Chapter 3 Iron Horned Horses

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  Chapter 3 The Iron Horned Horses
  heard what Morgan said, and Richard's heart moved.

  "I have been in this world for six years and have been under the protection of my elders. It seems that this time my father arranged for us to capture the Iron Wildebeest. He should want us to gain some experience."

  Kent is Richard's eldest cousin and is older than him. Ten years older, unlike the lucky guy like Morgan, Kent also did not have the bloodline of an awakened knight.

  After ten years of hard training, he has just completed the professional advancement.

  His talent is very average.

  After advancing, Kent did not join his father Soros's mercenary group, but joined the Sixth Brigade of the Northern Army. Serves as deputy captain of the scout squadron under William.

  The Dawn Continent is divided into four levels from top to bottom.

  The top level is the hereditary nobility, whether it is the king at the top of the pyramid or the lowest hereditary baron.

  The second stratum is the professional families, which are mainly families of low-level military officers and low-level civil servants.

  The Harland family has now reached the pinnacle of this class. If you further accumulate enough military merit, you can become a hereditary noble. If you take a step back, you will probably fall into the ranks of ordinary free citizens.

  The third class is the free people class, which is mainly composed of urban residents, handicraftsmen, and small and medium-sized farmers. If free people want to cross class, unless there is a great opportunity, they can only work hard, and very few people succeed.

  In the past twenty years, no more than thirty families have advanced from freemen to professionals in Heihe Castle. When enlarged to the entire northern border, there are only a few hundred families, like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate.

  There are millions of people in the north, and ordinary people who advance to professional professions can be said to be one in a million. It is more difficult than Richard's previous life to get into the top two.

  At the bottom is the slave class, including serfs, worker slaves, and private slaves of the nobility. Slaves have no freedom in life, and the opportunity to change their destiny is even rarer.

  In this world where extraordinary power exists, class consolidation is extremely serious, and those who can transcend classes can be called outstanding people.

  Black River Fort is located in the northernmost part of Dragon Canyon and is the headquarters of the Northern Army.

  The Grant Kingdom has been operating in Black River Fort for many years. There are hundreds of villages scattered nearby, with a total population of 4.5 million in tens of thousands of square kilometers. It is the core territory of the royal family in the north.

  The Knight Academy is located in the middle of Dragon Canyon, one hundred kilometers away from Black River Fort.

  Richard and Morgan joined Hayden and rode fast horses for two days before arriving at Black River Fort. The four professionals Kent, Powell, Rowland, and Soros have been waiting for them for a long time.

  Hayden is Richard's third brother and his half-brother. He is two years older than him. He also failed to awaken his knight blood. He entered Grant Knight Academy for three years and is a middle-level warrior student.

  Powell is Richard's uncle. He is already a second-level soldier. After retiring from the Northern Army, he opened a tavern in Black River Fort.

  Roland is the brother-in-law of Soros. He is just thirty years old, but he has already become a fourth-level professional and serves in the Mad Lion Legion. In terms of talent alone, he is better than Soros and can rival William.

  After William became a professional, the Harland family experienced tremendous development. Relying on William's support, the two brothers entered the Northern Army one after another and successfully advanced to become professionals.

  He rose to become the top family under the hereditary nobility.

  "The reason why I take you deep into the Eagle Mountains and into the range of the orc tribe's activities this time, in addition to capturing the iron horned horse, is to increase your experience against the enemy.

  We people in the north will encounter an orc invasion every few years. If you don't understand the enemy, it will be difficult to save your life in the war. Every northerner needs the experience of facing war directly." Uncle Thoros

  patted Richard on the shoulder and gave some serious instructions.

  Dawn calendar year 3252, February 8th.

  The seven people rested for a long time and left Black River Fort overnight to prevent leaks and entered the depths of the Eagle Mountains.

  The time of this operation was already spring. After a long cold winter, the forest was no longer particularly cold, but there was still thick snow in the shade.

  There are almost no villages in the mountains, and signs of human activities are very rare. After entering the Eagle Mountains for half a month, Richard could not even find a hunter's cabin. Everyone carefully searched the beast's path, and suddenly Powell whispered: "Be careful, it's the feces left by the Earthdragon. This is not far from the Earthdramon's lair." "How big is the hunting range of the Earthdramon?" "The


  " The nearby 60 kilometers are the territory of the Earth Dragon Beast."

  Second uncle Powell is a retired old scout who used to be the squadron leader of the reconnaissance squadron of the Fourth Brigade of the Northern Army. Not only does he have superb investigative skills, but his natural sense of smell is also extraordinary and he can smell smells that ordinary people cannot detect.

  This talent allowed him to turn danger into danger many times and avoid several fatal dangers.

  Earthdramons are high-level monsters, and adult Earthdramons are seventh-level monsters. Some powerful male Earthdramons can even grow to the ninth level.

  Even if there are two mid-level professionals in the team, there is still a risk of the whole army being annihilated when encountering an adult earth dragon beast.

  "Roland, go and have a look at the tallest tree in the west. Everyone else should leave here as soon as possible. Everyone should smear some of the earth dragon feces on their bodies to prevent the earth dragon from smelling strange smells." Many Warcraft have the habit of hibernating

  . , the same is true for Earthdramon.

  Spring terrestrial dragons are very dangerous and extremely aggressive. They will kill any prey that intrudes into their territory.

  But the Earth Dragon Beast in spring is also very valuable. The glands in the Earth Dragon Beast's mouth will secrete dragon marrow liquid in spring, which can refine extraordinary potions containing dragon blood and assist sixth-level knights to break through the realm.

  If there is a knight of level 7 or above leading the team today, they will have a chance to hunt the earth dragon beast and get the dragon marrow liquid.

  Thoros was only a fifth-level warrior, not a daring fool. He was surrounded by either sons or nephews. He did not dare to provoke the Earth Dragon Beast and directed everyone to stay away from danger.

  The seven of them were lucky enough that they were not discovered by Earthdramon when they left.

  After wandering in the depths of the forest for more than ten days, from February to March, I finally found the footprints left by the wildebeests. After following the animal trail for three days, thirteen wildebeests were already looming.

  The Iron Horned Horse is a low-level magic beast. Adult stallions are usually second-level magic beasts, and some strong horse kings occasionally grow into third-level magic beasts.

  Mares are usually first-level monsters, and very few can advance to second or third level.

  This group of iron horned horses is relatively small and does not have a third-level horse king.

  According to Powell's observation, four male horses have reached the second level, four ponies have not reached adulthood, the remaining five mares have one second level, and the remaining four are all first level.

  Warcraft has rough skin and thick flesh, and can also use blood spells. In head-to-head combat, its combat effectiveness is usually better than that of warriors of the same level.

  Although this group of Iron Wild Horses did not have any intermediate-level monsters, their number was twice that of Richard's seven people.

  If you are not careful, the number of seven people will be reduced.

  The William and Soros families have more than a dozen children in total, and the only ones worthy of training are Richard and Morgan.

  Morgan awakened the blood of knights, and Richard showed extraordinary talent.

  If the two of them were lost here, even if they captured the Iron Wildebeest, the two families would lose their future.

  Moreover, Soros also loves his son and nephew, so of course he will not choose to act recklessly.

  "Uncle, I'm afraid we have no chance of winning in a head-to-head fight?"

  Thoros nodded lightly and said very confidently: "The most difficult thing in this operation is to find the horses. As long as the horses are found, capturing the Iron Wildebeest will become more difficult." It's very simple."

  (End of chapter)

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