Chapter 2 Secret Operations

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  Chapter 2 Secret Operation
  After entering this world six years ago, Goldfinger was the attribute panel in his mind.

  In this attribute panel, Richard has not found any other special abilities for the time being, but it can bring positive feedback to Richard.

  Whenever Richard trains correctly, the attribute panel will increase experience.

  If practiced incorrectly, the panel skills will reduce experience.

  After six years of exploration, Richard has mastered some tips on cultivation.

  In the practice of Mad Lion Breathing Technique, he is more experienced than his father William.

  Richard had just finished his training and was daydreaming about it secretly when a sturdy young man walked over from afar, his face full of wonder.

  "Richard, your swordsmanship is not worse than that of professionals?"

  Richard waved his hand and said, "Compared with the professionals in the Northern Army, the fire level is still a little worse." The

  sturdy young man's name is Morgan Duck, who is Richard's swordsman. His cousin, who is four years older than him, is also a student of the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy like Richard.

  Grant Kingdom Knight Academy is located south of the Eagle Mountains, in the middle of the Dragon Canyon.

  The Eagle Mountain Range is located in the northernmost part of the Grant Kingdom and is the natural dividing line between the kingdom and the wild orc territory.

  The Knights Academy is far away from the prosperous place of the kingdom and not very far from the border castle. There are seven baronies nearby, surrounding and guarding the Knights Academy.

  Although the name is Knight Academy, there are very few knight apprentices inside.

  There are hundreds of students in the huge knight academy, and more than 95% are warrior students.

  There are only about twenty knight apprentices in total, and the most powerful one has just advanced to become a trainee knight, and his combat power is stronger than Richard.

  In the past thirty years, Grant Kingdom Knight Academy has only trained seven knights.

  The vast majority of knights in the kingdom are inherited from the nobility.

  In addition to relying on bloodline to maintain their status, the nobles on the Dawn Continent also rely on the monopoly of knowledge.

  The breathing techniques and secret cultivation techniques passed down by the major noble families will not be passed on to the outside world at all.

  The knight students who enter the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy for training are basically the descendants of nobles. By luck, they awakened the knight bloodline and lost the family inheritance. After graduation, most of them will join the knights directly under the royal family.

  Unlike Richard, Morgan is already a knight's attendant, has awakened his bloodline, and mastered a powerful bloodline spell.

  Morgan's father, Soros, is the concubine brother of Baron Dark, and his blood concentration is very low. Although he does not have the blood of an awakened knight, Thoros has advanced to a fifth-level warrior and runs a mercenary group in Black River Castle.

  Thoros's fighting power is comparable to that of the Great Knight.

  Thoros had an estranged relationship with Baron Dak, so his son was not trained by the Dak family and did not receive knight training at Sok Castle. Instead, he entered the Kingdom's Knight Academy.

  Although the name of the Knight Academy is not worthy of its name, the power it controls is extraordinary. In addition to hundreds of trainees, there are dozens of professionals in the academy. The dean is a seventh-level silver knight and the Earl of the Royal Court of Grant.

  In the event of an emergency war, the Knight Academy is armed. This force is no weaker than the main legion knight brigade, and the number of high-level professionals may be more.

  The extraordinary system on Dawn Continent is divided into three stages before becoming a professional. For example, magicians are divided into trainee apprentices, formal apprentices, and advanced apprentices.

  Knights are divided into knight apprentices, knight squires, and trainee knights.

  Warriors are divided into elementary warrior students, intermediate warrior students, and advanced warrior students.

  Richard is already a high-level warrior student, and his strength, stamina, and agility far exceed those of Morgan. But in a fight with a knight's apprentice, if Richard is not familiar with the bloodline spells mastered by the knight's apprentice, Richard is in danger of losing.

  There are many kinds of extraordinary professions in the Dawn Continent. Knights and magicians are the favorites of the plane, and their combat power is stronger than other professions.

  Richard's father, William, was a sixth-level warrior with extraordinary innate talents. He once encountered a seventh-level orc and escaped unscathed, but was defeated by a powerful fifth-level Lord Knight, leaving him disgraced.

  Richard originally wanted to become a magician or a knight, but unfortunately, both magician and knight professions require strong talents.

  To become a magician, you not only need to be born with strong spiritual power, high affinity to elements, be able to sense magic factors, master spell models, but also need the inheritance of a magician.

  In the entire Grant Kingdom, the number of magicians is very rare, and only the big nobles have some in their hands.

  Although William has some status in the Northern Army, he is not yet a noble of the kingdom, and there is no way to obtain the magician inheritance.

  Even though Richard has very strong mental power and has the talent to become a magician. Obtaining the magician's tome still requires opportunity.

  The origins of knights are powerful supernatural beings.

  In the ancient wizard era, wizards transplanted the blood of extraordinary creatures into ordinary people through bloodline experiments and became the ancestors of knights.

  Knight bloodlines vary in strength, and the strongest knight bloodline can grow to be more powerful than a legendary magician.

  There must be knight blood in the body in order to awaken the blood spell, which is a prerequisite for becoming a knight.

  Richard's mother was the third daughter of Baron Dark, the daughter of a concubine, and her knight bloodline was already very thin.

  By Richard's generation, none of the three siblings had awakened their knight bloodline.

  Unless you can take blood vessel awakening potion, it is possible to promote blood vessel awakening.

  However, in the Grant Kingdom, only the royal family can refine the bloodline awakening potion. This potion is only open to nobles above the baron, and the resources consumed to exchange and purchase the potion are extraordinary.

  In desperation, Richard could only take the path of a warrior. With the help of the attribute panel, he reached the limit of a warrior student at just sixteen years old.

  "Morgan, what's the matter with you coming to see me today?"

  "You guessed it right. Kent discovered a herd of feral wildebeest during a reconnaissance mission in the Eagle Mountains.

  After Uncle William received the news, he notified my father and asked us to organize manpower to capture these feral wildebeests. To prevent leaks, only seven people were involved in the operation. In addition to us, Kent, Hayden, Uncle Powell, and Uncle Roland will all be involved. After hearing this

  , Richard said seriously: "My father will lead the team, or will Uncle Soros lead the team?"

  "Recently, Uncle William cannot leave Black River Castle, so my father will lead this operation. "

  (End of chapter)

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