Chapter 303 Counting the spoils

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  Chapter 303:

  After counting the loot and killing the legendary kobold, Richard ordered the soldiers of the Harland territory not to be afraid of hardship, to pursue bravely, and to do their best to annihilate the orc army.

  In just seven or eight days, Harland led the army and cooperated with the Grizzly Bear Legion to capture and annihilate 20,000 orcs.

  Of course, among the 20,000 orcs, there were more than 15,000 satyrs, and the main force of the orcs was defeated with only 5,000 people.

  Harland has been using satyr slaves for many years and found that satyr captives are easier to use. Richard used captives such as wild boars, werewolves, and dragon-veined kobolds to exchange the satyrs from the Grizzly Bear Legion. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

  The Grizzly Bear Legion will get more bounties, Harland will get more goats, and the number of people engaged in animal husbandry will increase greatly.

  After the death of the legendary kobold, in addition to the high-level enchanted sword in his hand, he also seized a piece of space magic equipment.

  It took Sophia more than ten days to crack this high-level space bag, and what was found inside surprised even Richard.

  The space bag has approximately sixty cubic meters of space and is made using technology from Markholm's Magic Kingdom. Like the enchanted sword used by Killam, it is a very valuable magic item even though it is not legendary. Not counting the internal seizures, if this space bag was sold, it would fetch at least 50,000 gold coins.

  After untying the space bag, Sophia first discovered that there were more than 5,000 magic crystals in the space bag.

  Regardless of whether it is for humans or orcs, magic crystals are strategic materials and very precious items.

  Among these magic crystals, about dozens of them are medium-sized magic crystals.

  Generally speaking, the standard magic crystals circulating in the market are basically standard magic crystals. Standard magic crystals contain less magic energy and the mining volume is relatively large. Even in remote places like Grant Kingdom, they are widely circulated in the market.

  Even small nobles and businessmen often have some magic crystals in their hands.

  As far as Richard knows, five magic crystal mines have been discovered in the Grant Kingdom, two of which are near Nolan, one is in the Dukedom of Jonathan in the east, one is in the Dukedom of Fox, and the last one is in the Earldom of Paulus near the coast.

  However, the output of these magic crystal mines is not large. The six mines combined produce approximately more than 20,000 magic crystals every year.

  Today, the Orc Empire has not yet broken through the Grant Kingdom's defenses on a large scale, nor has it harvested a large amount of loot, nor has it occupied the magic crystal mines of the two Dukes Jonathan and Fox. The magic crystal inside Kilam's space bag must come from the Orc Empire, and is most likely supplemented by the base in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains.

  The magic energy contained in the medium magic crystal is ten times that of the standard magic crystal. A medium magic crystal can fill a fourth-ring magician with magic energy in three hours. And if you want to recover naturally after your magic energy is exhausted, you will need to meditate for at least half a month.

  In the market of Grant Kingdom, it is almost rare to see medium magic crystals.

  Richard has purchased tens of thousands of discarded magic crystals, and none of them are medium-sized magic crystals.

  Sophia used the medium magic crystal several times when she was working at Markholm Magic Kingdom, through her account. At Markholm Magic Kingdom, one medium magic crystal can be exchanged for twelve standard magic crystals.

  According to this standard, converted into gold coins, a medium magic crystal is worth one hundred and twenty gold coins.

  But in the Grant royal family, mid-level magic crystals were priceless but not marketable. According to the rumors that Richard had heard, almost all the nobles who mastered medium-level magic crystals hoarded this precious resource for their own use. Even if it is trading, it will basically be trading precious commodities from the southwestern magical countries.

  The Harland Territory has mastered magic crystal charging technology, and research on magic steam engines is also ongoing. This batch of magic crystals is very useful for the development of the territory.

  In addition to magic crystals, a large amount of blood steel, orichalcum, mithril, and fine gold were also found in the space bag. The total amount of these magic metals is about 30,000 kilograms, 90% of which is the most common blood steel, and the remaining 9% is orichalcum. The amount of mithril is about three hundred kilograms, and the fine gold is packed in a precious wooden box, adding up to only six kilograms and seven taels.

  The total market value of this batch of super magic metals is approximately 70,000 gold coins. If blood steel and orichalcum are refined into enchanted armor, it can be equipped with five hundred soldiers.

  Power in the Orc Empire is relatively decentralized and is an alliance of warlords. However, several orc royal families are relatively strong and can suppress and coordinate conflicts between all parties, reducing internal disputes.

