Chapter 302 Killing the Legendary Kobold

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  Chapter 302 Killing the Legendary Kobold
  Even though the dragon-veined kobold was at the end of his strength, Richard did not dare to let him get too close.

  Unlike the Grizzly Bear Army, Harland's melee force is much weaker. There is only Thoros, a seventh-level warrior in the army who is good at long-range archery. Nowadays, among Richard's side, apart from Thoros, Richard is the most powerful melee professional. Having seen the legendary kobold's battle, Richard is not willing to fight desperately in close combat with the legendary kobold.

  That's a complete collision of eggs and stones.

  But with magical power, Harland is more powerful than the Grizzlies. Richard is equivalent to a smaller legend, and Sophia is a bit stronger than Ethan. Next to them, there is also Wendy, a five-ring magician, who helps out.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobold was holding an enchanted sword and was about to charge, the officer of the guard brigade immediately gave the order, and countless feather arrows immediately attacked, shrouding the dragon-veined kobold.

  Kilam let out a shrill cry, activated his remaining fighting energy, released an energy shield, and blocked arrows one after another.

  At the same time, two powerful spider web spells fell in front of Kilam, briefly trapping him.

  The ones who released these four spider web spells were Anne and Roentgen of the Harland Masters Association.

  The timing of their attack was very good. Two spider webs fell from the sky and wrapped around the dragon-veined kobold.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobold was restricted, Wendy held the thunder staff and released a powerful four-ring magic lightning spell, hitting the dragon-veined kobold hard.

  The lightning speed was extremely fast. The dragon-veined kobold had just opened the spider web, and the lightning had already landed on top of his head.

  Using the Thunder Staff to release thunder magic will get a huge bonus. In addition, to release this magic, Wendy consumed more than 120 points of magic power and invested 10 points of mental power. The damage caused was a bit greater than the standard nine-ring magic.

  In an instant, time seemed to freeze. The legendary kobold fell hard to the ground, and his body was completely dark. Even though he was far away, Richard seemed to smell the smell of burnt barbecue.

  This blow immediately worsened the internal injuries of the dragon-veined kobold.

  The dragon-veined kobold's will is very strong. After advancing to the legendary level, its physical recovery ability and magic resistance are far beyond those of ordinary people. Although he was actually hit by this powerful lightning magic, he still did not die on the spot.

  He struggled to get up, jumped suddenly, and dodged the arrows fired by the soldiers. He opened his mouth wide, and a hot dragon's breath spurted out, hitting Wendy and others.

  Dragon's Breath is a special spell of the dragon clan. In addition to the three awakened bloodline spells, dragon-veined kobolds can also use the last dragon's breath. It's just that the Grizzly Bear Legion didn't push him to this point. Although there was not much magic left, this Dragon Breath Killam had accumulated for many years and was still very powerful.

  Suddenly, Richard heard an earth-shattering dragon roar, and a thick dragon's breath spurted out. The dragon's breath spanned a distance of a hundred meters and appeared above the heads of the Harland mage group.

  In an instant, the mage group led by Harland was trembling with fear. Low-level magicians can't use space spells, open portals, or fly. The magicians have low abilities. Once they are hit by this spell, they will definitely die.

  If the mage group suffers heavy casualties, the years of accumulation in the Harland Territory will be wiped out.

  Seeing the dragon's breath coming, Richard and Sophia took action to protect everyone.

  "Spell rebound!"

  Sophia raised her head calmly and immediately shouted, releasing a seven-ring magic spell to rebound. At the same time, Richard also released a six-ring magic high-defense field to protect everyone.

  A strange scene appeared in the sky, the breath of dragon flames rolled back, and the aftermath of the dissipated energy was blocked by the high-level magic force field.

  Seeing that the dragon's flame breath did not hurt the enemy, Kilam felt a little disappointed and quickly approached Richard and the others.

  According to Richard's standards, this man's agility exceeded eight points. He was the fastest person Richard had ever seen. When he exploded, it was like a strong wind.

  In the blink of an eye, this man had arrived in front of the guard group. He rose into the air and slashed at several soldiers with the enchanted sword in his hand.

  This sword was very simple and fierce. The dragon-veined kobold used less than half of its power and won completely with speed, killing five or six soldiers in an instant.

  After seeing the blood, the dragon-veined kobold became more and more powerful.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobolds were about to massacre his own soldiers, Charlemagne, the captain of the guard brigade, suppressed the fear in his heart. He moved his feet and stepped on the shoulders of the two soldiers, holding an enchanted sword to block them. Attack of the dragon-veined kobolds.

  Charlemagne is only a fourth-level warrior. Although the physical fitness of the kobold race is average, the legendary kobolds are not something Charlemagne can compete with.

