Chapter 28 Vicksburg

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  Chapter 28 With the death

  of Vickburg Walder , the orc soldiers finally lost their will to fight. They fled in panic and died in the pursuit of human soldiers.

  Only a few powerful orc professionals killed the soldiers blocking the road and fled into the mountains and forests on both sides of the road.

  Taking advantage of the orcs' panic and retreat, Richard seized the opportunity and once again successfully shot and killed a third-level snake body man.

  "Killing the third-level snake-like man will reward you with 2,000 experience points."

  In this battle, Richard gained a lot. He accumulated 15,500 experience points and gained a lot of meritorious deeds.

  Now his experience points are enough to be promoted to Breathing Technique.

  Richard took advantage of the break in the battle to open the experience panel and added 8,700 experience points to the Breathing Technique of the Mad Lion Legion.

  The remaining experience can also upgrade the fighting skills of the Northern Legion.

  As the breathing method advanced, Richard felt a heat coming from his body, and his strength, agility, and physical attributes were significantly improved.

  Richard opened the properties panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 10.7
  Agility: 2.9
  Physical: 4.2
  Mental Power: 9.3
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 5 (56/20000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (674/20000) 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (91/10000)

  Experience: 2900
  It was found that strength increased by 2 points, physical strength and agility increased by 0.3 points each, and mental strength increased by 0.2 points. The attributes increased by the first-time advanced professional are exactly the same.

  The breathing method was successfully advanced, and Richard's professional level was also upgraded to the second level.

  The attributes have increased, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

  Richard found the orc professional who had been shot, cut off his head, marinated it in lime, and gave it to military judge Owen to record his merits.

  Although Richard did not kill the fifth-level lion-headed man alone, the sharp archer Dida also played a key role. The head was still registered in Richard's name, but Owen wrote down the process of killing the lion-headed man in detail.

  After the merit document is submitted, I wonder how much merit will be assigned to Richard?

  After the battle, Richard, Diarra, Owen, Ron and other officers immediately counted the number of people and counted the casualties.

  "In this battle, eleven people of the Sixth Squadron were killed, twenty-three were slightly injured, and nine were seriously injured." "

  How about the reorganized squadron?"

  Richard said: "The reorganized squadron is responsible for ambush missions. It takes a short time to participate in hand-to-hand combat and is killed in action. Six, fifteen were lightly or seriously injured."

  After a great victory, Diarra said very happily: "The total casualties exceed sixty. Do you have any statistics on the losses of the orcs?" "More than

  280 bodies were left on the battlefield. Among the corpses of the orcs, there should be more than twenty who escaped into the forest and disappeared. In addition, half of the orc squadron did not participate in the battle, and was located near the entrance of the canyon.

  This half of the squadron of orcs was responsible for escorting the slaves, and the people of Baron Stopa were almost killed by the orcs. Caught.

  I suggest attacking half of the orc squadron first to rescue the people. Then join up with the main force of Platos Castle.

  Otherwise, the orcs may massacre the prisoners after receiving the news of their defeat." "

  Baron Harden's order allows We rushed to the Pratos fortress complex this afternoon. Military orders cannot be violated, but I can make a change and give you two squads of cavalry to rescue the people of Baron Stopa." "Just do it this way, and the reorganized squadron can be handed over

  . Give Ron the command."

  Richard led more than 20 cavalrymen and quickly approached the entrance of the canyon.

  Soon I saw a huge and chaotic team. Escorting more than 6,000 human captives, the orc team moved very slowly. They had just encountered a rout and received news of Captain Wald's defeat. Richard had already arrived nearby with his cavalry.

  Before the orc squadron leader could issue the massacre order, the archers around Richard had already filled their bows.

  As soon as the two squads of scouts released their strings, they shot down the five or six orcs who opened the way.

  News of the destruction of the main force came quickly, and the last half of the orc squadron of Wald's brigade had no will to fight at all.

  This half of the squadron of orcs are logistics transport troops, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. The main soldiers are relatively smart kobolds.

  The battle at the front was defeated and the captain died. The fighting will of the remaining half of the squadron of orcs was extremely low. After suffering some casualties, they were easily defeated and scattered into the forest.

  Even the seized materials had no time to be burned, and they all fell into Richard's hands.

  The baggage escorted by the kobolds was very rich, including not only food and ironware, but also a large amount of cloth, gold and silver coins.

  There were many people and many eyes, and Richard only had a short time to control the cavalry squad. He did not dare to divide the captured things on the battlefield privately.

  However, his soldiers secretly hid a few gold coins, and Richard chose to turn a blind eye.

  This war has lasted for more than two months, and the soldiers have suffered heavy casualties.

  Now that he has encountered this opportunity to make a windfall, Richard will naturally not stop him. As long as everyone has a sense of discretion, Richard is willing to help them so that the soldiers can earn a little.

  "This is what everyone left for you."

  Hayden grabbed a handful of gold coins, about twenty, and handed them to Richard.

  Richard is the deputy squadron leader. He has been in the army for a short period of time and his monthly military pay is two gold coins.

  More than twenty gold coins are already equivalent to his year's salary.

  After seeing the gold coins, Richard was naturally tempted.

  However, his desire for money is relatively small. He has been receiving harsh training and living in a closed environment for six years since he came to this world.

  His father William would not let him lack money, and Richard had accumulated dozens of gold coins in his bag, which was enough for daily life.

  "Many people are eyeing this money, so let's stop talking. The recruits will each get five gold coins, the veterans will each get ten gold coins, the squad leader will get fifteen, and I will get twenty. I tell everyone not to talk nonsense

  . , otherwise there may be trouble after the war.

  Those big mouths who like to drink and can't hide things, let everyone keep a close eye on them. Whoever dares to talk nonsense, deal with him severely."

  Richard used the extra few A gold coin was handed over to Hayden, and part of the floating wealth of the Baron Stopa was divided up in an organized manner.

  Then he took the rescued prisoners and escorted the supplies to Baron Harden's Castle. After counting the supplies, handing them over to the warehouse, and registering them, Richard felt relieved.

  Late at night, after the soldiers fell asleep, Richard quietly took out the Wildebeest and headed straight to Fort Vick.

  Now the entire Barony of Stopa has been reduced to ghosts, and Vic Castle is deserted.

  Although the orcs have completely wiped out Vic Castle, there will be no gold or silver in the castle.

  But the wealth in Vic Castle goes far beyond the visible things such as population, supplies, and gold and silver coins.

  The books and materials collected by the Baron family, and the secret breathing method. Even more important to the Haaland family.

  Even the meditation methods treasured by the Stopa family may be found in the castle.

  Richard had heard that the Baron's daughter was a famous magic genius in Grant Kingdom and had gone to Markholm Magic Kingdom. Her magic level was already at level four.

  Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the orc invasion, Richard could obtain the information about Baron Stoppa's family at no cost, allowing the Harland family to develop rapidly.

  (End of chapter)

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