Chapter 332 Oscar Wilde

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  Chapter 332 Wilde

  The auctions on the first day were basically extraordinary items, and the auctions on the second morning were almost all antiques and works of art.

  Because he missed the bottle of Star Glory, although Richard didn't care much about antiques and works of art, he still attended the auction and carefully stared at each auction item.

  However, good luck did not continue to come, and there was no auction item that caught Richard's fancy all morning.

  However, the great nobles like to be arty and have a strong sense of vanity. They compete for all kinds of antiques and works of art. Especially the great nobles who are not threatened by war spend a lot of money on their favorite works of art.

  Richard secretly estimated that the transaction price this morning was close to 300,000 gold coins.

  By the afternoon of the auction, the antiques and art sections had passed, and various jewelry and luxury goods were being auctioned.

  Because of the existence of extraordinary power, there are many women among the nobles of the Dawn Plane. Even female professionals with strong power naturally like beautiful jewelry and all kinds of luxury goods.

  The Harland territory is on the border of the Orc Empire, and the external threats are very serious. The nobles in the territory have not formed a trend of luxury and vanity. From Richard to the ordinary professionals, they don't care about antiques, artworks, jewelry, and luxury goods at all. .

  Dozens of various kinds of exquisite and precious jewelry were auctioned in succession. Each piece ranged from one to two hundred gold coins to several thousand gold coins, which made Richard a bit dumbfounded and lamented the amazing purchasing power of nobles of all sizes.

  Just when Richard was feeling sleepy, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

  "Because there are so many items up for auction this year, the auction must be extended to ten o'clock in the evening. Now, distinguished guests, please take an hour's rest. We have prepared a sumptuous dinner. In the evening, the slave auction unit will be held. Not only is it

  beautiful female slaves, as well as powerful professional slaves. The final auction item in this unit is twenty-six young elf female slaves. Please don’t miss it.” The host of the auction came to the stage to introduce a few words, and then

  knocked After knocking on the table, female slaves kept pushing dining carts at the auction venue. The magic lamp also glowed brightly, and there was even a musical skit performance on the auction stage.

  Richard was not a particularly particular person, so he ate a little casually. Soon the dinner time was over and he entered the slave auction unit that Richard was concerned about.

  The first auction was for various craftsman slaves, including gold and silversmiths, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, glassmakers, etc. These slaves were basically in groups of more than a dozen, and the starting price was not very high, roughly around 2 Between three hundred gold coins.

  The people holding the placards were mainly local small nobles of the Grant Kingdom, and the competition was not fierce.

  Although it has developed for more than ten years, there is still a shortage of various craftsmen in the Harland territory. Richard also tried to auction more than ten groups, spending 3,600 gold coins and purchasing 156 craftsman slaves.

  After the artisan slave auction ended, the one up for auction became a beautiful female slave.

  These female slaves are tall, fair-skinned, and have bright facial features. Although their temperament is ordinary, they are all charming beauties.

  To be able to appear at the auction of a multinational chamber of commerce, of course, the appearance is extremely high.

  The appearance of the female slave instantly ignited the atmosphere of the auction.

  This group of female slaves is divided into groups of two to three, and the starting price is usually between 600 and 800 gold coins.

  After the auction of female slaves began, the competition became fierce. A group of female slaves could often earn between two and three thousand gold coins.

  As the auction progressed, the status of the female slaves became higher and higher. In the end, the dozen or so groups were all noble ladies.

  Because aristocratic women received strict knowledge and etiquette education, they carried a special temperament. Standing next to civilian slave women, they seemed to stand out from the crowd and were easy to distinguish.

  The appearance of the noble female slave immediately made the atmosphere more lively.

  The auction price for a young lady from a baron's family can often reach three to four thousand gold coins. Of course, the auction price for someone with a higher status will be higher.

  After the auction of female slaves was completed, the auction of professional slaves began.

  Many of the backbones of Harland's territory were born slaves. Lost, the captain of the second brigade, and Claude, the captain of the sixteenth brigade, were all indentured slaves purchased by Richard from the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

  Now Lost is a sixth-level knight, and Claude has been promoted to a fourth-level warrior. Although both of them are professional slaves, they have now integrated into the Harland Territory and become the backbone of the Harland Territory.

  Because it is an immigrant territory, Harland Territory does not discriminate against outsiders. As long as they are talented people, they can easily stand out and become the backbone of Harland Territory.

  At the beginning, those who came up for auction were all low-level professionals, a group of six to ten people. Their identities are also different, they come from various countries, and they all signed ten-year service contracts.

