already a three-ring magician.

  Before leaving the Grant Kingdom, the eighteen-year-old Sophia was already a well-known magic genius in the north.

  Received an invitation from the Grant Kingdom Magic Association.

  In five years, according to Baron Sophia's magic talent, it is very likely that she will advance to an intermediate magician.

  Although she is a woman, Baron Sophia's combat prowess is estimated to be comparable to William's.

  Sophia came to the door today, and she didn't know whether she was a friend or an enemy.

  In the situation back then, no matter what, it was Richard who stole Baron Stoppa's treasure.

  Now that the mistress has come to the door, Richard is at a loss as to how to face Baron Sophia.

  "Sir Richard, you should be clear about the purpose of my coming today. I hope that the Harland family can return the Stopa family's collection of books. As for you secretly learning the magic collected by the Stopa family, I represent the Stopa family. I won't pursue him."

  Sophia's purpose was very clear, she stared at Richard, ready to wait for the Harland family's reply.

  If Richard's answer does not satisfy Baron Sophia, it seems that he will turn against him at any time.

  Richard knew in his heart that falling out with Baron Stoppa was the worst choice.

  Of course he can choose not to admit it.

  But how do nobles relate to each other?
  It's not about what you say, it's about what you do.

  Once he refuses to admit it, it is equivalent to giving Baron Sophia a clear attitude.

  The Harland family is now stronger than the Baron Stoppa family.

  Last year, my third uncle Bernie advanced to a fourth-level professional and was promoted to deputy captain of the sixth brigade of the Northern Army.

  Counting Richard and Roland, the Harland family has four mid-level professionals.

  With the addition of uncle Soros as a foreign aid, a conflict broke out between the two families, and the Harland family had a greater chance of winning.

  But in a special area like Northern Xinjiang, nobles would not easily break into conflicts with their neighbors.

  The orcs in the northern border invaded every few years, and the noble territories were often lost.

  Neighbors often have bad blood and enmity with each other, making it difficult to cooperate when war breaks out.

  Once there is a conflict between lords, they will often refuse to save it, or even make trouble behind their backs.

  In the end, both sides suffer losses, and often no one can keep their territory, giving the orcs an advantage.

  "Baron Stoppa's collection of books is in Black River Castle. The badge, magic book, and breathing method are all in my hands. Baron Sophia can take these things away at any time. I am very sorry about this matter. In the future, the Harland family will have As for other magic inheritances, I am willing to let the Stopa family make a copy.

  Our two families are neighbors, and I hope we can turn enemies into friends."

  Hearing Richard's answer, Baron Sophia was quite satisfied.

  Today, the Barony of Stopa has a population of less than 2,000.

  These people are slaves purchased by Sophia.

  The Stopa territory has a complete castle and cultivated mature fields. Compared with the Harland family, production can be restored more easily.

  In order to defend her territory, Sophia recruited soldiers from slaves and formed a squadron of private troops.

  But she had no breathing technique, no qualified officers, no craftsmanship to resume production, and she had lost her family's book collection.

  Various problems came one after another, making it difficult for Sophia to cope.

  At this moment, Sophia accidentally heard that Richard next door actually used healing spells to treat the injured slave. The magic book lost by the Stopa family contains two spells for treating minor injuries and treating minor injuries.

  When the orcs invaded, Richard garrisoned the nearby castle.

  There were various signs that Richard was the one who took away the family's books. She had doubts in her heart and immediately decided to come to the Harland territory to meet Richard.

  If Richard refused to admit it, she was going to give him a fireball.

  Then he took action to capture Richard, whether it was negotiating with William or going to the noble court to convict the Harland family of theft and take the initiative in his own hands.

  Even if it offends the Harland family, he will not hesitate.

  Moreover, catching Richard and getting back the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique can not only train soldiers, but the craft books collected at home can also solve many production problems.

  Unexpectedly, things turned out so smoothly. Richard directly admitted to stealing the books and was willing to compensate for the losses.

  This attitude was beyond Baron Sophia's expectations.

  Baron Sophia knew that the Harland family had just been promoted to hereditary baron, and they had little background and could not have any precious book collection.

  But this first-generation hereditary baron with military merit is best at war.

  Gaining the goodwill and favor of the Haaland family, which is located in the northern border where wars are frequent, is very important to the security of the Stopa family's territory.

  Richard handed back the blue badge he carried with him to Sophia, and then returned the original magic book.

  After getting the magic book, Richard copied two copies very early.

  One copy was given to my sister Wendy, and the other is kept in the family library.

  Richard asked his sister Wendy to copy the books collected by Baron Stoppa in order of importance.

  Throughout last year, this was Wendy's main job.

  In a whole year, more than half of the Stoppa family's book collection has been transcribed, and the investment in paper and ink alone amounted to 200 gold coins.

  The original books brought from Vicksburg were no longer of use to the Haaland family.

  "Turn enemies into friends?
  Our two families are neither enemies nor friends. How can we turn enemies into friends?
  Is the Harland family willing to become friends with our Stoppa family?"

  "Of course, we are willing to become friends with all the nobles nearby."

  The two exchanged a few polite words. Baron Sophia took the badge and magic book, and prepared to go to Black River Castle with Richard in a few days to take back Stoppa. Family book collection.

  Sophia was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Richard.

  "There are some broken beehives here, and there are some unhatched bee eggs inside. I wonder if they are of any use to your home?" Richard took

  out the purple-headed peak beehives he picked up from Vicksburg from the house and gave them to Sophie Ya looked at it.

  Sophia took over these broken hives, observed them carefully for a moment, and used the life detection spell. He immediately couldn't hide the smile on his face and said: "The remaining bee eggs still have vitality. After using the life spell, there should be some opportunities to activate the bee eggs."

  Richard knew that insects have extremely strong vitality, and many insect eggs can be hidden in It has been in the soil for more than ten years, waiting for a suitable time to hatch.

  The purple-headed peak queen bee is a first-level monster, and the eggs she lays are very special. After reading the books in Baron Stoppa's house, Richard knows that the purple-headed peak bee eggs are also a precious medicine that can be used to detoxify.

  In particular, most snake venom and scorpion venom can be eliminated with bee eggs.

  Knowing how precious this thing is, Richard has kept the eggs until now.

  Today, the master of suffering came to the door, which made Richard very embarrassed. When Sophia was about to leave, Richard was reluctant to return the bee eggs to their original owners.

  (End of chapter)

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