Chapter 301 The end of the road

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  Chapter 301 The End of the Road

  Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of the legendary orcs is roughly the same as that of the human legendary knights, and is much more powerful than the legendary warriors. Kilam is a legendary first-order kobold. He alone has the strength to compete with a large group of regular troops.

  He released a bloodline spell and caused heavy casualties to a squadron of the Grizzly Bear Legion.

  Seeing that Kilam was so brave, William and other senior leaders of the Grizzly Bear Legion could not let him slaughter the soldiers.

  Four human professionals stepped forward and bravely faced the legendary kobold.

  These four people are all masters within the Grizzly Bear Legion. The first one is naturally William. He is already a ninth-level warrior and the commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion. He must shoulder the responsibility without hesitation.

  The second one was a man with a very majestic appearance. This man was of medium build, with a sinewy face, and a trace of red light floating on his body. He was Essien, the deputy commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion.

  Like William, Essien is also a veteran who came out of the Northern Xinjiang region. From a free citizen with nothing, he struggled to become a ninth-level warrior and grew into a high-ranking official in the Northern Xinjiang region. He is a veteran of the Grizzlies Legion and has the deepest roots in this legion. If the Grizzlies Legion hadn't suffered a defeat three years ago and suffered heavy losses, and the legion commander would have to be blamed for his crimes, Essien would be the most suitable person to take over as the commander of the Grizzlies Legion.

  But the person with the strongest personal strength of the Grizzly Bear Legion is another deputy commander. This man has a sturdy build and holds an enchanted spear in both hands. The tail of the spear is also inlaid with a valuable blue crystal. This person is none other than Grant Heaton Heaton, the rising star of the Grant family who parachuted down from the royal capital.

  It had just been a year since Heaton advanced to the ninth level of knighthood. Because he did not have enough military exploits, King Roger did not directly order him to take over as the commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion.

  King Roger learned a lesson from Stein's appointment. For several legions in northern Xinjiang, front-line commanders are selected from within as much as possible. Since the senior officers of the Grizzly Legion were not suitable, William was transferred from the Northern Army.

  The last one is the leader of the Grizzly Legion Mage Group, Brado Ethan. This person is a seven-ring magician who has reached a high level in the Grant Mage Association.

  Ethan was the fastest to take action, and as soon as the magic power in his body moved, he immediately cast the four-ring magic confusion spell.

  Killam was about to dodge, but Heaton blocked the legendary kobold first. In an instant, Killam was hit by the confusion spell.

  In an instant, the legendary kobold fell into confusion. Not only did he start talking nonsense, but he also tried to move back.

  Once an enemy trapped in a confusion spell is attacked, they will naturally wake up. William, Essien and others are all experienced warriors. Naturally, they will not attack the legendary kobold rashly without being prepared.

  Just when they were preparing to surround Kilam and occupy a favorable terrain, the legendary kobold naturally woke up.

  Once you enter the legend, you must have extremely high magic resistance. The magic released by Ethan only trapped the legendary kobold for a few seconds. A few seconds on the battlefield can determine the outcome of a battle, and the spell released by Ethan undoubtedly plays a key role.

  Kiram saw that he had fallen into the trap of a human professional, and his eyes were fixed on Ethan. Although he is already a legend, his magic ability is very simple after all, and he cannot compete with the seven-ring magician.

  If the only opponent was Ethan, Kilam would naturally win easily.

  But William, Essien, and Heaton were in front, and Ethan was inflicting various negative states, which was a huge headache for Killam.

  After waking up, Kiram's movements were like a ghost. He suddenly bounced on the ground and rushed towards the magician Ethan with an enchanted sword in hand.

  Upon seeing this, William and Essien acted almost simultaneously, waving their enchanted swords and standing in front to protect Essien.

  Several weapons collided, causing a loud roar.

  Essien and William couldn't help but take a few steps back, and their heavy bodies almost knocked down Ethan.

  At the same time, Heaton held the enchanted spear and pounced on the legendary kobold.

  Heaton used the fighting spirit in his body to activate, a blue light flashed on the spear, and a thick blue light beam suddenly hit the legendary kobold.

  Killam's attack was blocked by William and Ethan. His body was still in the air. When he saw the blue beam of light coming towards him, he had no time to dodge. He raised the arm shield on his arm, activated the fighting energy in his body, and suddenly transformed into a magic round shield.

  The defensive power of the magic buckler is very good, especially the defense against spell damage, which has a special bonus.

  Heaton's attack was in vain.