  Harland Territory has formed a complete training path, and there is no shortage of low-level professionals. Moreover, the breathing methods practiced by many people are incomplete and it is difficult for them to develop further.

  Over the years, Harland has collected more than twenty breathing methods after taking the lead, but there are only four complete breathing methods, and the rest are incomplete versions. The most damaged sets of breathing methods only have apprentice versions.

  As the auctions for low-level professionals are completed, auction items for mid- and high-level professionals begin to appear.

  Because of the increase in their own value, these middle- and high-level professionals have stronger bargaining power. Not only do they have personal freedom, but the service contracts they sign are also more relaxed, and some even put forward special conditions.

  Richard chose carefully and decided to take over the slave contract of a silver knight.

  "Wilde, a seventh-level Silver Knight, the third son of Viscount Sarn of the Stark Kingdom, was captured during the Battle of Greenland. His father refused to pay a ransom for him. After the war, he was unwilling to serve the enemy and became an indentured servant. Today There is still a six-year contract

  with you. Although Mr. Wilde only has a six-year contract with you, if you have enough charisma, you can still inspire Mr. Wilde to work for you after the slave contract expires. This contract is equivalent to giving a slave to conquer the Silver Knight. Prerequisite. Because the contract period is short, the starting price is one thousand, five hundred gold coins."

  Normally, the military salary of a seventh-level silver knight is between two and three hundred gold coins a year.

  However, high-level professionals are very rare in the market. Knights who can be promoted to the seventh level are either geniuses or consume a lot of resources. Such people are almost all nobles and will not easily serve outsiders.

  The Harland leader has always had a decree to recruit talents, which has been going on for several years. So far, it has only recruited one third-level magician, one third-level knight, two fourth-level warriors, and one fifth-level warrior.

  Even if he is promoted to Duke and becomes one of the top nobles in the Grant Kingdom, it will be difficult to recruit high-level professionals. Roman, the only seventh-level warrior who joined the Harland Territory in recent years, is still over sixty years old and has great potential. Exhausted old man.

  If it weren't for William's relationship, Roman might not have joined Haaland. The greater possibility is to serve the royal family and join second-tier corps such as Flying Eagle and Flying Bear. Wilde is only forty-six years old and is already a seventh-level silver knight with the potential to reach the legendary realm. If such a person can serve the Harland family, the Harland family's lack of high-level professionals will be alleviated.

  Moreover, compared to the hired high-level professionals, having a slave contract in hand can have extremely high control over Wilde, and it is easier to use. Even if you do not consider recruiting Wilde in the future, the value of this contract is already close to two thousand gold coins.

  The Harland leader lacked high-level professionals, and Richard's decision to purchase this contract exceeded that of other great nobles. He spent five thousand gold coins repeatedly raising cards to buy Wilde's six-year contract.

  In addition to Wilde, Richard also photographed a ten-year contract with a sixth-level warrior.

  The name of this sixth-level warrior is Driffin, who comes from a noble family in the Kingdom of Delon. Because of last year's war, the Driffin family lost its territory and had no choice but to rely on its savings to become a businessman.

  After Driffin organized the caravan, he was attacked by horse bandits from the Mayan Kingdom. The caravan was completely wiped out. The Driffin family lost all their money. He himself became a prisoner, sold to the Cangqing Chamber of Commerce, and reduced to the indentured servant class.

  In just one year, Drifen has experienced ups and downs. Now that they have fallen to the bottom, his people are not far from the Grant Kingdom and their life is not good. As long as the Drifen family can be brought over, Richard has great hope of conquering this person.

  Drifen was over fifty years old and had average potential. There were many people in the aristocratic class and there was no shortage of such people, so the competition was not fierce and only cost Richard two thousand gold coins.

  After the professionals finished the auction, it was already close to ten o'clock in the evening, and the auction had reached its finale. As many as twenty-six elves were dragged to the booth.

  "These elves are our final auction items this year. They come from a declining elf tribe in the Eastern Continent. The male elves have been killed. You don't need to be afraid of the elves seeking revenge and can enjoy them with confidence. Among these twenty-six

  elves There are two high-level professionals. Please be careful when enjoying it. We can provide a debilitating potion to weaken the physique of female elves and help control these female elves. Look at these elves, they have fair skin

  , delicate appearance, and pointed How beautiful the little ears are, how moving the graceful figure is, and how enviable it is to own an elf slave." Following the auctioneer's vigorous

  introduction, the opera house suddenly became lively, and many male nobles' His eyes became hot and he spent a lot of money at the auction.

