Chapter 333 Duke of Pilosa

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  Chapter 333 Duke

  Pilosa The nobles of the Dawn Plane are keen to buy elf slave girls not only for lust, but also to improve their family bloodline.

  The blood of knights is the foundation of nobility. The stronger the blood, the more powerful the fighting power.

  In this extraordinary world where great power belongs to oneself, ambitious nobles will do everything possible to strengthen the family's bloodline, expand family power, and maintain the family's advantage. Here, extraordinary bloodline is the most critical.

  The elves are born with powerful extraordinary blood. Adult elves can become high-level professionals, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of human knights of the same level.

  If you buy a young elf slave girl, you can improve your family's bloodline for hundreds of years. It's just that the elf girl is beautiful and moving, and most noble family heads have exclusive desires and will not share the elf with other members.

  Often a female elf slave would serve more than ten generations of noble family heads, and her situation was very pitiful.

  Of course, there are exceptions. Hundreds of years ago, Duke Marcelo of the Holy Glorious Empire purchased nine sun elves, and then used these nine elves as fertility machines. Hundreds of men in the Duke's family had to work hard every day, and sometimes even He would entertain guests with elves and gave birth to thirteen half-elves with sun elf blood in just a few decades.

  Relying on these thirteen half-elves, the Marcelo family improved their bloodline through internal intermarriage, exploded with powerful power, and cultivated three legends from the thirteen half-elves. The family's strength once ranked among the sacred. The third place in the Glorious Empire.

  The Marcelo family didn't know that they had secretly offended a powerful enemy by raising elf slave girls.

  At that time, the Sun Elf tribe had declined, and its strength was far inferior to that of the Marcelo family. Moreover, the Marcelo family was protected by the Holy Radiance Empire and was not worried about the revenge of the Sun Elf.

  After losing their territory, the Sun Elf tribe became homeless and became a wandering tribe. In order to survive, they could only go to areas with strong undead atmosphere. When the situation was at its worst, the tribe was almost wiped out. At its weakest, this elven tribe had only a few dozen members.

  At this critical moment, good luck suddenly came. On the ancient battlefield of the undead, the Sun Elf tribe discovered a tree of life that survived tenaciously. Relying on the water of life accumulated by this tree of life, two people were born. Legend accepted many wandering elves, quickly expanded the population, and completed its revival.

  Today's Sun Elf tribe is second only to the Elf Royal Court in size, with a population size of close to ten thousand people. Although most of the clan members are relatively young, there are only a few high-level professionals, and there are only three legendary elves. However, because the sun elves have suffered disasters, their senior leaders are more open-minded and are willing to share the water of life with other elven tribes and are also willing to accept half-elves.

  After regaining their strength, the Sun Elf Tribe and Duke Marcelo started a brutal Hundred Years War.

  Decades ago, the Marcelo family was attacked by five elven legends. Two half-elf legends of the Marcelo family were killed in battle, and one defected. The patriarch was tortured and killed by the sun elves. Four legends were lost in one day, and they were almost killed. The whole family was wiped out.

  Now the Sun Elf Tribe has a pursuit order against the Marcelo Family. As long as a member of the Marcelo Family is killed, they can exchange the Water of Life with the Sun Elf Tribe. As a result, the Marcelo Family does not dare to appear in public at all. Able to hide in the dark like a mouse.

  Because of this lesson, many cautious nobles are not willing to keep elf slave girls, especially the weaker nobles, and they dare not act rashly.

  After all, elves are more than 95% similar in appearance to humans. As long as they put on a little disguise, they can easily blend in with the human race. As long as there are three or five high-level elves hiding in secret to assassinate and destroy, it will be very troublesome for the baron and viscount classes.

  The nobles who buy elves are mainly medium and large nobles. The nobles who compete to buy elves also hide their identities. According to Richard's observation, a total of fourteen large nobles have purchased female elf slaves.

  These great nobles should be more radical in their actions.

  The beauties of the elves are so charming that any man will be attracted by them. Richard is also a normal man. Of course he also has strong desires and the urge to auction in his heart.

  But the three views formed in his previous life allowed Richard to control his inner desires.

  Purchasing an elf slave girl would not only be difficult for Sophia to handle, but it would also offend the elf tribe.

  Although the two major multinational chambers of commerce sounded nice, Richard didn't quite believe in their promises. In the future, the elven tribe came to the door and provoked the enemy for no reason.

  Moreover, Richard's morals and emotions do not allow him to purchase sex slaves and vent his desires. After all, Richard is a person who is responsible for his family and society.

  After the elf beauty auction is completed, the auction on the next day is considered to be over.

  The third day is the last day of the auction, and the items on the auction block are also more precious items.

