Chapter 43 Sophia

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  Chapter 43 The barony of

  Sophia Harland now has two squadrons of soldiers.

  These two squadrons are standing troops and require training for twelve months each year.

  The first half year is recruit training, which mainly involves getting familiar with military regulations and conducting queue training.

  This queue training is different from the military training in Richard's previous life, and is combined with the actual combat conditions in the Dawn Continent.

  It mainly trains squads and team-drawing tactics. Every training must be fully armed, wearing armor and holding swords.

  The physical exertion is very high, and queue training is usually only done every other day.

  In addition, the most important task of recruit training is to teach soldiers to understand flags, semaphores, and horns. Teach them to understand characters and become familiar with the practice of breathing techniques.

  Of course, in the beginning, Richard focused on health regulations.

  In order to make the soldiers have qualified hygiene habits, Richard personally inspected and used whips to make the lazy slaves remember the hygiene regulations and not defecate in the open, which made the military camp smelly.

  After a period of continuous spot checks and punishments, the soldiers remembered the fear of whips and gradually developed good hygiene habits. Hygienic habits have improved, military appearance and discipline, and energy and energy have obviously improved.

  There is a slave merchant who serves as the captain of the transportation brigade, and the two squadrons are well equipped.

  Although it is far from being compared with the main army, it is already relatively sophisticated among the noble private armies.

  The Stopa Baron has been operating for decades, and the family's private army only has two squadrons, and its combat effectiveness is average, no different from the soldiers of the Harland family.

  In the past year, although Richard was busy every day, he still did not practice relaxing breathing or meditation.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 10.7
  Agility: 2.9
  Physical: 4.2
  Mental Strength: 15.6
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 5 (16569/20000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (4420/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Combat Skill: Level 4 ( 653/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 4 (2890/10000)

  Zero-level magic: Energy ray, treatment of minor injuries.
  First-level magic: Energy missiles, wooden vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries.
  Experience: 6500.
  Over the past year, the experience of breathing methods has increased. At about 10,000 points, meditation experience increases by about 2,800 points.

  Although Richard meditates hard every day, his elemental intimacy is average and the effect of meditation is not very good.

  Without killing experience, it would still take three years for Richard to be promoted to a second-level magician.

  The archery skill has been increased by 2000 experience points. Last year, Richard trained archery every three days. He did not invest enough time and gained less experience.

  For a whole year, the fighting skills of the Northern Army basically did not improve much.

  It took half a month for Richard to conduct combat training once. This skill can add a little experience, and Richard is already very satisfied.

  In terms of learning spells, Richard is very talented and has learned three one-ring spells.

  My younger sister, Wendy, has a good talent for magic. She has become a high-level magic apprentice. She has also learned energy rays and two zero-level magics for treating minor injuries.

  According to Richard's estimation, her mental power is close to eight points, and she is not far away from becoming a first-level magician.

  It is estimated that the breakthrough will occur within the next month or two.

  Wendy devoted less time to magic than Richard.

  In the past year, she has been in the library at home in Black River Fort almost every day.

  With Baron Stopa's collection of books to read, Wendy was already immersed in a sea of ​​knowledge.

  In the field of magic, she is more talented than Richard.

  After completing the spring plowing, Richard let the slaves rest for a day.

  He was just about to go to Fort William to find his second uncle Powell when he saw a beautiful girl coming to Zhuanyao Village with a dozen cavalrymen and blocking Richard at the door.

  For the past year, Powell has lived mainly in Fort William, returning to Fort Black River once a month to spend six days with his wife and children.

  Now that the Harland Territory has just been developed, the conditions are harsh, and the female family members all live in Black River Fort.

  The female family members will not move to Fort William until the castle is completed and the interior decoration is completed. However, William is still serving in the Northern Army, and it is estimated that Mrs. Ola will not leave her husband and settle in a desolate castle.

  According to Richard's observation, Mrs. Ola held dozens of banquets last year and seemed to be addicted to aristocratic banquets.

  The Harland family territory is still in the development stage, and almost no outsiders have come in for a whole year.

  Only when the territory develops to a large scale will caravans enter.