  The northern part of the area of ​​Grant Kingdom and Stanik Grand Duchy is the fiefdom of three orc dukes.

  The legendary Wild Boar died in battle more than ten years ago, and this duchy was taken over by the Orc Empire. In the past ten years, it has been mainly the Kobold Duchy that has been at war with the Grant Kingdom. In particular, the six orc legions directly under Kilam defeated the Grant Kingdom several times.

  Kilam, the kobold Duke, is a very suspicious man. After getting the space bag from Markholm Magic Kingdom, he kept a large amount of precious resources in the entire territory in the space bag.

  In addition to magic crystals and super magic metals, there are also a large number of magic ores and magic plants in this space bag, some of which even the well-informed Sophia does not recognize.

  But the items that were just identified were worth about 40,000 gold coins in total.

  With these magic materials, the Harland Mage Association's research and purchase funds will be reduced a lot. Such a large amount of magic materials will be enough for the Mage Association to use for two to three years.

  From the legendary kobold's space bag, Richard also seized a relatively detailed map. This map is one hundred and sixty square meters in size, with all the towns in the northern frontier of the Grant Kingdom marked on the southern part of the map.

  The map uses the words Markhome Magic Kingdom, and it seems that the person who drew the map is someone from Markhome Magic Kingdom.

  There are a large number of harpies in the Orc Empire, and the footprints of these harpies can be found in almost every inch of northern Xinjiang. It seems that both parties cooperated to draw this detailed map.

  In addition to the topographic map of the northern Xinjiang region, the map contains very detailed mapping of the central and northern parts of the Eagle Mountains, including the entire Kobold Dukedom and half of the Wild Boar Dukedom.

  According to Richard's rough estimate, the territory drawn on this map is about three million square kilometers, which is close to the dozen provinces in Richard's previous life.

  Harland leads his own map surveying department, because the mathematical knowledge brought by Richard may be somewhat more precise than the map in the hands of the legendary kobold. However, the detailed mapping area of ​​the Haaland territory is very small, including only the area near the territory, which is approximately less than 80,000 square kilometers.

  No detailed maps were available outside Haaland's territory. When he participated in the interventionist expedition to the Grand Duchy of Stanek two years ago, Richard could only rely on aerial reconnaissance to reconnoiter the terrain.

  Whether it is the Griffin Knight or the magic hot air balloon team, the reconnaissance radius is up to a hundred kilometers and can only bring back the general terrain. With this comprehensive map, it will be very useful for Haaland to lead the army in fighting in northern Xinjiang. After getting the map, Richard immediately ordered the territorial surveying and mapping department to seize the time to make a few copies. They were sent to the Territory Library, Government Affairs Department, Grotta River County, Demon Hunters Guild and other departments.

  Because the map area is so large, transcribing the map is also a troublesome task. However, there are a large number of magicians in Harland's territory. With the cooperation of magicians, you can use visual magnification spells to see every corner of the map in detail.

  In addition, the handicraft industry in Harland territory has also developed to a certain level. Now there is very good natural glue that can be used, and thick parchment can be glued together with glue.

  Although the Harland Territory has established a papermaking workshop for more than ten years and is able to produce a large amount of qualified paper, the quality of the paper is far less durable than handmade parchment.

  In order to strive for excellence, Richard decided to spare no expense. Copying a map also requires the slaughter of thousands of lambs, which takes five or six months. Not counting the labor invested, the material cost alone requires more than a hundred gold coins. It is a real luxury product.

  The march was not only difficult, but also had many accidents. In order to prevent this precious map from being damaged during the battle, Richard ordered this map to be sent to the rear. As for the frontline battle, he asked the map surveyors to burn a replica of the northern part of the military station. .

  In addition to these general supplies, the most precious items in the space bag are two legendary items.

  The first one is the legendary third-level dragon crystal. Legendary items cannot be measured in gold coins. Even if the Grant royal family gives Richard one million gold coins now, it is impossible for him to trade a few legendary magic items from the territory.

  Every legendary treasure is a precious heritage for a family, a force, and a kingdom.

  Along with this legendary third-level dragon crystal, there is also a magic book.

  This book is not very thick, but its style is very simple. It seems to be an antique from more than a thousand years ago.

  There are also many notes about dragon-veined kobolds in the book. It seems that the legendary kobolds are very attentive to this book. The book records a magic ritual that can use the power of this dragon crystal to transform ordinary kobolds into dragon-veined kobolds. people. As for the power lost by the dragon crystal, it is replenished through blood stains.

