Chapter 26 Encounter

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  Chapter 26 Encounter

  On June 24, Baron Harden sent a military order. The Sixth Squadron was required to pass through the canyon passage, and together with the Platos Castle defenders and the Baron Cavalry Regiment, defeat the Orc Commander Gunderson's Department, establishing victory in the direction of Platos in one fell swoop.

  Accompanying the baron's messengers who returned at about the same time, there were more than thirty wounded soldiers. In the past month, the Sixth Squadron has been very leisurely. Baron Harden and Lieutenant Colonel Marvin took the cavalry but participated in several battles.

  The outer cavalry and the orc and wolf cavalry brigade were fighting each other, and the casualties were already serious. Even the powerful knight under the Baron's command lost three people in battle. The professional casualties were even more serious, with more than ten people killed in total. Nineteen of the Warcraft horses were lost.

  After two months of continuous fighting on the outside, the Warcraft Cavalry under Baron Harden was about to reach its limit and was ready to return to the rear to rest.

  Although the Baron has retired from active service, he is still appointed by the king as the supreme commander of the Platos Front. Even Lieutenant Colonel Marvin must obey his command.

  The Baron sent the order, and the Sixth Squadron immediately took action.

  After more than two months of fighting, there were more than 300 wounded soldiers gathered in Haddon Castle. Some of these wounded soldiers came from the Sixth Squadron, some from the Eighth Battalion, some from the Knights of Baron Harden, and some from the scouts under Lieutenant Colonel Marvin.

  The wounded soldiers who participated in the early battles, mainly from the Eighth Battalion, have basically recovered. They were all soldiers from the same brigade and cooperated very well with the reorganization of the Sixth Squadron. The wounded soldiers were organized into a temporary squadron and followed the Sixth Squadron.

  Richard was appointed as the temporary squadron leader.

  There are also many soldiers from the former Sixth Squadron in the temporary squadron. With the help of these acquaintances, even though it was his first time to independently command a squadron, Richard quickly adapted.

  The two squadrons left Harden Castle and entered the canyon passage halfway, when they saw Ron riding the Iron Horned Horse in a panic.

  After receiving the follow-up breathing method, Ron successfully became a professional four days ago.

  Unfortunately, communication was inconvenient during the war, so he was not able to report to the brigade headquarters for promotion to military rank or official position.

  Currently, the Mad Lion Legion is seriously short of officers, and the group headquarters will not allow professionals to serve as grassroots soldiers. It is estimated that Ron will be transferred to other squadrons after a while to serve as officers and replenish battle losses.

  Now Ron is temporarily in command of two squads of scouts.

  "The orc army appeared at the entrance of the canyon. The flags are the soldiers of the Walder Brigade from Vic Castle."

  After hearing the information brought by Ron, Diarra summoned the main officers and said calmly: "Only the remaining members of the Walder Brigade are The three squadrons of orcs who left Vic Castle should have received orders from Gunderson.

  It seemed that Gunderson had sensed the danger and gave up on conquering the Platos defense line, preparing to gather his troops together and plan to retreat. "

  Ron, did you alert the orcs during your reconnaissance?"

  "Lieutenant Captain Richard, we did not kill the orc soldiers during this reconnaissance mission. I saw the orc flag from a distance, and estimated the size of the orc army, and immediately Come back and report the news.

  If the orc scouts are experienced, they will probably find the horse hoof prints we left." "

  Richard, you lead the temporary squadron to ambush on both sides of the canyon. I will lead the sixth squadron to camp in the middle of the canyon passage and block it from the front. Enemy. Ron commanded the reconnaissance cavalry to act as a reserve force, ready to go into battle at any time."

  Richard led the temporary squadron to climb the cliffs on both sides of the road, and Diarra commanded the soldiers to build the camp.

  As soon as the preparations were completed, the orc squadron headed by them launched a charge.

  Richard leaned out to observe and found that most of the charging orcs were wild boars. Although the wild boars are thick-skinned and strong in defense, they are not very smart.

  Letting a squadron dominated by quilboars act as the vanguard can easily fall into the enemy's trap. But now Wald's brigade has no troops available. The Wild Boar Squadron has the least casualties and the most abundant soldiers. Captain Wald can only rely on them now.

  Although this squadron has added some kobolds, the powerful wild boar warrior Papalinde does not listen to the weak kobolds at all.

  Discovering the enemy camp, he immediately ordered the soldiers to rush towards the camp, regardless of the kobolds' obstruction.

  "The first group of archers are ready, let go."

  As the words fell to the ground, more than a hundred arrows flew out violently. The few wild boars who rushed at the front were instantly shot into hedgehogs.

  There is a temporary squadron under Richard. Although they are not equipped with enchanted bows and arrows, most of them are veterans. Many people were very good at archery, and they killed seven or eight wild boars in the first round of arrow rain.

  "The second group of archers, prepare, release"

  "The third group of archers, prepare, release"

  The grassroots officers commanded in an orderly manner, constantly releasing a rain of arrows that filled the sky, killing the orc soldiers.

  In just a hundred meters after entering the shooting range, the wild boars dropped more than thirty corpses. Although the casualties were heavy, they still could not stop the momentum of the wild boar men's charge.

  Although this species is stupid, its will is very strong and it can withstand great casualties. The quilboar suffered heavy casualties, which made the orc commander Walder unable to stand it anymore.

  Letting the quilboars be the vanguard is almost equivalent to giving away lives. Dozens of soldiers were lost without even seeing the enemy.

  Originally, there were not many soldiers left in Wald's brigade. If they were sent off like this, the whole army would have to be annihilated.

  But under the current situation, the Wild Boar Squadron cannot withdraw.

  If you retreat, you will still face continued killing from archers.

  In desperation, Walder could only put one and a half squadrons of orcs from the second echelon into the attack. Half a squadron of orcs from the third echelon, escorting thousands of prisoners, were thirty miles away from the battlefield, making it impossible for them to join the battle.

  The wild boars stormed into the camp ferociously, and Diarra calmly commanded the soldiers of the Sixth Squadron to hunt down the wild boar men in groups of four by throwing spears.

  Richard led a temporary squadron of soldiers and continuously fired arrows at the cliffs on both sides of the road to suppress the second echelon of orcs and reduce the pressure on the camp.

  Holding an enchanted bow and arrow, he was condescending and constantly aimed at the orc professional officers. In just a few minutes, he actually achieved four results.

  Including a first-level kobold, a second-level goat, a first-level wild boar, and a third-level snake.

  Prompt sounds kept coming from the attribute panel. After a while, Richard had gained 4,000 experience points, and the Northern Army's fighting and riding skills could be advanced.

  Deep in the state of war, one's own survival is precarious, and accumulating experience is of no use.

  In an environment where you are facing death at any time, as your combat ability increases, your ability to survive will increase.

  Seeing that killing experience can improve his skills, Richard immediately added 3,500 experience points to his riding skills, raising his riding skills level to the fourth level.

  (End of chapter)

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