Chapter 40 Ransom

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  Chapter 40 Ransom
  William’s question immediately hit Qiao Sen’s weakness, making Qiao Sen very angry.

  But now that people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads. Even though they hate William to death in their hearts, they don't dare to show it. He could only pretend to be weak and hope that William would let him go.

  It would be really bad if William sensed his own malice, sensed the threat, and refused to give him the treatment he deserved as a nobleman, even if he wanted money for his own life.

  Because he was an illegitimate son, Johnson was very good at pretending. He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, and said in a squeaky voice: "I am the illegitimate son of old Baron Langton." "Baron Langton is a vassal of the Duke of Guise?" Kingdom


  Grant , the total number of nobles above the hereditary baron number is more than 300.

  William knew the names and badges of every hereditary noble family in the kingdom by heart. After becoming a noble, William put in a lot of effort.

  As soon as Qiao Sen reported his name, William already knew the origin.

  Richard pointed to McGee's body and said, "This man has knight blood. Do you know his origin?" "

  Like me, McGee is also the illegitimate son of a baron. He comes from the Joseph family. My body is full of blood. As a noble blood, I hope to receive preferential treatment, and I am willing to pay the ransom."

  William smiled and said: "Assault and murder of a hereditary baron, I will hand you over to the noble council to see if it will bring shame to the Langton family?" "

  Baron Harland ? , apart from making the Langton family lose their reputation, it would be of no benefit to you or me. The

  first rule of survival of aristocrats is that interests come first. You have nothing to lose. I will write to my father and pay a suitable ransom. This At this point, your two families will not become enemies."

  "How much ransom are you willing to pay?"

  "How about 1,000 gold coins?"

  William shook his head and said, "A mere thousand gold coins won't make me let you go, at least 3,000 gold coins."

  "The amount is too much. I can't afford such a high ransom."

  "Then change the payment method. Use a slave worth 3,000 gold coins to pay the bill. Others can do the same. As long as they pay the ransom, they can be free. If they cannot pay the appropriate ransom, they can only be slaves to the Haaland family. Yes."

  Richard smiled slightly and directed the slaves in the camp to tie up the prisoners.

  These slave traders were defeated and left behind a lot of weapons and equipment.

  Richard had his men counted and found that thirteen pieces of iron armor, more than one hundred pieces of leather armor, more than twenty crossbows, more than thirty bows and arrows, and more than three hundred spears and heavy swords were enough to equip two squadrons of soldiers.

  In addition, these slave merchants also carried more than 80 war horses, which together were worth more than 2,000 gold coins.

  Of course, half of these spoils will be given to the Soros family.

  After dealing with a lot of chores overnight, Richard returned to his tent in the middle of the night.

  He opened the properties panel. Although he has been busy treating sick slaves in the past month or so, Richard still has not stopped practicing.

  Breathing and meditation are practiced every day without hesitation, and I also try my best to make time for various skills.

  Over the past forty days, various skills and experiences have increased.

  After this battle at night, he accumulated 9,500 experience points, which was enough for Richard to improve his skills.

  The highland meditation method has the highest priority. Richard added 3,000 experience points to upgrade the highland meditation method to the fourth level.

  Instantly, Richard felt a powerful spiritual power coming from his mind, and his spiritual power increased by 3 points on the attribute panel. Richard was successfully promoted to a first-level magician, although he has not yet learned a first-level spell.

  Richard closed the attribute panel. He thought that with the end of the orc invasion, it would be difficult to gain killing experience.

  Richard's soul is a modern person with normal outlook. Although his personality has undergone many changes, he is not cruel enough to hunt innocent people and gain killing experience. Entering the Eagle Mountains to hunt monsters is not only very dangerous, but also requires a long time to track and find monsters.

  Richard is not a World of Warcraft hunter and does not understand the habits of World of Warcraft. It is difficult to gain killing experience by hunting Warcraft.

  Besides, he is also responsible for the management of the territory and does not have so much free time.

  Unexpectedly, a slave merchant came to his door and became Richard's experience baby, speeding up his advancement.

  Without the attacks of slave traders, it would have taken more than a year for Richard to be promoted to an official magician.

  After the attack, Richard decided to arm the slaves, distributed the captured weapons, and armed two squadrons of slave troops.

  Among the slaves were some captured soldiers of the Kingdom of Dron.

  Richard used these people as the backbone and selected strong slaves as the basis. Cooperating with the disabled officers under William, they organized while marching.

  By the time they returned to Black River Fort, the framework of the two slave squadrons had been completed.

  By mid-March, the snow in the mountains had melted, and the slaves who had arrived earlier had begun working.

  They built simple shacks, some slaves cultivated farmland, and some slaves collected stones to build castles.

  The project of building the castle will probably last a long time.

  It takes about five to ten years to build a complete baron's castle and consumes a lot of gold coins. The biggest expenditure is the purchase of bricks to build the castle.

  The technology blockade in this world is very serious. Many low-level nobles in the Grant Kingdom don't even have a brick kiln in their territory.

  In order to save money, repairing brick kilns has become the most urgent task in the territory.

  While Richard was busy working on the territory, the slave merchant's family received letters from their relatives and began to pay the ransom.

  Baron Rand's slave transport team arrived the fastest, arriving at Black River Fort in early April and delivering more than 500 slaves.

  The other three slave traders and professional captives also paid the ransom and brought more than 300 slaves.

  This time I went to the royal capital and unexpectedly got about 3,000 slaves including the ransom paid by the captives.

  Including the first batch of more than 1,000 slaves purchased, although the Harland family had just obtained the fiefdom, there were already more than 4,000 people working there.

  In a short period of time, the territory has not produced anything yet.

  In order to support these four thousand slaves, the Harland family could only increase their debt borrowing. A large amount of grain was purchased from Black River Fort and Wright Fort to feed the serfs.

  As the number of slaves increased, Richard could only increase his efforts to open up wasteland.

  Before June, more than 3,000 slaves participated in the reclamation operation, reclaiming approximately 400 hectares of farmland.

  In order to speed up land reclamation, Richard also used powerful iron horned horses as draft animals.

  The iron horn horse is very powerful, far more powerful than the oxen.

  Using the iron horned horse to plow the land, ten hectares of land can be plowed every day.

  It's just that the Iron Horned Horse has a bad temper, so only professionals can work to control the beast.

  (End of chapter)

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