  After the sword strike, Charlemagne suddenly felt his hands numb and became extremely heavy. He held the sword in both hands but was unable to block Kilam's casual attack.

  The dragon-veined kobold keenly seized the opportunity and stabbed back with his sword, making Charlemagne's situation extremely dangerous.

  Seeing that Charlemagne was about to die, the deputy captain Baggett bravely stood up and blocked the blow, saving Charlemagne's life.

  Charlemagne and Baggett are only fourth-level warriors and cannot block the legendary kobolds like William and Essien.

  In an instant, the legendary kobold broke through the formation, and more than a dozen soldiers were killed or injured.

  "Quickly use fishing nets and flying claws to restrain the enemy."

  Rosen, the leader of the 4th Squadron of the Guard Brigade, was smarter. Seeing that the soldiers could not block the dragon-veined kobolds from the front, he immediately issued the order.

  I saw a few fishing nets falling from the sky, covering the dragon-veined kobold.

  The strength of the legendary dragon-veined kobold exceeds thirty points, and the enchanted long sword in his hand is also of high quality. It is extremely sharp and can easily cut off several fishing nets.

  Just when he was about to continue killing, an arrow suddenly shot Kiram between the eyebrows.

  This arrow is not only fast and very accurate, but it also carries powerful fighting spirit. Seeing the danger approaching, the legendary kobold mobilized his last fighting spirit and turned into an energy shield to block the attack.

  It was Richard's uncle Thoros who shot this arrow. Thoros was already a seventh-level warrior and was very skilled in archery. Although he did not kill the dragon-veined kobold, it consumed Kiram's remaining fighting spirit.

  At this moment, Kilam's fighting spirit and magic power were completely exhausted, and he could only rely on his physical fitness and archery experience to fight. His combat effectiveness was only 30% of what it was in the entire province.

  Killam's face was livid, and he continued to break through the formation of the guard group, but was blocked by Charlemagne and Baggett.

  The legendary kobold caught Charlemagne's flaw and hit his vital point with a sword. He was just about to take Charlemagne's life again.

  Several soldiers took the lead and rescued Charlemagne. Several first-level magicians immediately released spells to treat minor injuries, stabilizing Charlemagne's injuries and saving his life.

  Charlemagne was injured, which had a heavy blow to the morale of the soldiers in the guard group. He saw the fear in the soldiers' eyes, and Kilam also regained a little confidence.

  Seeing that the enemy was not killed, Kilam immediately turned his attention to Wendy. In an instant, Wendy seemed to be targeted by a poisonous snake, and she was immediately on full alert and did not dare to act rashly. Kilam strode forward, his momentum becoming more and more astonishing. In less than a minute, he killed more than a dozen soldiers. Seeing that he was about to break through the formation of the fourth squadron, Sophia's spell finally came. On top of Killam's head.

  A flash of magic light flashed, and Kiram immediately appeared a hundred meters away.

  "Space shift!"

  Kilam's insight was very high, and he recognized this five-ring spell in an instant.

  After this spell, Kilam's efforts naturally became useless.

  This legendary dragon-veined kobold has now exhausted all his magic power and fighting spirit, and is physically and mentally exhausted. He was hit by a lightning spell and suffered severe internal injuries.

  Even though he was at the end of his rope, Kiram still had the determination to fight.

  Now the enemy is riding a war horse, and there are magic props and gryphon cavalry in the sky. Kilam knows that escaping is useless. The enemy will not give him time to recover. As the pursuit continues, he will become weaker and weaker, and eventually become like a dog. Lost his life.

  It's better to kill many human soldiers while he still has physical strength.

  Kilam stared ahead with very firm eyes. He waved the enchanted sword and charged towards the guard group again.

  Seeing the legendary kobold charging towards him again, Annie took the lead and released the powerful three-ring magic immobilization technique.

  In this blow, she invested ten points of mental power to clear out her magic power.

  With the powerful magic power invested, the effect of the spell is naturally amazing.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobold had been immobilized by magic, the other mages naturally wanted to beat up the drowned dog. Butler and Heath, two three-ring magicians, released three-ring magic debilitating rays, and more than ten one-level magicians in Harland's territory also joined forces. Taking action, a dozen debilitating rays hit the kobold.

  After being hit by more than a dozen magic spells in a row, a powerful negative state landed on the legendary kobold, weakening his body and suppressing the kobold's magic resistance.

  Immediately afterwards, Wendy raised the lightning staff again and released a powerful four-ring magic lightning spell. Another bolt of lightning hit the dragon-veined kobold, making Kilam's injury even more serious.

  Wendy's attack allowed Kilam to recover from the immobilization state. He was just about to charge, but he found a sharp pain in his internal organs, his steps became extremely heavy, and his strength was weakened by 40 to 50%.

