Chapter 176 The end of the road 2

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  Chapter 176 The End of the Road 2
  Richard mobilized his war horses, and the well-trained iron horned horses raised their iron hooves and trotted towards the enemy.

  The dense sound of horse hooves gathered together, approaching Delunci and the others with a heart-stopping pressure.

  Entering the range of the archers, Richard and Thoros each led a team of cavalry and set their bows and arrows.

  Dozens of feather arrows made a whooshing sound and shot at the orcs.

  There are only a dozen orc professionals left around Drancy, and their long-range strike capabilities are far from being able to compete with the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron.

  Among the dozen orc professionals, only seven or eight bloodlines contained long-range strike spells. At the same time, they released five or six venom missiles and two fireballs to attack the Warcraft cavalry.

  Richard and Sophia released energy shield spells at the same time, blocking the fireball spell.

  The venom missiles were also hit by the energy missiles released by the twelve iron horned horses and dissipated in the air.

  Taking this opportunity, Thoros led the archers to quickly release arrows. After two rounds of arrows, six of Drenci's professionals had been killed.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Delenci picked up the battle ax in his hand and rushed towards the Warcraft Cavalry with long strides.

  I saw him leaping high and slashing down with his giant ax. A professional who had just advanced was split in half, including his man and his horse.

  Seeing how ferocious Drancy was, Richard estimated that the strength of this ninth-level lion man exceeded thirty points.

  Thirty points of strength, almost double that of Richard. With such a powerful force, Richard simply did not dare to confront Derenci head-on.

  He maneuvered the horse to bypass Drancy, and then released the grease spell at Drancy's feet.

  At the same time, he loosened the bow string and shot the arrow towards the ninth-level lion man with a whoosh.

  Delunci was about to keep up his efforts, but his foot slipped and almost fell down, and then two feather arrows were shot from different directions.

  The feather arrow was very powerful, and it was also aimed at Delunci's vital head and neck.

  Although Delenci was powerful, he was only one step away from becoming a legend. His head and neck were not protected by armor, and he did not dare to catch the arrow head-on.

  He immediately raised his arm, lowered his head, and relied on the armor on his arm to block the arrow.

  The arrow and the arm armor collided fiercely. The arm armor mixed with fine gold was very strong and easily knocked open the enchanted arrow without any damage.

  Derenci put his hands on the ground, jumped up from the ground, and stepped hard with his feet, making a pit more than three inches deep in the rock. He stared at Richard with burning eyes, wanting to kill the magician.

  Before Delunci could make any move, Sophia released a powerful spider web technique from a distance. A spider web fell from the sky and immediately tied Delunci.

  The cobwebs tied up Delunci, who was just about to cut the webs with a tomahawk. Another round of feather arrows came over, and before he could swing his axe, Delenci tried his best and tore the spider web into pieces with a roar.

  Seeing Delunci tearing apart the cobweb with both hands, Richard immediately took the time to shoot an arrow.

  The feather arrow drew a beautiful arc and directly hit Delunci's eye.

  The arrow pierced Delenci's eyeball fiercely, and was only one step away from penetrating the brain and killing Delancey.

  The severe pain drove Derenci crazy. He roared wildly and hurriedly pulled out the arrow with his hand. Unexpectedly, he pulled out the eyeball.

  Seeing his own eyeball, Delunci let out a scream and actually swallowed the eyeball into his mouth. He opened his legs crazily, his speed was even faster than that of a wildebeest, and charged straight at Richard.

  Richard hurriedly activated the Iron Wild Horse, but he didn't expect it to be inferior to the explosive ninth-level lion man.

  Seeing that Delunci was about to catch up, Richard hurriedly released the four-ring magic and flew into the air.

  In order to fly farther in the air, Richard added three more points of mental power and invested eight points of mental power. The effect of flying in the air was very outstanding.

  As soon as Delunci caught up with the Iron Wild Horse, he found Richard flying into the air. I saw him taking a running stance and flying upwards for more than ten meters in an instant.

  Seeing the duck fly away, Derenci went crazy with anger.

  He had nowhere to vent his anger but to take it out on Richard's Iron Wild Horse. With a swing of the giant ax, the head of the Iron Wildebeest was cut into two pieces.

  Richard escaped Drancy's pursuit, which made Sophia relieved.

  Seeing that Delunci is chasing Richard, once Richard runs out of magic power, he will fall from the air and fall into Delunci's hands.

  Sophia hurriedly faced Delunci and released the four-ring magic sleep spell.

  The somnolence spell is a soul attack magic. Delancy's mental strength is average and he has no high resistance to soul attack magic, so he was hit instantly.

  Richard was in the air, observing Delunci's every move.

  Seeing that Delunci had been put to sleep, Richard drew his bow and arrow in the air and aimed at Delunci's neck.

  The arrow was as fast as lightning and pierced Drancy's neck in an instant.

  Drenci's artery was punctured and blood sprayed into the air.

  If it were a low-level orc, this arrow would kill Drancy.

  However, Delenci had a bloodline spell in his body to regenerate severed limbs, and his vitality was extremely strong. This arrow did not kill him on the spot.

  The severe pain woke him up from his sleeping spell.

  While Sophia, Richard, Thoros and Drancy were fighting, the rest of the Warcraft Cavalry had already eliminated the remaining orcs.

  Just as Delunci came to his senses, more than thirty Iron Wildebeests released energy missile magic at him.

  After being hit by dozens of energy missiles, although Drancy's armor was very fine and not damaged, his internal organs suffered serious shock injuries.

  The internal organs in his body emitted severe pain, making Derenci dare not move easily.

  Delunci's face turned pale, and he let out a miserable cry, with a fierce light in his eyes as he stared at everyone.

  At this time, Drancy had one final blow, and this blow must be earth-shattering. Anyone who dares to get close to attack this orc will probably die in his counterattack.

  For a moment, everyone was suppressed by Drancy's power and did not dare to attack. The Warcraft Cavalry fired a round of feather arrows, but they were all blocked by Drenxi's armor and had no effect.

  Instead, Sophia released a fireball, hitting Delunci.

  The fireball ignited Drancy's clothes and hair, turning Drancy into a burning man.

  Sophia had just released the fireball technique, and Richard followed up with a lightning ball.

  This time he invested twenty points of mental power, and the power of the lightning ball exceeded the standard nine-ring magic.

  A huge ball of lightning hit Drancy, and the powerful energy directly reduced Drancy's life force to zero.

  "Killing the ninth-level orc will reward you with 128,000 experience points."

  After hearing the prompt from the attribute panel, Richard knew that Delunci was dead. He descended from the sky and cut off Drancy's head. This ninth-level orc's head was quite valuable and could be exchanged for a baron territory, which could allow an ordinary person to be promoted to a hereditary noble.

  (End of chapter)

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