Chapter 45 Castle Planning

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  第45章 城堡规划


















  When building a gathering place, digging a water well is the first priority. In addition to being close to a water source, a well must be dug.

  A good well digger earns a very handsome salary. A successful well dig costs about ten gold coins.

  There is a magician in the Harland family, and Wendy's elemental intimacy is very high, and she can easily sense places where the water element is abundant.

  With Wendy's guidance, the slaves could easily find a location to dig a well. A group of thirty slaves could build a stone well in seven or eight days.

  There is no need to pay wages to use slaves to work, just let them have enough to eat.

  Including Fort William, the territory needs to drill dozens of wells, which can save hundreds of gold coins. For the debt-ridden, poor Harland family, saving a few hundred gold coins is already something worth celebrating.

  After drilling the well, Richard focused on building the reservoir.

  Like a slave every day, he eats and lives on the construction site, designs and plans the reservoir, and supervises the quality and progress of the project.

  Even the noble lords were like this. Although the conditions were difficult, the slaves did not complain much.

  An army of thousands of slaves worked together and finally repaired the reservoir before June.

  In the past year, slaves in brick kilns, lime kilns, and cement kilns have accumulated a lot of experience.

  The wheeled brick kiln can bake 60,000 bricks at a time, increasing the success rate by about three times.

  Although the success rate of firing bricks once was less than 24%, in previous lives such as Richard, with such a low success rate, brick-burning workers were immediately fired by their bosses.

  But in the Dawn Plane, this kind of production efficiency is far beyond that of several other lords.

  Burning bricks twice a week and being able to produce 120,000 bricks already made Richard very satisfied.

  The slaves had no knowledge. Less than ten of the more than 4,000 slaves could read, and the literacy rate was only 2.5 per thousand.

  In such a terrible situation, what else could Richard ask for?
  The territory is still in the process of land reclamation and construction, and Richard has no energy, time, or money to invest in education.

  Besides, he can't teach much by himself. If the castle is not completed in one day, the safety of the people will not be protected.

  Reclaiming farmland and building city fortifications were far ahead of establishing schools and educating children.

  Nowadays, even children as young as six years old have to work together with adults.

  Only when the territory develops to a certain level, with a larger population and the residents accumulating a certain amount of wealth, can Richard be able to establish schools and spread knowledge. At that time, papermaking and printing can also be promoted on a small scale.

  Only by investing funds in education, cultivating literate craftsmen, and accelerating the progress of productivity will the development of the territory have a future.

  With the mass production of bricks and a small amount of earth and cement, Fort William was built at an increasingly faster pace.

  The city walls were completed before winter. The walls around the castle totaled about six kilometers and were sixteen meters high.

  More than a thousand strong slaves worked intensively for nearly two years to build the city wall.

  The city wall is the largest project of the castle. After the city wall is built, half of the castle project is completed.

  After the city wall was completed, the most important construction task was to build the Baron's Palace.

  Fort William is a city in the mountains and cannot be square. The castle is built according to the direction of the mountains. Suitable for defense is the first priority.

  The castle is roughly divided into four parts.

  The Baron's Mansion is located on the mountainside on the west side and is the most dangerous location.

  The castle is 20 meters high, and a four-story main building is planned to be built. The main building faces north and south, and two-story podium buildings are built on the east and west sides.

  A one-story house is built on the southernmost side, connected with the podiums on the east and west sides.

  In the middle of the mansion is a small square, where many training equipment will be placed, including archery targets, a running playground, and a horse stable.

  There is also a tall wall behind the mansion, with gardens, pools and other buildings inside.

  There is also a two-story small courtyard next to the baron's palace. Richard plans to dig a large ice cellar in the middle of the courtyard to store meat. The small courtyard will serve as the baron's palace.

  The Baronial Palace covers an area of ​​76,000 square meters, occupying almost one-half of the western part of Fort William.

  Most of the remaining half of the area is used to build some high-end residential buildings, as well as two-story office buildings.

  When Fort William is built, those who can live in the West City, either rich or noble, will be the ruling class of the territory.

  The Zhongcheng District is located in the center of the valley. The buildings are mainly military fortresses, with towers built every thirty meters.

  The width of the canyon is two kilometers, and there is a river twenty meters wide in the middle.

  The Zhongcheng District was built on both sides of the river, forming two irregular trapezoidal castles. The largest number of buildings in the Zhongcheng District were military barracks, with a total area of ​​about 200,000 square meters.

  Dongcheng is located in the mountains on the east side. The terrain of the mountains on the east side is slightly gentler and not as dangerous as the west side.

  The houses in the east castle were mainly reserved for the families of soldiers.

  When the territory reaches a certain scale, Richard plans to set up a World of Warcraft hunting team and enter the Eagle Mountains to hunt for World of Warcraft. Dongcheng can set up a trading market for Warcraft materials to bring new income to the territory.

  The largest area is the back city, which will also be the slum area of ​​Fort William.

  It is located behind the middle city area, covering an area of ​​about 1.5 square kilometers. As long as the three east and west areas are not lost, the back city area will not directly face the orcs. A large number of houses will be built here and commercial streets will be planned.

  Ordinary civilians, citizens, and businessmen will mostly live in the back city area.

  This plan is relatively large. If it is fully realized, Fort William will have at least tens of thousands of people settled there.

  Some military fortresses have just been built now, and it may take more than ten years to fully realize the plans on the drawings.

  (End of chapter)

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