Chapter 41 Wheeled Brick Kiln

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  Chapter 41 Wheeled Brick Kiln
  In recent times, uncles and nephews Richard and Powell have visited every inch of the territory.

  Richard also drew detailed maps.

  They also went deep into the Eagle Mountains to scout the nearby terrain and survey resources.

  After more than a year of war experience, plus the performance of this slave purchase.

  Richard's ability has been recognized by the main members of the Harland family.

  William, Powell, Bernie and other elders discussed and gave Richard full authority to manage the territory.
  Although the Harland territory is in the wilderness, there are also many useful resources in the territory.

  Giant trees dozens of meters high are everywhere. If you can transport these giant trees, you can sell them for a lot of money at Black River Fort.

  However, it is very difficult for the Haaland family to build more than 100 kilometers of roads.

  When developing a barbaric territory, the most important tasks are logging, planting, and burning bricks.

  The Harland family's territory is dominated by mountains and hills, with only a few riverbank valleys suitable for farming.

  Richard calculated that there were only about 6,000 hectares of flat land in the territory.

  The Harland family's territory covers an area of ​​1,460 square kilometers, of which only 60 square kilometers can be reclaimed, accounting for about 4%.

  Seventy-six percent of these 6,000 hectares of flat land are dry fields.

  There are only 1,400 hectares of paddy fields, which is slightly more than 20,000 acres.

  The climate in the north is not too arid. According to Richard's estimation, the annual precipitation is about 600 mm.

  The yield of one acre of dry land is very low. If drought-tolerant crops are planted, the yield per acre is about 120 kilograms.

  The yield of paddy fields is higher, and the yield per mu of grains such as wheat and barley can reach 300 kilograms.

  Even in a good harvest year, if all this land is reclaimed, the annual grain output will be about 3,500 tons, which can feed only 15,000 people.




















  The most important thing is that Richard doesn't have many masons on hand, so he can only choose to bake bricks.

  The brick kiln was built near a clay soil, halfway up the mountain.

  Because the roads have not yet been built, it is very difficult to transport various materials. Richard took his slaves and lived in tents every day, eating and sleeping in the open air.

  In addition to eating slightly better, Richard works like a slave every day, which is also very hard.

  Strong slaves did the hard work, while the elderly and children did the easier work.

  Children over the age of six have to bear heavy workloads every day.

  Even though he has been in this world for six years, it is still difficult for Richard to integrate into such a realistic environment.

  Every night late at night, he would think of his past life, want to play games, watch movies, watch videos, listen to novels, and think about his relatives, friends, parents and family in his past life. It's a pity that he can no longer return to that stable and peaceful world.

  Of the four thousand labor force, one thousand were used to build Fort William.

  These one thousand slaves are all young and middle-aged slaves, accounting for almost half of the prime-age slaves.

  After three months of hard work, the foundation of the castle is almost completed.

  The castle has been named Fort William and is located on the mountainside on the side of the valley.

  The castle wall is to be built sixteen meters high and three meters wide. The inside is rammed earth and the outside is covered with blue bricks.

  Once built, Fort William could lock this valley passage and relieve pressure on Platos.

  Entering the Eagle Mountains from this valley passage, you can also attack the rear of the orc army, which is a new strategic point in the northern region.

  After building about two kilometers of road, Richard took hundreds of slaves to start building brick kilns.

  Before Richard traveled through time, he had a relative in his hometown who ran a brick kiln. When he was a child, he often went to his relatives' house to play with his cousin, and he knew the structure of the brick kiln very well.

  The brick kiln was located near the clay soil for easy access to soil.

  Richard mobilized some mason slaves from Powell, first made thick stone bricks, and then directed the slaves to lay the kiln floor and build the kiln walls.

  After two or three days of busy work, the kiln floor and fire pit have been laid, and the kiln wall is more than half completed.

  The next projects include kiln door, kiln door tunnel, chimney, flue, slope feeding port, suspended ceiling, etc.
  In addition, clay bricks must be made and adobe drying sheds must be built.

  The work was busy until July when the brick kiln was successfully put into operation.

  Although Blue Star is just an adobe kiln, it is a backward production capacity among backward production capacities.

  But this is the first time that a wheeled brick kiln has appeared in Chenxi Continent.

  The fifteen-meter-high smokestack is already a wonder in Harland's territory.

  After the brick kiln was built, bricks were fired immediately.

  There are more than a dozen kiln mouths, each of which is connected to each other, so that bricks can be fired without interruption.

  Every three or four days, 250,000 large red bricks can be fired.

  Baking bricks also requires skills. The time for firing bricks and the order of kiln coding are very particular. If there is no experience, the success rate of brick-burning will be very low. The
  brick-burning slave at the beginning had no experience, and Richard did not understand the details. Of the 250,000 bricks, only 20,000 to 30,000 could be used.

  It takes more than 100,000 kilograms of fuel to burn bricks once.

  Richard refused to cut down the big tree. Cutting down shrubs and collecting branches and leaves requires hundreds of old people and children to collect them for two or three days.

  Fortunately, the labor force in Chenxi Continent is not valuable, otherwise, if you do this, you will lose your pants.

  Most slaves now live in damp, cold tents.

  Fortunately, there is not a lot of rain in Harland territory, otherwise the slaves would be sick.

  Now that it was midsummer, there was no time to waste in building houses for the slaves.

  It has been less than three months since winter began. The winter in the north is very cold. If the slaves stay in tents all winter, half of the slaves will freeze to death next year.

  Twenty to thirty thousand bricks can build three to four brick and wood houses.

  A dozen slaves were crammed into one house, and a hundred slaves could have a house to live in every week.

  As experience increases, the output of bricks will also increase greatly. Keep up with the development of the territory.

  (End of chapter)

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