  The Harland Master Mage Association finally made a contribution. The low-level magic released by more than a dozen magicians brought an extremely serious negative state to Kilam. Now a ninth-level warrior can defeat the dragon-veined kobold.

  Before the dragon-veined kobold could rush over, Richard released a powerful ice cone technique.

  Richard invested twelve points of mental power in this spell. After entering the sixth level, Richard's mental power already reached forty-eight points, which was only slightly weaker than the legendary magician's. He awakened powerful spellcasting and doubled his magic power with two major talents. , can now be used as a half-legendary magician.

  Compared with the legendary magician, Richard lacks the talent for legendary magic and has a relatively simple method of fighting enemies, but he can unleash the power of conventional magic. He can almost compete with the legendary first-level magician.

  The speed of the ice pick was extremely fast. Before the legendary kobold could react, it had already hit him and penetrated Kiram's body in an instant.

  The elemental damage from the ice pick froze Kilam's internal organs in the blink of an eye, turning him into an iceman.

  With disbelief in his eyes, Kiram slowly fell to the ground.

  Even though he struggled with all his strength, this tenacious orc still lost his life in the northern area of ​​Harland Territory.

  After killing the legendary kobold, Richard immediately ordered the battlefield to be cleaned, and ordered the magic hot air balloon squadron and gryphon cavalry to keep an eye on the dragon-veined kobold, striving to annihilate this elite orc army.

  Most orcs have shorter lifespans than humans and have greater fertility than humans. Ordinary orc soldiers are very easy to replenish, but the elite orcs, such as harpies and snakes, will be difficult to replenish in a short period of time once they suffer heavy losses.

  Even if the orcs expand their legions, without elite professional officers, their combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.

  Richard came to Kilam, took the enchanted sword from his hand, and then asked Sophia to check it.

  Sophia is a magician with only two points of strength. She struggled to pick up this trophy, and her hands felt very heavy. She raised her head and said in surprise: "This sword is estimated to weigh thirty kilograms. It is mixed with more than three kilograms of fine gold, ten kilograms of mithril, and is also smelted with some minerals that I cannot recognize. It is a High-level enchanted equipment can be said to be very valuable."

  "Look, it is a high-quality product made by the Magic Kingdom of Markholm." "

  It doesn't look like the manufacturing process of Markholm, but it looks like something from the Wizard's House."

  Sophie Ya carefully checked the runes on the enchanted sword and said with a serious expression.

  This enchanted long sword was a weapon tailor-made for dragon-veined kobolds. It was nine inches shorter than Richard's enchanted long sword. Richard swung it a few times and felt that the size was too short for his own use.

  The shape of this enchanted long sword is more suitable for use by shorter warriors with greater strength.

  Although it is not suitable for Richard to use, this enchanted long sword uses a large amount of fine gold and mithril. The value of the material is close to 10,000 gold coins. Coupled with a bit of legend belonging to the dragon-veined kobold, it can at least be used by the high noble class. Sold for 20,000 gold coins.

  But Richard did not intend to sell this enchanted long sword, but planned to keep it in the Harland Territory and become a collection of the Harland family.

  The Harland family has been prosperous for a relatively short time, and has little cultural heritage. It left behind this legendary kobold weapon, which can not only show off its military exploits, but also be used to unite people's hearts.

  Richard saw that Sophia was holding the sword and seemed to be struggling, so he took the long sword from her hand and sighed in a low voice: "It seems that the relationship between the Southwest Magic Kingdom and the Orc Empire is very close. The masters actually customized weapons and equipment for the top orcs?"

  Sophia nodded and said: "This is no secret to the great nobles. The southwest magic countries are now under great pressure, and of course they will support the Orc Alliance, the opponent of the Holy Glory Empire. "

  Through the collected intelligence, Richard knew clearly that the Southwest Magic Kingdoms had begun to secretly contact the Orcs more than a hundred years ago. As the conflict with the Holy Radiance Empire has become more and more serious in recent years, the relationship between the Southwest Magic Kingdoms and the Orcs has also changed. Getting closer and closer, began to export a large amount of strategic materials to the orcs.

  Richard won't be surprised if the orcs use alchemy bombs in the next war.

  Two thousand years ago, magicians, knights, and the church teamed up to defeat the orcs, suppress the elves, and become the overlord of the Dawn Plane. Unexpectedly, the internal differences have become so serious now.

  Now it seems that it is difficult for the Holy Radiant Empire and the Southwest Magic Kingdoms to coexist.

  Looking at the mountains in the distance, Richard thought to himself: "The Harland Territory is developing very fast. If you give me more than ten years to develop, the territory will be strong enough to compete with the Grant family. I hope the situation will remain stable and not get involved in more events." In the midst of a big turmoil."

  (End of chapter)

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