Chapter 334 Ambush Battle

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  Chapter 334 Ambush Battle

  Although Richard was a little careless in his previous life, after traveling to this world and facing a crisis-ridden environment, he quickly changed this shortcoming.

  After advancing to the seventh ring, his mental power has exceeded fifty points, which is equivalent to that of a legendary magician.

  Moreover, Li Zhan had awakened his talent for danger perception, and when he was being tracked by the Death Owl, he vaguely sensed the danger.

  After the mental power exceeds five points, the memory has exceeded that of ordinary people, the observation ability is also extraordinary, and the brain has been far easier to use than ordinary people. With more than fifty points of mental power, even without relying on the power of magic runes, the simple use of mental power can already interfere with the real plane to a certain extent, like a superman.

  So when he discovered that the owl had been following him for a while, Richard immediately reacted. His brain worked quickly and he immediately knew that someone would come to trouble him.

  Richard has a hundred Warcraft Cavalry under his command. This force far exceeds that of a baron, and is even stronger than the viscount army near Nolan.

  Small nobles and the like are no match for the Warcraft Cavalry, and they don't even dare to plunder.

  At this time, apart from the royal family, the only people who dared to trouble Richard were the two major multinational chambers of commerce and the nobles who participated in the auction.

  The royal family is not crazy, because hundreds of thousands of gold coins are about to attack the duke in the country.

  If this kind of thing is exposed, King Roger will immediately become infamous. He has done something that seriously violates political ethics, and he will immediately become a famous coward and tyrant in history. The entire Grant Kingdom will also lose order and mutual trust. The country will have no cohesion and will be in danger of destruction immediately.

  Moreover, in recent years, since Roger became the king, the Grant royal family and the Harland family have cooperated very well. Richard has also been very helpful to the royal family. The relationship between the two parties has been relatively close and has not broken down.

  So in an instant, Richard excluded the royal family.

  The two major transnational chambers of commerce, Fanxing and Cangqing, have been operating in the Grant Kingdom for many years. Although some businesses are very shady when they are uncovered, the transnational chambers of commerce are bound to be involved in a lot of murders and smuggling. But they had no reason or courage to attack a powerful duke.

  If the matter is exposed, everyone in the Grant Kingdom will definitely fight against the two major chambers of commerce, and they will lose the considerable market of the Grant Kingdom. As long as the managers of multinational chambers of commerce are not fools, it is impossible for them to do this.

  The only people who dared to do such a thing were the nobles from other countries who participated in the auction.

  There are thirty-seven great noble families, and more than ten of them are counts. The strength of the earl family is very average, with only a hundred or so attendants around them. Their combat effectiveness is obviously not as good as Richard's guard, and they dare not rob and kill a duke.

  The only ones who have the courage and ideas are a few powerful foreign dukes.

  At this cross-border auction, three legendary professionals came to the scene in person, namely Rose Knight Vanessa, Death Knight Pilosa, and legendary warrior Saliman.

  Saliman is a Duke of the United Kingdom on the East Coast and serves as the commander of the Third Army. He did not participate in last year's war with the Grant Kingdom. This person was originally a member of the branch of Duke Fran's family. Although he did not have the bloodline of the Awakening Knight, his warrior talent was very outstanding and he gradually gained an advantage in the internal struggles of the family. After being promoted to legend, he used dark means to get rid of the main lineage and became the new A generation of Duke Fran.

  Vanessa the Rose Knight is a famous duchess in the Kingdom of Saxony and has been famous for more than sixty years. This female duke is already eighty-seven years old. According to public information, she has been promoted to legend for forty-two years.

  Legendary knights have powerful vitality and their lifespan is far longer than that of ordinary people. They can often live to be 150 or 60 years old. Some legendary knights who are good at maintaining their health can live to be over 200 years old.

  Therefore, the eighty-seven-year-old Duchess, according to the standards of the legendary knight, has actually just entered middle age.

  The last death knight, Pilosa, was the first Duke of the Stark Kingdom. Rumor has it that his reputation was not very good, and he often had his soldiers disguised as bandits to rob. Richard was more suspicious of this person.

  After leaving Nolan Castle and entering the northern mountains, Richard told Soros and Baron Jose about his suspicions.

  Because there were many craftsmen and slaves accompanying him, Richard asked Baron Jose to take the slaves and part of the baggage and leave first. The guards led by Harland and Thoros stayed behind, preparing to embarrass the enemy.

  Caravans from the Harland Territory often come in and out of Nolan, and they are familiar with the terrain conditions in the mountainous area in northern Nolan. Richard soon selected an ambush location.

