Chapter 175 The end of the road 1

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  Chapter 175: At the end of the road,
  relying on the super alchemy bomb, the city wall collapsed.

  Zachary led the soldiers of the Northern Army and easily broke into Graveson Castle.

  Without the protection of the city fortifications and being attacked by alchemy bombs, the orcs in the castle instantly blew up the camp.

  Seeing this scene, Derenci seemed to have returned to that rainy night more than three months ago.

  At this moment, the orc commander knew in his heart that the situation of the war was irreversible, and the orc army under his command had only one way out: defeat.

  Delenci is a ninth-level orc, not too old, and still has the potential to become a legend.

  He is also considered a moderate figure in the Orc Empire.

  A high-ranking orc like him would naturally not want to die in the same place as ordinary soldiers.

  After discussing with Gunderson, Drancy decided to let the senior orc officers each lead some of their elite troops to disperse and break out.

  Delunci is a ninth-level warrior with very strong fighting ability, and the guards he leads are also elite orcs.

  Dozens of orc professionals launched a fierce attack and broke through the encirclement, escaping deep into the forest.

  Gunderson was not so lucky and was surrounded by William with the third brigade.

  Although Gunderson's combat power is much stronger than William's, on such a large-scale battlefield, a ninth-level werewolf cannot decide the outcome.

  Surrounded by a superior force, Gunderson was quickly wounded and his head was severed by William.

  A ninth-level professional is worth a miracle and can be exchanged for a baron territory.

  With this meritorious service, coupled with William's accumulated military exploits in this war, he is not far away from being promoted to Viscount.

  But this time William was not going to receive a second title, he was going to exchange his merits for the Breathing Technique.

  William's Holy Light Breathing Technique still needs two layers to be perfected. The last two layers of Breathing Technique are very valuable. If you want to redeem the transcription, you need to consume eight great skills.

  It's enough to get Gunderson's head and exchange it for the Breathing Technique.

  William is a very ambitious officer. Although he is not of high origin, he has a soul that is unwilling to be inferior to others. He not only wants to become a noble, but also strives to become a legendary professional.

  Zachary won a complete victory in this battle, annihilating all 15,000 orc soldiers and suffering only 3,000 casualties.

  There were only about two thousand orcs who broke out from Graveson Castle.

  It was already two days later that Richard received the news of the complete annihilation of the orc army.

  More than four months after the war broke out, military honors in Harland's territory were also distributed. In the first battle, he captured the orc military station and defeated the orc brigade. Richard obtained eight medium merits, completely annihilated Maruland's troops, and obtained four major merits and six medium merits.

  It is difficult to deduct military merits, but many achievements in winning battles were deducted by the royal capital.

  According to common sense, Richard should have received four great merits by annihilating four brigades of orcs, but in the end, more than half of them were deducted, leaving only one and a half great merits.

  The merits of Richard, the commander, were withheld, and the merits of his officers and soldiers were also withheld.

  The significance of Richard's victory was almost reduced by more than half.

  The nobles of Heihe County knew why Richard's achievements were withheld.

  Richard had offended the interest group behind Jerram, and now he was being retaliated against.

  The Harland family has few connections in the royal capital, so they will naturally suffer a loss during the evaluation process. Richard has also considered this and knows it very well.

  It is a pity that the noble coalition forces in Heihe County did not dare to blame the royal capital for the losses they suffered. Instead, they were somewhat estranged from Richard and were unwilling to obey his command. With the help of Baron Rice, they secretly wrote to Zachary, requesting to fight under the command of Viscount Romain.

  In the past few battles, Richard had done very well against the coalition of nobles in Heihe County.

  Although Richard got the bulk of the loot, he didn't cheat them.

  They did not suffer any losses in each battle, but were able to seize a lot of property.

  Unexpectedly, their interests were slightly damaged. These nobles stayed away from Richard and defected to Viscount Luomen.

  Among these nobles, there is also Richard's uncle, Baron Duck.

  Although Richard's mother and Baron Duck are not of the same mother, their relationship is relatively distant.

  But because of this relationship, Richard took good care of Baron Duck. Unexpectedly, he
  didn't care about any friendship at all. Instead, it was Baron Sharp, because he was the first-generation baron and had a strong military style. He was grateful to Richard for helping him defend his territory, and was still willing to fight under Richard's command.

  The last time he put down the rebellion, Richard had accumulated six great merits and nine medium merits.

  In addition to the five major merits and four medium merits achieved this time, it is enough to gain a new territory.

  This time he was targeted by the interest group behind Prince Felix. Richard secretly kept it in mind, and when he got the chance, he would naturally take revenge.

  Now that he is not strong enough, he can only follow Duke Roger and unequivocally support Prince Chris.

  In the military camp, Richard suddenly received the news that the scouts were missing. He immediately felt something unusual and immediately notified Soros and asked the cavalry to assemble.

  The scouts sent by Richard totaled forty-eight people, divided into twenty-four groups.

  There are six groups of people in each direction, responsible for five kilometers of reconnaissance tasks.

  The scouts returned to the camp in two hours to transmit information once, and the reconnaissance range was thirty kilometers.

  It has been two and a half hours now, and there is still no news from the scouts from the east. They must have encountered an accident.

  Although Commander Zachary has annihilated the orc army, there are still many fish that have slipped through the net and are still escaping. The biggest big fish is the orc commander Drunci.

  Suddenly thinking of this person, Richard decided to take a gamble.

  When she heard Richard gathering the cavalry, Sophia immediately guessed what he was thinking and must follow Richard to participate in this mission.

  After the Warcraft Cavalry assembled, Richard and Sophia, together with the Warcraft Cavalry, immediately rushed to the place where the scout disappeared. They repeatedly looked for clues and pulled a net to search, and soon found the body of the missing scout in the cave.

  Following the traces left by the enemy, the Warcraft Cavalry followed and soon found the murderer.

  The murderer was indeed the ninth-level lion-man Drancy.

  At this time, Drancy was at the end of his rope.

  At this moment, there were only eleven orc guards left around Drancy. These eleven orc guards are all werewolves and lions, including a fourth-level one.

  The guard's condition was not very good and he was more or less injured. It had been two days since I had eaten any water or rice, and my physical strength was only about half.

  Although a big shot like Drancy successfully broke through, he was still being hunted by the Northern Army.

  After finally getting rid of the pursuers, they were already less than 20 kilometers away from the orc army, but their traces were accidentally leaked. After killing the scout, Delunci knew that the news would inevitably be leaked, and immediately took the time to escape. Unexpectedly, he was caught up by the Warcraft Cavalry.

  Seeing Delunci, Richard's eyes immediately lit up, as if he had seen a precious treasure.

  (End of chapter)

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