  Seeing that the girl was dressed as an aristocrat, Richard was immediately curious. Realizing that Richard's eyes were full of scrutiny, the girl said calmly and generously: "I am Baron Sophia of Vicburg."

  Upon hearing this name, even though Richard was a relatively old man, his expression changed.

  After getting the magic book from Vicksburg, Richard was very concerned about the situation of the Sufferer.

  In the past year, William sent some people to quietly inquire about the Stopa family.

  Richard is naturally very aware of the changes in the Barony of Stopa.

  The orc invasion war two years ago brought serious disaster to the Stopa family.

  Not only did the baron die in the battle, his wife, palace maid, three sons, and one daughter all died at the hands of the orcs.

  After the fall of Vicburg, only six Stoppa family heirs remained.

  Sophia Stopa was third.

  Ahead of her in the line of succession were the second and third sons of Baron Stopa.

  He is also the biological brother of Baron Sophia.

  The two sons of the baron both developed in the hinterland of Grant Kingdom. One served as a judge in the suburbs of Nolan, and the other served as auditor in a southern county.

  The two men's work was very honorable, and they also received a lot of gold coins from Baron Stopa.

  Baron Stopa's son grew up in northern Xinjiang and experienced many wars. He was very satisfied with the peaceful and prosperous life in the south.

  Sophia's two brothers are average in talent and not very brave in character.

  Not only did he fail to awaken his knight bloodline, he barely relied on the power of potions to become a professional, and his level was only first level. Neither of them could bear the hardship of the professional's subsequent training.

  Baron Sophia's two brothers certainly wanted to become a hereditary baron, but they were very afraid of the risks.

  Seeing that his brave and powerful father, Stopa Ram, was attacked by orcs and the whole family was destroyed.

  The two of them knew that they could not defend their territory on their own and face the endless troubles on the border.

  They don't have much ambition and are relatively smart. They are all over thirty years old and have a clear understanding of their abilities.

  Besides, the Stopa Barony is still in a mess, and the situation is only better than the Hallant Barony.

  The people in the territory were annexed by Baron Harden, a powerful silver knight. No matter who inherited the territory, it would be difficult to get the people back from Baron Harden.

  Recruiting territorial citizens, purchasing slaves, operating a territory, and building an army all require money, and it's a lot of money.

  At least tens of thousands of gold coins must be invested to restore Baron Stopa's strength.

  Although Sophia's two brothers have rich family assets, some of them only have small amounts of money. They have saved up to one or two thousand gold coins at most. This amount of money is certainly a huge amount of money for ordinary people.

  It would take hundreds of years of work to save this amount of money.

  But for a barony, this amount of money is insignificant. One or two hundred strong slaves cost more than 2,000 gold coins.

  After careful consideration, the two were unwilling to inherit the territory and gave up their inheritance rights.

  But no one inherited the territory, and the two were unwilling to do so.

  In addition to his three adult children, Baron Stopa also has a fifth son who survives, but this child is not yet a professional and has no inheritance rights.

  The other three family members with inheritance rights are the Baron's two younger brothers and an uncle.

  The financial resources of these three people are not as good as those of the two sons of the baron. Although their professional levels are higher, their abilities are average and they cannot afford the responsibility of defending the territory.

  He reluctantly inherited the territory and lived as a baron for two or three years.

  When the orcs come next time, Vicksburg will still be lost, and then only his family will be harmed.

  If all family members renounce their inheritance rights, the Stopa family will lose their status as nobility.

  The laws of the Grant Kingdom stipulate that without noble status, one cannot be appointed to important positions such as judges and auditors.

  The Stopa family worked hard for several generations and finally climbed up to become a noble hereditary noble.

  When this generation is expelled, the efforts of several generations will be ruined.

  In desperation, the members of the Baron Stopa family can only pin their hopes on the most talented Sophia Stopa.

  Although the baron's beloved daughter was unwilling to inherit the title, she went to the Kingdom of Markholm five years ago to pursue the truth of magic.

  In order for their sister to come back and inherit the family territory, the two sons of Baron Stopa went to the Kingdom of Markholm together and saw their sister pleading.

  He even threatened to commit suicide to get Sophia to come back and inherit the title.

  (End of chapter)

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