  The opening was a variety of super-magic materials, mainly second- and third-order materials, occasionally mixed with fourth- and fifth-order materials.

  The Harland Territory Mage Association is developing rapidly and has a lot of demand for super magic materials. In the past, it mainly traded with domestic nobles, but in the past year or two, it has not been enough.

  Seeing a large amount of super magic materials for sale, Richard raised his cards frequently and spent 86,000 gold coins, collecting almost half of the super magic materials.

  These extraordinary materials are enough for the Harland Mage Association to use for at least two to three years.

  After the metamagic materials unit ended, various magic props and alchemical items appeared on the auction floor.

  Richard waited for two and a half days and finally got the magic qualification test crystal ball he wanted to take a photo of.

  There are six magic qualification crystal balls appearing in the auction, and the competition is not very fierce. After all, other big nobles have accumulated it for many years, and there is no shortage of such conventional magic props.

  Richard only paid a small premium and spent a total of 20,000 gold coins to successfully acquire six magic qualification crystal balls.

  The auction has so far consumed more than 190,000 gold coins from Harland, and Richard has also purchased some of the most urgently needed items.

  Although Harland has saved a huge sum of 600,000 gold coins in the treasury, these 600,000 gold coins need to be left with 200,000 gold coins to prevent accidents. Now Richard only has about 200,000 gold coins left in his hands.

  After the auction ended in the morning, Richard paid the funds and received about a dozen horse-drawn carriage auction items. At noon, after everyone sorted out the materials they had taken, all the precious materials were received by Richard into the bottle of starlight.

  In the afternoon, Richard spent 92,000 gold coins to buy two space bags, one large and one small.

  The larger space bag was auctioned for 54,000 gold coins and had a total of 18 cubic meters of space. Richard was going to give it to Sophia for use. The smaller space bag was auctioned for 38,000 gold coins, with a total of twelve cubic meters, and was prepared for Wendy to use.

  Normally, a storage item with an internal space of one cubic meter costs about three thousand gold coins. The larger the internal space, the higher the premium. If Richard is willing to sell the bottle of Star Glory and place it in the Holy Radiance Empire, someone is willing to pay tens of millions of dollars. It's just that after such a large transaction is completed, safety may not be guaranteed.

  During the three-day auction, Richard spent 283,600 gold coins and bought 150 flaming horses, 400 Tenghui potions, 156 craftsman slaves, and seventh-level A six-year contract with Silver Knight Wilde, a ten-year contract with Level 6 warrior Griffin, six crystal balls for magic aptitude testing, fourteen carts of super-magic materials, and two space bags, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

  With such a large amount of wealth, in order to ensure safety and prevent it from being stolen or robbed, Richard needs to be particularly careful. All important resources are contained in the bottle of starlight.

  During the time of the auction, tens of thousands of outsiders entered Nolan Castle. When a big noble attends an auction, there will of course be guards, servants, and maids around him. The combined total of the thirty-seven big noble families has brought a population of over 10,000.

  In addition, domestic nobles received the news and rushed over to participate in the auction, bringing a large number of immigrants to Nolan. Although these foreign populations have invigorated the market and allowed many people in Nolan Castle to make a lot of money, they have also brought chaos to Nolan's security.

  This time when he came to Nolan, in order to avoid the fear of the royal family, Richard only had more than a hundred attendants around him. However, this guard was carefully selected from the 2nd Warcraft Cavalry Brigade. There were more than 70 professional officers with high combat effectiveness. Extraordinary.

  With the protection of this army, and Richard's extraordinary strength, he is not afraid of ordinary troubles, but he must prevent the transnational chamber of commerce and the nobles of other countries from raking in troubles and causing trouble for Haaland.

  After all, at the auction, Richard's box repeatedly held up signs. As long as others were not blind, they could roughly estimate that Harland led the auction to acquire nearly 300,000 gold coins.

  Richard spent more money at auctions than the Grant royal family.

  Three hundred thousand gold coins is a huge sum of money even for a big noble, enough to make some radical nobles choose to take risks.

  In Nolan Castle, Richard was not worried about safety.

  There is a garrison of the Grant royal family in Nolan Castle, and there is the Grant Kingdom Mage Association. Even if Legend causes trouble in Nolan, he will face a lot of trouble.

  But after leaving Nolan Castle and going to the uninhabited wilderness, Harland may face trouble leading this team.

  After the auction, Richard rested in the mansion for a day, and left Nolan with his guards early the next morning.

  Just as Richard and his guards left the city gate, an owl following them not far behind spread its wings and returned to Nolan City.

  Richard glanced at the owl that was going away, his eyes becoming extremely cold. He stretched out his hands, grasped the star necklace around his neck, and decided to teach his opponent an unforgettable lesson.

