Chapter 27 Death of Walder

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  In Chapter 27,

  after Walder's Death Riding skill was upgraded to the fourth level, the attribute panel also changed.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.8
  Mental Power: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 4 (1356/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (674/10000) 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 3 (181/4000)

  Experience: 3500
  Riding Skill has reached the limit after being upgraded to Level 4. If you want to continue to improve, you need to learn the language of Warcraft and master the prerequisites Skill. Only those who can break the limit, communicate with monsters skillfully, ride griffons, flying tigers, wyverns and other flying monsters can advance into powerful flying arms.

  Seeing that the wild boars could not break through the defense line, Walder immediately dispatched the remaining direct forces, four third-order snakemen and two third-order harpies, into the battlefield.

  These six third-level professionals joined the battle and achieved immediate results in a short period of time.

  The snakes attacked on the ground, and the harpies hovered in the air, launching energy missiles. In just a few minutes, relying on the snakes' deadly battle, the orc army had torn through the camp gate.

  Seeing that the war was getting tense, Richard was secretly worried on the cliff. He kept pulling out the bow string and shooting arrows at the vital points of the third-order snake-like people, and soon severely injured one of them.

  Realizing that Richard was too much of a threat, the harpy waved his wings and prepared to descend from a high altitude to kill Richard and eliminate this threat.

  Before the harpy could land, Owen directed the archer to shoot three fourth-level explosive arrows.

  The Owen fighter was very accurate and successfully shot a harpy. The remaining harpies were afraid of becoming living targets, so they immediately flew out of the range of the explosive arrows and hovered helplessly in the air.

  A normal orc army consists of forty third-level snakemen and twelve harpy inspectors in a brigade.

  Including the orc officers in each squadron, compared to the number of professionals alone, the orc army is far more numerous than the human army.

  But when it comes to sophisticated equipment, human soldiers far surpass orcs.

  The main army of Grant Kingdom, enchanted bows and arrows, and explosive arrows have been equipped on the squadron level.

  Usually in wars, humans have better tactics than orcs, and their fighter planes are more accurate.

  The key factor is that humans have a unified continental script, and the language differences are relatively small, making it easier to learn.

  Because the orcs are of different races, it is very difficult to learn each other's languages. Every mid-to-high-level orc officer needs to learn seven or eight mainstream orc languages.

  Because of this factor, communication between orcs on the battlefield is not very convenient.

  Based on the experience of the Grant Kingdom's previous wars, with the same number of troops, the main army can often defeat the orcs.

  In more than two months of war, the Wald Brigade suffered heavy losses, especially when they attacked Vic Castle, most of the snake-like professionals were already dead or injured.

  Now the remaining six third-level professionals are the last strength of Wald's team. Although they relied on this force to break through the Sixth Squadron's camp, two third-level professionals were killed and wounded, and the Sixth Squadron was still resisting tenaciously.

  Even if the outer walls, trenches and other defensive fortifications were lost, Diarra commanded the soldiers of the Sixth Squadron to set up a simple defense line inside the camp gate.

  This line of defense is not very strong, just a few rows of wooden horse-repelling fences, but it is still a big trouble for the charging orcs.

  It takes time to break through this fence, and the temporary squadron on the cliff continues to fire arrows downwards.

  Every minute of delay, several rounds of feather arrows were fired from the mountain, killing and injuring dozens more orc soldiers.

  Clearing the fence required braving a hail of arrows, and every time the orcs took a step forward, someone would fall.

  Richard kept firing his bow and arrows, shooting at least seven or eight arrows every minute. The enchanted bow he used was a hard bow with a strong draw force, and every draw of the bow required strong strength. The arrows he shoots have a fighting spirit attribute attached to them. He will definitely kill an orc every time he fires the bow.

  Even a third-level professional will be severely injured once he is shot by Richard with an enchanted bow.

  The snake-shaped man who was injured just now died easily in the hands of Richard. "Killing the third-level snake-like man will reward you with 2,000 experience points."

  This battle is not over yet. Using enchanted bows and arrows, and relying on his fourth-level archery skills, Richard has gained 6,000 experience points, which is ten small achievements.

  Richard observed the battlefield and initially judged that the orc casualties had exceeded 40%.

  If it were a normal army, it would have collapsed long ago with 40% casualties.

  The orcs have a special culture, and their ability to withstand casualties exceeds that of humans. In addition, the main casualties were in the quilboar squadron, and the orcs could still fight hard.

  But as the arrows continued to fall, the orc soldiers continued to fall, and blood splashed everywhere, which also stung the orcs' nerves.

  Fear spread among the orcs, but their bloodthirsty nature and cruel military laws still made them fight instinctively.

  Captain Walder realized that defeat was imminent. He screamed wildly and led the last dozen orc soldiers to launch a desperate charge.

  Richard took out a sharp arrow again and shot it at the orc captain Wald.

  Walder waved his spear and accurately blocked the killing arrow.

  The orc captain is a fifth-level lion-headed man. He not only masters bloodline spells, but also has extraordinary marksmanship.

  Seeing that there was nothing he could do about Walder, Richard could only target other orcs.

  Walder rushed into the camp fiercely, and the camp commander Diarra also released his last resort and ordered Ron to lead the cavalry to attack the orcs.

  The remaining orcs rushed through this road of death and entered the camp one after another, fighting in a melee with the soldiers of the Sixth Squadron.

  For a while, the camp fell into a chaotic fight. They were afraid of hurting their own people, and even Richard couldn't take aim.

  Worried about his comrades in the camp, Richard immediately ordered the soldiers to put down the ropes, use the ropes to slide down, and then rushed into the camp with the soldiers from the temporary squadron.

  With an enchanted gauntlet in one hand and a heavy sword in the other, Richard led the charge towards the orcs.

  His Grant Kingdom swordsmanship has been cultivated to the limit. His swordsmanship is not only fast but also ruthless. It is difficult for ordinary orcs to stop the power of his sword unless they form a formation.

  Seeing Walder cut down Diarra ferociously, Richard suddenly swung his heavy sword and slashed at Walder from the waist.

  Wald originally planned to deal with Diarra first, but when he heard the sound of the air being cut from behind, although his back was to Richard, Wald roared, used his gun with his backhand, and gave Richard a fierce blow!
  The two heavy weapons collided with each other under the blessing of fighting spirit, making a thunderous collision sound.

  Richard's hands trembled slightly, and there was severe pain in the tiger's mouth.

  "It seems like a huge force. I'm afraid this orc's strength has reached 18 points."

  Diraya originally planned to close her eyes and wait for death. Seeing the powerful lion-headed man turning around to deal with Richard, he struggled to stand up, took up his weapon and fought with Li Cha. The police attacked Wald from both front and rear.

  The two joined forces, but were still beaten back by Walder.

  Seeing that casualties were about to occur, Military Judge Owen came up with reinforcements of archers.

  Archer Dida is a veteran who has been in the army for more than ten years and has extremely rich experience. He decisively used the explosive arrow and pulled the bowstring almost close to Walder's face.

  There was a loud noise, and a violent explosion erupted from the lion-headed man.

  Richard and Diarra were both near the lion-headed man and were severely thrown out by the air wave caused by the explosion.

  Richard struggled to get up and saw that the lion-headed man was not dead yet. He threw the heavy sword in his hand and nailed it accurately on the head of the lion-headed man.

  "Killing the fifth-level lion-headed man will reward you with 8,000 experience points."

  Hearing the notification sound coming from the system, Richard didn't have time to be happy, so he picked up a weapon and killed the other orcs.

  The battle is not over yet, and Richard cannot be distracted yet to gain killing experience.

  (End of chapter)

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