Chapter 39 Defeat the Opponent

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  Chapter 39: Defeating the opponent
  McGee is the strongest combatant among the attackers. The strongest remaining attacker is a fourth-level warrior.

  The two sharpshooters, Richard and Thoros, used precious enchanted crossbows, which could transmit fighting spirit. After several consecutive arrows, they had killed five or six tough opponents.

  "Killing a second-level professional will reward you with 1,000 experience points."

  "Killing a first-level professional will reward you with 500 experience points." After

  receiving continuous prompts from the system, Richard suppressed the joy in his heart and hunted his opponents more calmly. .

  The guard force in the camp is not weak. There are more than 60 mercenaries in the mercenary group under uncle Thoros, including three professionals.

  Mercenaries fight in small-scale battles and have more experience than the regular army, and their combat effectiveness is also superior to that of the regular army.

  His father, William, summoned more than thirty experts, all of whom were veterans of the military. Most of them were senior warrior apprentices, and there were also a few professionals who had retired from active service due to injuries. Their combat effectiveness was also very impressive.

  Although the strength of the guarding camp is inferior in terms of numbers, its actual combat effectiveness exceeds that of the slave merchants.

  Before even fighting the enemy, the backbone of the army suffered such serious losses. He was killed by arrows and wounded about twenty or thirty people.

  The slave traders gritted their teeth and rushed through this road of death.

  Richard and Thoros calmly adjusted their breathing and fired arrows very rhythmically. Each time they shot an arrow, they could kill an enemy.

  Even if he hides behind a shield, he is still useless against the powerful lethality of the enchanted crossbow.

  Seeing the heavy casualties, Qiao Sen could only send his deputy, a fourth-level professional, to break into the camp and hunt down the sharp archer.

  This professional's name is Lauren, the leader of Baron Langton's private army and Qiao Sen's direct cousin.

  Since the old baron died of illness, the succeeding baron did not trust Laurent and dismissed him from his post soon after.

  Laurent waved his spear, fighting spirit flashed on his legs, his running speed doubled, and in the blink of an eye he had already crossed dozens of meters and rushed into the camp.

  Seeing Laurent rushing into the camp gate, Richard stuck the enchanted crossbow on the ground, drew out the heavy sword he carried with him, stopped Laurent, and let Thoros, who was better at archery, shoot the attacker.

  Under normal circumstances, spellcasters use long-range weapons such as light crossbows, short bows, and slings to assist in combat.

  They will only release magic when dealing with a large number of enemies or important targets.

  Beginner spellcasters are limited by their mental power and can cast very few spells.

  According to the information from Qiao SenMcGee and others, Richard is a junior spell caster.

  When the two sides fought, he discovered that Richard was actually an expert archer.

  To become an archer, one must have great strength.

  Luo Lun never expected that young Richard would actually be a magician and a martial artist.

  Laurent took up the spear and threw it towards Richard.

  Richard used his sword to block the spear accurately.

  Luo Lun swung a heavy chain hammer and hit Richard hard. The two of them fought back and forth for several rounds.

  Luo Lun found that Richard's strength was very good and his swordsmanship was also quite basic. After a while, he couldn't defeat his opponent.

  At the same time, the attackers and the camp guards began to fight each other.

  With Thoros as the killer, he kept shooting the backbone of the slave merchants' subordinates. He lost a lot of key soldiers just after the battle. He could not exert his superior strength at all, and the battle line slowly retreated.

  Just when McGee and Qiaoson felt something was wrong.

  Richard's left hand began to emit a burst of light, and energy rays were immediately shot out. Lauren suddenly felt a chill. During the battle, he had already guarded against Richard's use of magic.

  But he never expected that the power of the spell would be so powerful.

  This time, Richard actually invested 11 points of spiritual power in casting the spell. After releasing this magic, Richard's mental power will most likely be consumed.

  With such an intense investment of mental power, the power of this energy ray exceeds that of standard four-ring magic and reaches the level of standard five-ring magic.

  For a moment, Lauren felt a violent impact and stinging pain.

  The escaping energy hit him, and more energy passed by Lauren, killing two soldiers who wanted to support Lauren.

  Luo Lun's thoughts suddenly slowed down a lot. At this moment, Richard accurately seized the opportunity and slashed Luo Lun's chest with his sword.

  This sword was very fierce, leaving a fatal wound more than a foot long on Luo Lun's body.

  In an instant, Luo Lun felt that his fighting spirit was drained from his body, and his body became extremely heavy. Scenes from the past came to mind.

  If there is a high-level priest at this time, Lauren can be saved by casting a serious injury healing spell on him.

  Unfortunately, treating serious injuries is a four-ring magic. The priest who can cast this spell is considered a moderate figure in the church.

  How could a priest of this level appear here to serve slave traders?

  In the blink of an eye, Lauren's body could no longer stand. He fell to the ground, blood and internal organs pouring out of his body.

  "Killing a fourth-level professional will reward you with 4,000 experience points."

  Following the prompts on the attribute panel, the accumulated experience points have reached 5,500, which is enough for Richard to upgrade his meditation level and become an official magician.

  Richard killed Luo Lun, and William's side soon decided the winner.

  Although McGee's power rage spell is very effective, its duration is relatively short, only about ten minutes.

  Once the violent time is over, McGee is no match for William.

  Seeing that the situation was not going well, McGee was about to turn around and retreat. Richard had already picked up the enchanted crossbow again and shot a fatal arrow at McGee.

  With an arrow piercing his throat, Mikey stumbled and ran forward for a few steps, but was eventually killed by Richard.

  "Killing a fourth-level professional will reward you with 4,000 experience points." As

  soon as the two powerful professionals, Laurent and McGee, died, the slave merchants immediately collapsed.

  The remaining two hundred or so attackers dispersed in a hurry, discarding their armor and trying to escape under the cover of night.

  Unfortunately, most of them were caught by Richard and others.

  This included Qiao Sen, who organized the attack. After this man was caught, he brazenly demanded that Richard be treated as a noble.

  "Which hereditary noble are you a member of? Have you been listed in the list of noble heirs?"

  According to the laws of the Grant Kingdom, only nobles have many privileges.

  Those who can be called nobles are only direct family members within three generations of hereditary nobles.

  For example, people with distant aristocratic bloodline such as Byers, although they have the title of aristocrat, they are no longer aristocrats legally.

  (End of chapter)

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