  Reading the books recorded by his predecessors, Richard knew that elves and dwarves were alien species in the plane of dawn.

  In ancient times, the undead king was the first to open the plane channel and enter the plane of dawn.

  The ancient wizards of the Dawn Plane mastered a large amount of knowledge of the plane through the war with the undead. Later, they discovered the Lancer plane and opened the plane passage. The wizards captured the extraordinary people of the Lancer plane for research, leading to the Lancer plane. The gods invaded, and the interdimensional expedition brought elves and dwarves with them.

  Among the seven human gods of the Dawn Plane today, there are three gods from the Lancer Plane, namely the God of Kingship and Order, the God of Glory, and the Goddess of Wealth.

  Beginning with the expedition to the Lancer plane, the Dawn plane entered the Age of Seven Gods.

  Seven human gods joined forces to defeat the Undead King, expelled the ancient wizards who controlled the rules, and suppressed foreign gods such as orcs, elves, and dwarves.

  After entering the Dawn Plane, elves mainly move in the Eastern Continent and Southern Continent.

  Due to the Pale Disaster, most areas of the Eastern Continent are not suitable for biological survival. A large number of leftover undead are active. Only a few coastal forests are inhabited by some elven tribes.

  The climate in the Southern Continent is hot and not very suitable for human survival, but the average physique of elves far exceeds that of humans. Except for a few territories occupied by lizard people, the Southern Continent has fallen under the control of elves.

  In terms of strength, the elves are quite powerful, equivalent to about 80% of the Orc Empire. There are more than 30 legendary masters in the elves.

  Since two thousand years ago, the Holy Radiance Empire has had a tradition of capturing elven female slaves.

  Because of this, a fierce war broke out between humans and elves. In the end, the elves and the orcs joined forces and severely damaged the army of the Holy Empire of Radiance.

  After the defeat, the Holy Radiance Empire signed a contract with the elves and no longer sent official forces to capture the elves.

  However, because the nobles like elf slave girls, and elves are immortal species, if they give birth to children, their bloodline can be improved, so the nobles are willing to pay high amounts of money, and with huge interests to promote, there are still adventurers who are not afraid of death among the people, and they are captured across the sea. Elf slave girl.

  The elves hate the keeping of female elf slaves very much, and they often send people into the Central Continent to take revenge, and their methods are extremely cruel. Massacres often occur because of the keeping of female elf slaves.

  Nobles who keep elven female slaves often have an undying hatred with the elven tribes.

  After listening to the auctioneer's introduction, the tribe of these elf slave girls had died out, and the nobles put down their worries.

  The multinational chamber of commerce has the support of a big force behind it. It attaches great importance to business reputation and will not tell lies easily. Since the multinational chamber of commerce dares to take the risk of auctioning elves, it must have solved the trouble.

  After a slight hesitation, the nobles raised their cards one after another. Even if an elf slave girl was not a virgin, she could fetch a high price of five to six thousand gold coins.

  The auction prices for elven virgins are often higher, reaching more than 10,000 gold coins.

  On the contrary, there were two high-level elves. Most nobles did not dare to act rashly. After all, if they were not controlled well, someone might be killed. In the end, these two or two high-level elves were photographed and pocketed by a legendary Duke of Stark Kingdom for eight thousand gold coins.

  Elves are all born professionals. Although it is more difficult to advance than humans, as time goes by, they can often advance to high-level warriors. In an elven tribe with hundreds of people, the proportion of high-level professionals is very high, and can reach About 20 percent.

  The most critical reason why the elves failed to become the overlord of the Dawn Plane was their poor fertility.

  A female elf can only give birth to one or two children in her life of more than a thousand years. The poor fertility makes it almost impossible for the elves to increase their population. Although the high-level combat power is very strong, in a full-scale war, they cannot defeat the fertile humans and orcs.

  A large elf tribe may control millions of square kilometers of forest, with a total population of only a few thousand people.

  The largest elf royal court has a population of only 30,000.

  But the Elf Royal Court can bring out an army of more than 3,000 high-level professionals. This force once defeated the Flame Horse Cavalry Regiment and almost annihilated the Holy Radiance Empire's ace Bipedal Flying Dragon Cavalry.

  The three thousand elite members of the Elf Royal Court have made a great name in the Dawn Plane, and their record is considered to be the strongest soldier of any race.

  (End of chapter)

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