  This location is located at a bend in the valley, and the terrain is relatively difficult, making it a good blocking location.

  The valley passed the bend and entered a small basin in the mountains that was 200 meters wide and one kilometer long. The slope of this small basin is gentle, which is suitable for cavalry charges and battles. Of course, it is also convenient for Richard to retreat. The terrain at the corner of the valley is narrow, which is also suitable for Richard to release star bombs.

  Richard sent someone to stare at the valley, and after waiting for less than three hours, Duke Pilosa and his soldiers appeared. Behind this group of cavalry, there were several carriages, which contained part of the baggage and two elven female slaves. There were more than 200 cavalry, and their mounts were also common Warcraft Flame Horses in the Dawn Continent.

  There was also a huge owl hovering in the sky above the cavalry.

  This owl is surprisingly the Owl of Death, Oram, Duke Pilosa's familiar. In terms of rank, according to Richard's observation, this Owl of Death should be at the sixth level.

  Warcraft like the Death Owl can shape-shift and can use spells to control the size of their bodies. Their bodies are actually much larger than giant eagles, but after being released and transformed, they can change their body size to the size of an ordinary owl.

  The Death Owl has a ferocious temperament and can inherit a variety of spells in its blood. Its combat power is stronger than that of griffons and flying tigers of the same level.

  Level 6 Death Owls are already very rare in the Dawn Plane.

  The Owl of Death was born with extraordinary vision. Even if Richard and others were disguised, hiding on the cliffs on both sides of the valley bend, and hiding under the dense trees, they would be noticed by the Owl of Death in an instant.

  "Dear Duke Pilosa, there is an enemy ambush at the bend of the valley. There is a small basin behind the valley, suitable for cavalry charge." The Death Owl

  and Duke Pilosa signed a special slavery contract. The communication between them can be through spiritual transmission. Richard's mental power was far stronger than that of the Death Owl, and he was noticed by Richard as soon as his mental fluctuations appeared.

  Feeling that his whereabouts had been exposed, the enemy's advance team had entered the ambush site. Richard was very decisive and shouted: "Fire the arrow."

  Although the team under Richard's command were Warcraft Cavalry, everyone was good at archery. In fact, Harland leads every regular soldier, and the most important skill is always archery. Excellent soldiers tend to have better archery skills.

  Besides, there are also one-in-a-million archers like Richard and Soros in the team. When Richard gave the order, he loosened the bow string at the same time, and Soros also shot a fatal arrow. In an instant, a rain of arrows fell, shooting sparsely.

  Although the arrow rain was relatively sparse, its lethality was extraordinary. In just the first round of arrow rain, more than a dozen enemies were injured and five Warcraft cavalry were killed.

  Nearly half of the Warcraft Cavalry under Pilosa were professional officers. The Warcraft Cavalry suffered a loss, which made Pilosa suddenly feel a sense of physical pain.

  What's even worse is that among the dead officers and soldiers, there was actually a fifth-level knight. This man was a tribesman of Pilosa and his adjutant, responsible for commanding the advance team in combat. The fallen knight looked very young, probably less than thirty years old. He was wearing exquisite enchanted armor, but his helmet was easily shot through, and he had an expression of disbelief on his face.

  The Warcraft Cavalry under Pilosa are all wearing enchanted armor. Even if the enchanted armor is of average quality and has about the same defensive power as snake scale armor, it can easily block ordinary crossbow arrows. After using fighting spirit to activate it, the hardness of the enchanted armor will increase a lot, and it can block multiple cuts from ordinary enchanted weapons.

  But this low-end enchanted armor was easily penetrated by Harland's alloy arrows.

  Although the super magic alloy arrowheads produced by Harland are relatively expensive, they are very effective and have extremely strong armor-breaking capabilities. After testing, they can easily penetrate second-level defense armor.

  Special archers like Richard and Thoros use armor-piercing arrows that are carefully selected at any cost. They are often fifth- and sixth-level alchemy tools. This kind of special arrow can cost more than two to three hundred dollars. gold. Even noble and high-ranking officers like Richard and Thoros can only equip twelve weapons at most, specifically for shooting valuable targets.

  Using a high-level crossbow to shoot such an armor-piercing arrow, even a legendary knight would not dare to take it without the protection of legendary armor.

  Pilosa's adjutant made a slight mistake and died from a cold arrow shot by Soros.

  "Be careful of the enemy's cold arrows, hide behind the big trees."

