Chapter 42 Territory Development

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  Chapter 42 Territory Development
  Richard successfully built a brick kiln and began to waste time building brick houses.

  In order to speed up the process, Richard also hired more than 20 masons from Heihe Fort at a high price.

  In addition, there were also a dozen masons among the slaves. With these people as the backbone, Richard formed a construction team.

  Construction teams of several hundred people were active throughout Harland's territory, forming the prototypes of villages.

  Second uncle Powell also built a large number of wooden houses.

  Timber is a very important resource in life. Living materials in Harland's territory are scarce, but there is no shortage of timber.

  Dozens of wooden houses have been built in Fort William.

  In the winter, everyone squeezed in and could accommodate about 1,000 slaves.

  According to the progress, the slaves will have a house to live in this winter.

  Although more than a dozen people were crammed into one room and the living conditions were not very good, they finally settled down in the Harland territory.

  Following a kind and kind lord, slaves have hope in their hearts even if they work hard every day.

  After half a year of hard fighting, the Haaland family territory has changed drastically.

  Although the physical rules of Dawn Continent are different, Richard still established some basic industries within the territory.

  Brick kilns, cement kilns, lime kilns, and wood drying kilns have been put into operation.

  Both summer and autumn grains were harvested.

  This year, the Harland family invested 12,000 gold coins, reclaimed 400 hectares of farmland, harvested 940 tons of grain, and built more than 300 houses. In addition, there are one brick kiln, cement kiln, lime kiln and wood drying kiln.

  However, most of the materials produced at the kiln entrance were used within the territory and could not be converted into money.

  In particular, important materials such as lime and cement were basically used in the construction of Fort William.

  Lime and cement were used, and the construction of Fort William began to speed up.

  By October, the foundations were completed and the castle was built three or four meters high.

  After entering winter, slaves still had to work in the cold and continue to bake bricks.

  As long as there are enough bricks, the castle can be completed by next winter.

  Normally, a hereditary family that had just obtained a fief would need to build a castle for more than ten years.

  Develop a deserted barony and invest 50,000 gold coins before the territory can break even.

  You need to keep investing money until you break even. New nobles with little wealth often cannot persist for that long.

  Most of the hereditary nobles of the Grant Kingdom were accumulated through three generations. The first generation joined the army and became mid-level professionals, leaving the breathing method inheritance to the family.

  There are many second-generation brothers, some of whom are in the army and some who are making money. Lay a solid foundation and accumulate various resources as much as possible.

  In the third generation, only when a leader with outstanding abilities joins the main army and achieves military exploits can he be promoted to a hereditary noble and complete his status change.

  William became a hereditary noble in the first generation. Although Mrs. Ola can earn a lot of money, her accumulation is actually less than that of a normal new noble.

  Because of a plague in the Nolan slave camp, the Harland family received excess population resources.

  Four thousand slaves joined the development of the territory, and the territory ushered in very rapid development.

  The time traveler Richard brought some advanced knowledge, developed some basic industries, improved productivity, and accelerated the development of the territory.

  After traveling to this world, after so many years of research, Richard discovered that classical mechanics is also the basic physical rule of this world.

  However, because electromagnetism and quantum mechanics involve magic factors, they cannot copy the experience on earth.

  If he wanted to study the scientific laws of this world, Richard's accumulated knowledge was still a little behind, and he didn't have the basic conditions. We can only wait until the knowledge reserve increases in the future and we have more powerful magic methods. Using the materialistic scientific outlook formed by education in previous lives, there should be some discoveries.

  Normally, it would take seven or eight years for a newly promoted barony to reach the level of development of the Harland family.

  Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye it has entered March of the dawn calendar year 3254.

  After a year of operation, the Haaland Territory has changed greatly. It was still a barren area in March last year, but now six gathering places have been formed, and many beautiful and solid brick buildings have been built. The territory of more than one thousand square kilometers is already populated by many people.

  For a whole year, despite the hard work, no war broke out in the territory. Without the destruction of war, the population of the territory is also multiplying rapidly.

  More than 300 women became pregnant last year, nearly half of the territory's working-age female population.

  In other words, this year, there will be a baby boom in the territory.

  Entering March, Harland Territory still needs to continue to cultivate farmland.

  Last year, 400 hectares of paddy fields were reclaimed. This year, slightly less paddy fields were reclaimed.

  Richard plans to cultivate 300 hectares. If there is a good harvest this year, Harland Territory will be able to sell 600 tons of grain.

  Food prices in the Grant Kingdom are not very expensive. One copper coin can buy 1.5 kilograms of food.

  One gold coin can buy 540 kilograms of grain. In a normal year, grain prices will not fluctuate by more than 20%.

  More than 600 tons of grain, enough to exchange for 1,200 gold coins, can pay off some of the debt owed.

  The construction of wooden houses near Fort William has stopped. The wooden houses are crudely constructed, often leaking air and water, and are not as warm as brick houses.

  When farming is over, Richard plans to build brick houses in Fort William and strives to have all the houses repaired within three years.

  After the slaves regained their status as freemen, they sold their houses to the citizens with loans.

  I can recover some of the house payment every year, which is a lot of money in the long run.

  This year Richard is also planning to build several small reservoirs, in addition to building several simple roads.

  While the slaves have not become freedmen and are cheap to use, the infrastructure should be built as well as possible.

  On March 16th, spring plowing begins.

  Richard and Powell took three indentured slaves and controlled the wildebeest to reclaim wasteland.

  These three indentured slaves were all professionals under slave merchants, and Richard set a ransom of 300 gold coins.

  Their families did not have that much money, and the slave merchants were not willing to pay the ransom for them, so they could only become indentured slaves of the Harland family and had to work for the Harland family for ten years.

  Two of these three indentured slaves were low-ranking officers captured by the Kingdom of Delon, and one was a low-ranking officer from the private army of a hereditary noble.

  The three of them are all junior professionals, two are second level and one is first level. Their names are Alves, Bradlik, and Graham.

  Now these three people have been appointed by Richard as deputy squadron captains to assist the retired officers invited by William.

  William recruited more than 20 cadres from the wounded and retired soldiers of the Northern Army.

  Several of these demobilization injuries are also professionals.

  The two strongest people are both third-level professionals. He once served as the captain of the Northern Army Corps, named Martin and Heyman.

  Both of them had minor physical disabilities. One was blind in one eye, and the other was missing two fingers. Can't draw the bow string.

  The main squadron of the Northern Army is under great pressure from competition, and these disabled officers can only take a back seat.

  Although they received generous compensation, William's old subordinates were still doing nothing.

  The two of them were still relatively young and had no plans to retire for the time being. After being invited by William, they decided to continue to follow the old chief.

  Their salary was four gold coins per month, slightly lower than in the regular army.

  A senior squadron leader of the Northern Army, his monthly salary is about five gold coins and four silver dollars.

  The birthday of the goddess just passed this year, and William also recruited a heavyweight to join the territory. This person was Roland, whom Richard was familiar with.

  Roland was missing a leg and although it was inconvenient to move, he was still appointed by William as the chief training officer of the territorial soldiers.

  (End of chapter)

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