  I saw Kiram turning around in mid-air and easily jumping out of the surroundings of several people.

  Kilam was ready to continue his efforts and continue to kill the magician Ethan. The soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion had already adjusted their formation. Several elite squadrons were mobilized under the command of the officers to specifically target the legendary kobolds.

  The mage group of the Grizzly Bear Legion also appeared nearby at the same time.

  Before Ethan could take action, three fireballs struck from different directions, and explosions immediately erupted around Kiram.

  Kiram is already a legend, physically very strong and unwilling to be hit by the fireball spell. In desperation, he had to use the magic shield on his arm again to block the attack of three fireballs.

  After being interrupted twice in a row, Kiram felt extremely angry and decided to teach these enemies a lesson. I saw him leaping high, reaching out and releasing a fire dragon.

  The fire dragon carried powerful energy and hit the Grizzly Legion mage team fiercely. The raging fire energy easily penetrated the thin magic shield and burned the three magicians in the front row into pyromen.

  In an instant, one three-ring magician and two one-ring magicians lost their lives.

  The Grizzly Bear Legion's mage group only has twelve official mage members, and it would be difficult to replace one if one of them dies.

  This blow from the legendary kobold caused great pain to William and other commanders.

  Kilam released the second flame dragon, and the magic power in his body had been severely consumed. After all, he was not a magician and did not have that much magic power to use.

  Just when Kilam was about to hunt Ethan again, waves of arrows had already enveloped Kilam's head.

  The arm shield in Kiram's hand was not suitable for defending against physical attacks. In desperation, he could only activate his fighting spirit and use the fighting spirit shield to protect himself, but this also consumed extremely serious fighting spirit.

  Once the fighting spirit is completely consumed, even a legendary professional is still a tiger without claws.

  Seeing several squadrons shooting arrows continuously, obviously trying to consume themselves, Kilam moved as fast as a ghost and arrived near the soldiers of the Grizzly Legion in the blink of an eye.

  Kilam is so powerful that he can successfully kill his enemies every time he swings the enchanted sword.

  In an instant, blood flowed from Kilam's feet into rivers. In just two or three minutes, thirty or forty ordinary soldiers died in Kilam's hands. Even low-level professional officers were like ants under Kilam's sword, losing their lives in one or two rounds.

  Although they could not afford casualties, the soldiers of the Grizzly Legion still attacked fiercely. Even if they could not be covered by the rain of arrows, they fought one after another to hold off Kiram.

  William and other senior leaders of the Grizzly Legion would naturally not stand by and watch Killam massacre their soldiers.

  William, Essien, and Heaton once again surrounded them.

  William and Essien both stepped forward and attacked the legendary kobold from both sides. Facing the attack of the ninth-level professionals, Kiram did not dare to underestimate him. He could only turn around and constantly change positions to attack William and Essien.

  For a time, the pressure on William and the two became very heavy.

  Just when Kilam took the lead, Heaton once again activated his fighting spirit, and the blue crystal light at the end of the spear in his hand became more and more intense.

  A thick blue light once again hit the legendary kobold.

  Facing this attack, Kilam had no intention of welcoming it, but Ethan's spell suddenly came, and he released a seven-ring magic space cage, which immediately immobilized Kilam in mid-air.

  In desperation, Kilam could only activate his fighting spirit again and release a magic shield to block the attack.

  In an instant, Kilam's eyebrows almost stood up, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, and there was no sound from his wide-open mouth.

  Everything was completely submerged, and only the endless roar of magical energy could be heard nearby.

  It seemed that the entire hall was filled with the endless whirling sound of those few groups of magical energy.

  There was a loud rumble, and fierce energy swept in. The legendary kobold was directly knocked away by this violent energy. At this point in the battle, the Grizzly Legion injured the legendary kobold for the first time.

  After the injury, Killam's eyes became red.

  In this battle, the Grizzly Bear Legion has a large number of people and can mobilize a large number of soldiers to join the master's battle.

  Kilam looked around and found that the entire right camp was in ruins, and the dragon-veined kobolds in the middle camp were about to retreat. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, night was coming. Kilam was unwilling to continue to struggle. Since the battle, nearly half of his fighting spirit had been consumed, and 60 to 70% of his magic power had been consumed.

  If you continue to fight, you will inevitably lose but not win.

  But he hated the enemy so much that he couldn't help but release the last flame dragon with his anger.

  With a rumble, another fire dragon exploded and fell directly on the soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion. The fire wave struck again. The soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion suffered heavy casualties in an instant, and fifty or sixty people were killed and injured again.

