Chapter 29 Magic inheritance

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  Chapter 29 Magical Heritage
  Vick Castle is located northeast of Harden Castle, about seventy kilometers away. Not in the same province as Haddon Castle.

  Vicksburg belongs to Heihe County, Gedda Province. Harden Castle belongs to the County of Fire, Gascoigne Province.

  The seventy-kilometer journey takes about two hours, riding on a wild horse at high speed.

  But the road is not easy to walk at night, and there is still half a mountain road along the way. It took Richard five hours to arrive near Fort Vick.

  During the time when the orcs occupied Vicksburg, the people under Baron Stopa either fled the territory or became slaves of the orcs.

  The castle was silent late at night, with no sound of cocks crowing or dogs barking.

  It feels like a ghost castle, giving people a tingling feeling. Richard was more courageous and actually felt scared.

  He suppressed his thoughts and rode the iron horned horse straight to the baron's mansion.

  The baron's palace is very large, with more than a hundred houses in total.

  Richard searched each house carefully and soon discovered the Baron's library.

  Baron Stopa has been passed down for three generations and has been a hereditary fief for more than sixty years. After sixty years of accumulation, the Baron's collection of books has become relatively rich.

  Except for a few far-sighted officers, the orc army does not value human books. The library had been searched by orcs, and books were littered on the ground.

  There are more than 300 books in the library, most of which are history, geography, and humanities.

  Richard opened the books one after another and found that there was very little content inside. Each book was bound with only a few sheets of parchment. The parchment was not very well made, and each page was extremely thick.

  Six years after being reborn in this world, Richard discovered that there should be no papermaking technology in this world. Almost all the books that Richard had seen were made of parchment, and the contents of the books were completely copied by hand.

  Paper was not born, and the cost of knowledge dissemination was very high.

  The reason why nobles are superior to others is that in addition to their strong strength and excellent bloodline, their monopoly on knowledge is also a key factor.

  The recorded history of Chenxi Continent has been thousands of years.

  There is no shortage of smart people in every generation. The reason why papermaking has not appeared now is probably because there is no social demand.

  Parchment is expensive to produce and is not conducive to cultural dissemination. But looking at it conversely, it is beneficial for the nobility to monopolize knowledge and maintain class solidification.

  The aristocratic class was unwilling to let ordinary citizens learn knowledge, so naturally they were not keen on inventing paper and studying movable type printing.

  In addition to books on history, geography, and humanities, Richard also found more than a dozen knight novels, which should be some recreational reading. In addition, Richard also discovered a cult Bible, which recorded a mysterious legend called the God of Slaughter.

  Richard looked at the cult Bible and when he saw the name of the God of Slaughter, his heart suddenly tightened and he was secretly worried.

  In addition to this cult Bible, the most precious among the books are the notebooks and memoirs of Baron Stopa's nobles of all generations.

  Richard took a closer look and found that it contained many secrets about the upper class of the nobles, such as the marriage between the Grant royal family and that nobleman, the death of a certain big nobleman, which might have been a murder, etc.

  There is a special notebook that records many craft techniques.

  The Baron Stoppa family specializes in beekeeping.

  Vic Castle has domesticated a low-level monster, the purple-headed wasp, and the royal jelly can be used to refine second-level healing potions.

  Breeding purple-headed peaks is an important source of income for the Baron Stoppa family. With this income, the baron can support his daughter to study magic in Markholm and arrange for his son to become an official in the royal capital.

  This notebook, which is dedicated to recording craftsmanship techniques, records the beekeeping techniques of the Baron family in detail.

  Baron Stopa spent thirty years exploring the breeding technology for purple-headed peaks. Now that the orcs have invaded, the Stoppa family's background has come to an advantage for Richard. Unfortunately, after the orcs occupied Vicksburg, several bearmen destroyed the hive, ate up all the honey, killed the queen bee, and all the remaining worker bees escaped.

  Richard bent down, sorted these books separately, found several wooden boxes from the castle, and packed them up, preparing to read them slowly later.

  Then he went to look at the hive behind the castle and found that there were still some insect eggs left in the broken hive. Richard took all the broken hives away regardless of life or death.

  Next, Richard searched the Baron's Mansion carefully, and when he found nothing else, Richard thought to himself: "Generally speaking, hereditary barons will collect breathing techniques to cultivate family strength. Human breathing techniques are of no use to orcs, and orcs have no Taking away the books in the library, naturally he would not look for the breathing method to take them away alone.

  The Stoppa family breathing method was not found in the library. Could it be that the baron has other hidden secret warehouses?"

  With this idea, Li Li The police searched all suspicious places.

  Finally, a secret passage was discovered in a warehouse.

  The secret passage was only about twenty meters long, and there were several people who had starved to death inside. At the end of the secret passage was a secret room of less than ten square meters. There were very few things in the secret room. Apart from a blue badge, there was only a parchment scroll. , a beautifully crafted book.

  The outer shell of the book is inlaid with copper, and the paper inside is delicate and soft. It should be made of special magic beast skin.

  Richard opened it and was stunned. This exquisite book inlaid with copper cover turned out to be a precious magic book.

  Magic books in Grant Kingdom are very rare, and the number of magicians is also extremely small.

  The Mad Lion Legion organized a magic team, which was regarded as a treasure by the legion commander and followed the legion headquarters on weekdays. Every time the magic team casts a spell, they are protected by powerful warriors.

  Baron Stoppa's level, logically speaking, should not be able to master magic inheritance. Most of Grant Kingdom’s magical inheritance is in the hands of the great nobles. Wild magicians rarely operate in this magical desert country.

  After all, if a magician wants to make progress, what he needs most is the collision of inspiration and the exchange of knowledge.

  There are only a few magic towers in Grant Kingdom, and each magic tower is controlled by a big noble. To join the Magic Tower, you must serve the great nobles and sign a long contract of prostitution.

  The vast majority of magicians are active in several kingdoms along the southwest coast of Dawn Continent.

  The power of the hereditary nobles in the southwestern countries is relatively weak, and there are many magicians. The main power of the country is controlled by large magic organizations.

  The social atmosphere in the Magic Kingdom in the southwest is more open-minded, and this environment is more suitable for the development of magicians.

  Most of the civilian magicians hanging out in the Grant Kingdom are locals who were lucky enough to inherit magic, and their magic level is not very high.

  If you are a high-level magician, you can basically make meritorious deeds and become a hereditary noble class.

  Richard wrapped the magic book in layers and placed it at the bottom of the suitcase. Then he flipped through the parchment and discovered that it was indeed the breathing method treasured by Baron Stopa.

  This breathing method is called Silver Wolf Breathing Method. Unfortunately, it only has eight levels, three levels for apprentices and five levels for professional levels.

  By learning this breathing method, you can become a fifth-level professional at most. For a nobleman, the ceiling is relatively low.

  According to what Richard knew, the breathing method practiced by his uncle Soros could be promoted to the eighth level. Father William also redeemed the seventh-level Northern Legion Breathing Technique.

  After William dies, this breathing method will become a precious heritage of the Harland family.

  I don’t know what material was used for the last blue badge. It feels cold to the touch, and Richard probably is also a magic item.

  It was still a war period, and there could be missions at any time. Richard did not dare to stay in Vic Castle for too long, so he immediately rode his iron horned horse, carrying several large wooden boxes of books, and returned to the military camp before dark.

  (End of chapter)

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