  The owl broke open the window and flew into a luxury hotel.

  In the hotel, the legendary knight Duke Pilosa's face was red and he was sitting naked on the bedside, as if he had completed a fierce battle. Two high elf female slaves were naked and lying on the bedside with numb faces.

  "Oram, you are so rude."

  "Dear Duke of Pilosa, the target you asked me to keep an eye on has left Nolan this morning."

  The owl actually spoke, and it was standard. The language of Stark Kingdom.

  This owl is a rare monster called the Death Owl.

  The Death Owl has a very high IQ and is a rare monster that can be tamed. Their vocal organs are very special, and like another kind of Warcraft Lucky Parrot, they can master human language.

  The culture of the Kingdom of Stark is very warlike. Unlike the Kingdom of Delon, this country has been strong for thousands of years. The national culture respects the strong and emphasizes the concept of class obedience.

  The Kingdom of Stark valued strength and military merit. If the nobles did not have military merit, they would have no status at all in society.

  Even an ordinary person, as long as he is promoted to a legend in the Stark Kingdom, he will immediately be made a hereditary duke. But the territory must be captured by oneself. How much territory can be captured for future generations depends on one's own abilities and opportunities.

  Pilosa was born into an ordinary nobleman, and awakened his knightly bloodline at the age of twelve. His talent was very outstanding, and he rose to prominence at a young age. At the age of fifty, he was promoted to a legend and became the first Duke of the Kingdom of Stark.

  Pilosa also has a very aggressive and militant personality, and is not afraid of danger at all, so he bought a high-level elf slave girl at an auction.

  Because Richard purchased a large amount of resources at the auction, the Duke of Pilosa was alarmed.

  The first Duke of Stark has always been lawless. He provoked several wars with the Mayan Kingdom. His subordinates controlled more than a dozen bands of bandits and plundered on the border between the Stark Kingdom and the Mayan Kingdom.

  The Drifen family's caravan was actually robbed by bandits controlled by Pilosa, and the surviving caravan members were eventually sold to the multinational chamber of commerce.

  Because he often engages in illegal business, Pilosa has a very close relationship with multinational chambers of commerce and is a very important partner of various multinational chambers of commerce.

  Pilosa stood up, and immediately summoned the soldiers after getting dressed, then pulled off the sheets and wrapped the two naked elf slave girls.

  "It seems that our target has noticed the danger."

  Pilosa sneered, and after the accompanying guards entered the room, he asked: "Is there any result in the information I asked you to inquire about?" "

  Replying to the Duke, the target's name is Richard Harland is the first Duke of Grant Kingdom. According to rumors in the Nolan market, this man is very good at fighting in Northern Xinjiang. However, Duke Richard is not very old and his professional level is only level six. But this Duke is a demon. Wu Shuangxiu, according to rumors, the magic talent is extraordinary."

  After hearing the information, Pilosa immediately knew that Richard must be very difficult to deal with. To be able to make repeated military exploits in the war with the orcs and be promoted to the first generation of Duke, such a person must be extraordinary.

  But Pilosa still did not change his belief, because Pilosa was a legendary knight and had enough confidence in his own strength. He believed that no matter how powerful Richard was, he would not be able to fight the legendary knight.

  While putting on the enchanted armor, Pilosa asked: "What other important information did you get?" "It is

  rumored that Richard's most classic battle was when he sent an army to surround and kill the legendary kobold Kiram, who was known as Duke the Dog Slaughterer."

  The Stark Kingdom is located close to the south and does not border the orcs, so it does not know the strength of the orc empire very well. When he heard that Richard led his troops to kill the legendary kobold, Pilosa's first feeling was that the kobold was weak and had average combat effectiveness.

  Moreover, Richard led tens of thousands of troops to besiege the legendary kobolds, and he had no chance of winning alone.

  Now there are only a hundred guards around Richard, while Pilosa has nearly two hundred elites around him. As long as he catches up with Richard, he will be absolutely sure to seize this precious resource.

  As for how to deal with the aftermath, Pilosa is not considering it at all.

  If you kill someone in the wilderness, it is basically difficult to find the murderer. When the news of Richard's disappearance comes out, it will take at least twenty days for Beijiang to communicate with Nolan. After grabbing this vote, Pilosa will leave Nolan immediately. With Pilosa's relationship with the two major multinational chambers of commerce, and the protection of the two major multinational chambers of commerce along the way, he has 20 days to leave the Grant Kingdom with a 100% chance.

  More than fifty kilometers north of Nolan is an inaccessible wilderness, which is very suitable for killing people and selling goods. Before participating in the auction, Pilosa had prepared many places for cheating and cheating.

  (End of chapter)

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