  The officer under Pilosa shouted loudly, reminding the soldiers around him. The cavalry under Pilosa did not carry many large shields for the sake of their speed.

  Finding that the arrows used by the enemy were very sharp and hard, and could easily penetrate armor and arm shields, the officers were a little panicked and immediately ordered the soldiers to find ways to avoid the arrows.

  Pilosa's men were all veterans, very experienced in war. They hunched over and moved quickly to hide behind big trees and stone walls.

  Another round of arrows struck, this time causing slightly smaller casualties, only killing three officers.

  The biggest result was that Richard used precious armor-piercing arrows to successfully kill a fourth-level officer who was hiding behind a big tree.

  The man followed his experience and hid behind a tree to avoid arrows. Unexpectedly, the arrow shot by Richard easily penetrated a tree with a diameter of more than two feet. The armor-piercing arrow also penetrated the man's helmet and scattered his brain. .

  After two rounds of arrow rain, the casualties were close to thirty, and two mid-level professionals were also killed. Such a result made Pilosa's face change greatly.

  Pilosa has a somewhat short temper and a very intense personality. When he saw this scene on the battlefield, he immediately jumped off his horse, used the airborne flying spell inherited from his bloodline, and flew towards Richard and the others menacingly.

  Flying in the air hastily, as if it were a living target.

  Seeing this scene, the Warcraft Cavalry led by Harland immediately turned around and fired a round of feather arrows at Pilosa.

  More than a hundred arrows were shot at Pilosa, including armor-piercing arrows shot by Richard and Thoros.

  Seeing this scene, Pilosa did not panic, and released a halo of light on his armor, easily blocking the arrows shot by Harland's Warcraft Cavalry.

  Pilosa's armor is equivalent to the eighth level. The market price of this kind of armor is usually as high as hundreds of thousands of gold coins per piece. Most of the time, they are still priceless. In the entire Grant Kingdom, the total number of high-grade enchanted armors does not exceed ten pieces. The
  alchemists of the Grant Kingdom Mage Association can only refine them to the fifth level. The armor on Richard was only at level five, while the armor on Thoros was even worse, at level four.

  The price of a fifth-level enchanted armor has reached six to seven thousand gold coins, and the price of a fourth-level enchanted armor has reached two to three thousand gold coins. Only noble officers with higher status could afford to equip one.

  After all, the Harland family has only been prosperous for a short period of time. Not only does it lack high-level professionals, it also lacks various high-level resources. On the contrary, there are three legendary level magic props.

  Pilosa's high-level enchanted armor comes with a force field defense effect. As long as the fighting spirit is activated, the defensive force field can be released. It not only has a powerful physical defense effect, but also a strong magic defense effect.

  As long as the fighting spirit continues, the defensive force field will not dissipate.

  The feather arrow hit the aperture, making a tinkling sound and falling from the air. The only arrows that penetrated the aperture were the armor-piercing arrows shot by Richard and Thoros.

  Two armor-piercing arrows hit Pilosa fiercely, sending Pilosa flying back more than ten meters. The armor-piercing arrow hit the enchanted armor hard. Although it did not penetrate, it was embedded in the skin. On Lothar's armor, some of the complex magic runes drawn on it were destroyed.

  After the runes were damaged, the light emitted by Pilosa's armor also dimmed slightly, and the strength of the defensive force field weakened a bit.

  Thoros and Richard joined forces and took advantage of the knight's weakness in aerial combat to repel Pilosa. Wilde, Driffin, Roman and other officers commanded the soldiers and fired the third round of feather arrows at the Warcraft Cavalry under Pilosa.

  This round was even less effective, only killing one Warcraft Cavalry and wounding no more than five people.

  After three rounds of feather arrows, the Warcraft Cavalry under Pilosa had already jumped off their horses and found a hiding place.

  Due to terrain problems, the corners of the valley were not suitable for cavalry charges. Richard arranged a large number of soldiers on both sides of the valley and fired deadly crossbow arrows.

  Although the Warcraft Cavalry has a powerful impact, it is limited by the terrain and cannot display its capabilities at all. Riding on a tall horse in this terrain can only become a target, and the Flame Horse can only be moved to the back of the battlefield together with the baggage.

  Finding that the enemy was no longer showing up, Wilde, Driffin and Old Roman led a dozen capable professional officers and soldiers, grabbed the rope and swung down the mountain, quickly attacking the scattered enemies.

  Vito, captain of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, led the remaining soldiers to continue releasing arrows to suppress the enemy's reinforcements.

  (End of chapter)

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