  Hearing the wails of the Grizzly Legion soldiers, Kilam finally took a breath. He moved like a ghost, breaking through the siege of soldiers in the blink of an eye and disappearing into the night.

  In this battle, Kilam fought against four high-level professionals of the Grizzly Bear Legion, plus the mage group and four squadron soldiers. He was only slightly injured, but he successfully killed more than 80 soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion and burned six others. More than ten people, and three magicians were burned to death.

  The combat effectiveness of legendary professionals can be seen from this.

  Kiram is not the most powerful legendary magician. Even if he provokes a legendary magician like Elena, even the Holy Radiance Empire will feel a headache. Because the legendary magician's methods are weird and unpredictable, unlike soldiers and cavalry, he rarely confronts them head-on. When encountering such an opponent, he can only set a tight trap for his opponent like Duke Brenner.

  After Kiram escaped, he immediately decided to join up with the dragon-veined kobolds.

  The dragon-veined kobolds were the foundation for his orc empire, and Kiram was unwilling to abandon this powerful force unless he had to.

  But Kilam seemed to be out of luck, as he encountered a patrol sentry from Harland's territory on the way.

  Kiram was unwilling to do anything, and wanted to hide in the dark to avoid the enemy. But although this sentry is not a professional, he is an experienced veteran, and his eyesight is better than ordinary people.

  Under the organization of this sentry, dozens of soldiers soon appeared nearby.

  Under the dragnet search of the soldiers of Harland Territory, Kilam quickly revealed his whereabouts. Although Kiram broke through the siege and killed many people. But the trail was leaked, and Killam's fate was sealed.

  This time, the goddess of luck did not favor the dragon-veined kobold.

  After noticing the appearance of the legendary kobold, Richard immediately led Harland to lead the mage group, and the guard brigade surrounded the man.

  In the battle with the Grizzly Bear Legion, Kilam's magic power had been completely consumed, his fighting spirit was almost half consumed, and he also suffered minor internal injuries. His condition was only 30 to 40% of what it was at its peak.

  After meeting the legendary kobold, Richard suppressed the excitement in his heart. He is a person with keen observation skills, and he discovered the plight of the legendary kobold in an instant.

  If you get the head of the legendary kobold, you can get a county. Not to mention such great benefits, killing the legendary kobold can also greatly weaken the orc empire and reduce the pressure on the Harland leader.

  In the Orc Empire Alliance, there are only more than thirty legendary professionals on the surface. Kill a legend, and the foundation of the Orc Empire will be weakened.

  If it was a dragon-veined kobold in good condition, Richard might not fight hard in order to avoid serious casualties.

  When beating up a drowned dog, Richard will naturally show no mercy.

  Kiram was an experienced person, and he was not someone who wanted to save face and suffer. After seeing the army led by Harland, he immediately ran away regardless of dignity, and was not willing to fight with the soldiers led by Harland.

  The dragon-veined kobolds are extremely fast and explosive, and they quickly disappear from everyone's sight.

  Richard urged the iron wildebeest, and the well-trained warcraft horse raised its iron hooves and trotted all the way to chase the legendary kobold.

  Although the legendary kobolds are very fast, their endurance is relatively average.

  Although it can get rid of pursuers in a short distance, it cannot compare with the amazing endurance of Warcraft horses over long distances.

  Moreover, Richard also deployed a team of magic hot air balloons and gryphon cavalry in the air, specializing in using high-power telescopes to focus on the dragon-veined kobolds.

  Faced with such a dilemma, Kilam has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

  Just as Kilam was about to hide in the dense forest to rest and regain some strength, the sharp wind howled and arrows enveloped the man.

  Kilam had no time to take a breath, and was unwilling to waste his fighting energy fighting with the soldiers. He could only cheer up again and fled into the barren mountains in a panic.

  The brutal roundup lasted all night, and Kilam's condition became worse and worse. He had almost no food or water throughout the night. After several forced battles, his fighting spirit was also consumed a lot, leaving only 30% of what he was at his peak. .

  As the sky grew brighter, Kilam looked at the pursuers who were once again surrounding him, knowing in his heart that it would be difficult for him to escape in this battle.

  Killam looked up at where the sun was rising and squinted his eyes slightly. Although physically exhausted, mentally Kiram felt very relaxed.

  He gently wiped the enchanted sword, and even though he was at the end of his rope, he still decided to make a last stand.

  (End of chapter)

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