  According to this magic book, approximately 30,000 intelligent beings must be sacrificed in blood for each transformation ceremony.

  The legendary kobolds have conducted dozens of blood sacrifices and slaughtered more than a million intelligent beings, most of whom were humans and orcs of other races.

  In the end, Kiram discovered that blood sacrifice kobolds had the best transformation efficiency, and could successfully transform 300 dragon-veined kobolds at one time.

  In the past ten years, Kiram has basically only been able to sacrifice blood to kobolds. Anyway, this race is very fertile.

  After getting this legendary third-level dragon crystal, Richard naturally would not study the transformation ritual and consume the energy of the magic crystal to transform the Dragon Vein Knight.

  Rather than adding one or two thousand dragon vein knights, Richard still wanted to use this legendary third-level dragon crystal to build a mage tower, and then install a magic crystal charging array.

  Consuming the energy of the dragon crystal and adding one or two thousand dragon vein knights will greatly increase the military strength of the Harland leader, but this is just a one-shot deal. Even if two thousand dragon knights are added, the power of the Harland family cannot compete with the Jonathan family and the Grant royal family. On the contrary, they will be afraid of them and consume themselves through the hands of the orcs.

  Building a mage tower and installing a charging magic array can continuously bring magic crystals to the territory.

  According to Richard's estimation, using this legendary third-level dragon crystal as the core to create an energy chamber can at least build a magic well larger than the Tower of Flame.

  According to Harland's current magic crystal charging level, this mage tower can charge a thousand magic crystals every year.

  For a magic organization, the Mage Tower is the core. Due to coincidence, the Harland Territory has built three mage towers, surpassing several duke families and the same as the Grant royal family.

  Even within ten years, the three mage towers in the territory are enough.

  In addition, this legendary dragon crystal is also very useful to the Jonathan family. It absorbs the power inside the dragon crystal, which is enough to allow a ninth-level dragon knight to advance to the legendary level. Because the energy inside this dragon crystal is so powerful, it can even allow two ninth-level knights to be successfully promoted.

  If this dragon crystal is used in exchange, it can be exchanged for a large number of items from the Jonathan family. It is estimated that more than a dozen books of meditation and breathing methods can be exchanged, and a lot of precious resources such as high-end potions can also be exchanged, which can greatly increase the strength of the Harland family in a short period of time.

  But this exchange is actually very disadvantageous. Of course Richard would not do such a thing unless he had other purposes for exchanging legendary level resources for ordinary resources.

  The second legendary magic item is a three-foot-long green wooden stick.

  Although Richard noticed that the stick contained powerful abilities, he did not recognize this legendary item. Sophia, who was still well-informed, had seen this kind of item in a magic book.

  This green wooden pipe is the heart of the tree left by the legendary first-order tree man.

  Hundreds of years ago, before the legendary ogre Gresso came to the Eagle Mountains, there was a legendary tree man who occupied the magic well in the west of the Eagle Mountains. It's just that this legendary tree man was unruly and attacked the soldiers of the Orc Empire. He was killed by the Orc Legend and his army. This legendary tree heart also fell into the hands of the Orc Duke.

  Thirty years ago, the orc Duke died of old age, and Kilam obtained this legendary tree heart through clever plunder.

  This legendary tree heart is a natural legendary staff just like the thunder staff. Using this staff to release wood magic will reduce the spell consumption and greatly increase the power.

  Of course, this green tree heart can also be made into the core of the energy room of the mage tower through a special transformation magic circle.

  Kilam is a dragon-veined dog-headed person, and there is no awakened wood magic in his blood. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to deal with this legendary staff.

  This staff is very useful to the Harland Territory. Through this staff, wood spells such as Praise of Life, Grass Revival, and Forest Song can be released to promote the growth of magical plants. It is very useful for the Harland Territory Botanical Research Institute. . In addition, you can also hold a staff to release offensive magic such as thorns, wood thorns, and life extraction, which play a key role in battle.

  To avoid attracting the attention of the Grant royal family, the legendary third-level Dragon Crystal Richard does not plan to use it now. The legendary Tree Heart Richard is going to be used by Sophia. She is the most proficient in wood magic and can bring out the maximum use of this staff. effect.

  Not counting two legendary magic props, a priceless map, and two high-level magic props, Harland received magic supplies worth 170,000 gold coins from the legendary kobold space bag. By utilizing this part of the supplies, the strength of Haaland's army will increase a bit.

  (End of chapter)

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