Chapter 177 Exposing Contradictions

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  Chapter 177:
  After successfully killing Drunci by exposing the contradiction, Richard once again made a remarkable achievement.

  Now his meritorious service is enough to be granted two baronies, plus Richard's original territory.

  According to Grant's law, if you have three baronies, you can be promoted to viscount.

  Viscounts have more voting power in the House of Lords than barons.

  A baron has only one vote in the House of Lords, but a viscount has five.

  If Richard's title is elevated to Viscount, the Harland family will have one viscount and two barons, holding seven votes in the Noble Council.

  The total number of hereditary nobles in Geda Province only amounted to forty-six votes. The status of the Haaland family will become extremely important in the Gedda Province.

  There is no legal threshold for promotion from baron to viscount. As long as you have three territories, you can be promoted.

  However, after being promoted to Viscount, you will have to bear responsibilities as you enjoy the obligations.

  If they are recruited by the royal family, they must provide a large group of troops, even if they are serf soldiers, the responsibility increases tenfold.

  The Harland family is strong and strong, and Richard is not afraid of taking responsibility.

  After obtaining Drancy's head, Richard did not send it to Spencer, the mayor of Heihe County.

  Who knows if Spencer is a close associate of Jeram, an official of Prince Felix's faction. If Spencer embezzled the military exploits, he would have to file a lawsuit with the Parliament of Nobles. It is also very troublesome to find someone to smooth the relationship.

  Richard directly handed over Drancy's head to William and asked for credit through the relationship with the Northern Army.

  Although this is somewhat against the rules, it almost directly demonstrates the nobles' distrust of local bureaucrats.

  But Richard would rather expose this contradiction to his superiors than ask for trouble by asking for credit through Heihe County and Geda Province.

  The last time he was deprived of credit, Richard no longer trusted the bureaucrats in Heihe County and Geda Province.

  If the king doesn't give him a satisfactory answer this time, don't blame Richard for not paying attention in future battles.

  Nowadays, the army of Harland Territory is a very important force in Geda Province and the backbone of the noble coalition.

  The reason why the Northern Army fought well this time was that the soldiers under Richard played a very key role.

  If he chooses to paddle in this battle, Maruland captures Platos Castle and joins the main force of Drenci. The orcs will increase the strength of three brigades in Black River Castle.

  With the addition of 6,000 main troops, Marulande's troops will cooperate with Gunderson to defeat Viscount Luomen and clear the outskirts of Black River Castle. It is possible for the orcs to conquer the Black River Fort, annihilate the Northern Legion, rush into the Dragon Canyon, and destroy the Gedda Province.

  Richard didn't believe it either. There was no understanding person in the capital.

  If they wantonly suppress the meritorious nobles on the border just because of a little personal grudge, the Grant Kingdom will not be able to defend the northern border.

  Duke Brenner, the pillar of the royal family, is still alive. He was the commander of the army more than a hundred years ago and knows the morale of the soldiers on the battlefield very well. A truly understanding person.

  This time Richard deliberately went against the rules in order to tell the capital that there was no possibility of cooperation with local bureaucrats.

  If the king ignores him, Richard will keep it in mind and focus on guarding the territory from now on. Once outside the territory, he will just paddle around and fool around.

  Richard is just a small nobleman. If the overall situation of Northern Xinjiang is corrupted, who will feel sad in the end?

  There is no shortage of capable nobles with wise masters. If the Grant Kingdom can no longer survive, they can go to other kingdoms or start over again. Anyway, Richard is still young.

  Richard's attitude gave William a headache.

  William and Richard wrote several letters, and his opinion was to compromise with the Holland family, send some gifts, say a few good words, bow down and win the forgiveness of the Holland family.

  There is no need for Richard to come forward for specific communication. William will communicate with the new provincial commander. But Richard insisted on his opinion. If William did not cooperate, he would take Drancy's head directly to the meeting of nobles to register his military exploits.

  In desperation, William had no choice but to agree to Richard's request and communicate with the upper echelons of the Grant Kingdom through the regiment commander Zachary.

  Sure enough, Richard directly made his non-cooperative attitude clear, alarming the top brass of the Grant Kingdom.

  When King Charles saw a little baron, he disobeyed the management. He originally planned to give Richard a good look, but Duke Brenner came to the king's palace in person.

  After meeting King Charles, Duke Brenner showed no respect for the king and asked unceremoniously: "Richard, the nobleman of Heihe County, who decided to suppress his meritorious deeds?" Seeing that King Charles was a little confused, Duke Brenner raised the question

  . He picked up the marshal's scepter, knocked on the floor hard, and asked sternly.

  "Who is it? Tell the truth!"

  Duke Brenner is the real protector of the Grant royal family. Only with him in the royal family can he suppress the great nobles and achieve more than a hundred years of prosperity.

  Even without the legendary strength and aura of famous generals, the descendants of Marshal Brener are still powerful in the Grant royal family.

  Pansy Grant, president of the Grant Kingdom Magic Association, is his descendant, and the Duke of York is also his descendant.

  The old Duke has sixty-three sons, more than 300 grandsons, 1,600 great-grandchildren, plus thousands of great-great-grandchildren in the next generation.

  There are thousands of his direct descendants. Almost all of them are professionals. Many of them are officers of the Royal Guards. They are the foundation of the royal family and the core of ruling the country.

  If King Charles disobeys, Marshal Brenner has enough strength to replace him.

  "It's Bellet Holland, he is the consul of the province of Geda. He suppressed the merits of Baron Richard."

  Seeing Marshal Brenner's anger, King Charles did not dare to tell lies because of his previous prestige, so he immediately confessed The truth.

  "Why did you agree?"

  "Beret Holland is the provincial commander I appointed, and I need to trust his judgment." "

  Do you understand the military achievements of Baron Richard?" "

  He annihilated four thousand Orcs, of course I know?”

  When Marshal Brenner heard this, he was immediately furious, his brain was hit hard, and he felt like stars were shining in his eyes. He raised his scepter fiercely and knocked King Charles to the ground.

  Although King Charles is a sixth-level knight, his strength is far inferior to that of the third-level legendary Marshal Brenner, even though the marshal is aging and his physical condition is declining. The powerful force made King Charles unable to compete.

  Brenner broke King Charlie's arm with a scepter and cursed fiercely: "You have been the king for thirty years, but you don't understand anything. I don't know why you supported this waste back then? It's better to You kill him and let Roger come back to be the king. At least he understands military affairs and will not let the people below him fool him."

  After breaking King Charlie's arm, Marshal Brenner was still angry and kept cursing.

  "If I had known that Louis' grandson was so useless, I might as well have been the king.

  In the Dawn Continent, the king can know nothing, be cruel, and play with women. But he must master power, he must understand military affairs, and he must be able to seize Military morale.

  A king's authority relies on violence, and the greatest violence is the army. The most important task in mastering the army is fairness in rewards and punishments.

  We cannot blatantly suppress those who have made military exploits. Doing so will It hurts morale and the morale of the army. After a few times, you will lose prestige in the army. It

  is very dangerous to lose military morale and be unable to suppress the army.

  Officers who rise from the war are very dangerous people. Once you lose military morale, Someone will replace you. At that time, this country will change its owner. Do you understand this? The
  reason why the battle in Geda Province was good was that two people played a key role. The first one was this Richard. Baron, the second is the commander of Zachary's army. As your appointed confidant, you should trust Zachary's judgment, not the local bureaucrats. How come you are so useless after sitting on the throne for thirty years?" (End of Chapter


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