Chapter 174 Super Alchemy Bomb

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  Chapter 174: The Super Alchemy Bomb
  has been sieging the city for more than three months, and the food in Graveson Castle has long been exhausted.

  By now, even the humans in the castle have been eaten by the orcs.

  After eating the last batch of people yesterday, Drancy discussed with Gunderson and decided to eat the orc auxiliary troops in two days.

  Goats and deer were the first group, followed by kobolds and wild boars.

  Even if the orc auxiliary soldiers are eaten, they must persist until the end.

  In mid-July, the Sodamian Legion arrived on the battlefield.

  Although this local provincial army has average combat effectiveness and is not as good as the second-line troops in northern Xinjiang, it has more than 20,000 people and can be responsible for guarding important strongholds, freeing up the main troops to fight.

  Even Fort William now has a brigade of the Sodamian Army stationed there.

  In more than three months, Richard has repaired the damaged Brute Force Armor. In addition, he also used the scales pulled from the snake body professionals to make thirty collar snake scale armors.

  Although the snake scale armor is not as defensive as the blood steel enchanted armor, it is very light and suitable for fighting in the jungle.

  Richard equipped all these thirty pieces of enchanted snake scale armor to the first and second squadrons. Strengthened the enchanted armor of these two squadrons to about half.

  First and Second, although there were heavy casualties after the battle of siege and annihilation of Maruland, Richard mobilized veterans from other squadrons, and the wounded soldiers slowly recovered, and now the troops are strong again.

  Sophia was also not idle. She used the captured earth dragon beast materials and some precious magic plants to successfully refine one hundred and twenty bottles of Tenghui potion.

  Perhaps due to years of accumulation and accumulation, this batch of Tenghui potions actually created eleven professionals.

  Counting these eleven new professionals, there are already more than fifty professionals in Harland's territory. The number of professionals is close to that of the infantry brigade at the back of the main army.

  The Eighth Battalion of the Mad Lions that Richard served in that year had only fifty-one professionals. Its equipment was not as good as the infantry of the Haaland family, and its combat effectiveness was also slightly inferior.

  The scouts discovered that the orcs in Graveson Castle had begun to eat their own people. After Zachary received the news, he was secretly worried about the orcs' ruthlessness.

  For three months, Zachary continued to bombard Graveson Castle with trebuchets.

  But the fortifications of this castle are very strong. The outer walls were built with boulders. Even though many orcs were killed and wounded, a gap could not be opened.

  In order to conquer this castle, he wrote a personal letter to the Kingdom of Charlie some time ago, hoping to use a super alchemy bomb to bury it under the city wall by digging a tunnel. Relying on the power of the super alchemy bomb, Blow down the city wall.

  The Grant royal family does not master the technology of making alchemical bombs.

  There are actually only three forces in the entire Dawn Plane that can create alchemical bombs. The first one is the dwarves active in the Western Continent.

  The dwarf tribe had mastered the manufacturing technology of magic guns and alchemical bombs before the Age of Kings.

  The second one is the Celtic United Kingdom on the southwest coast of the mid-continent. There is a magic organization called Elemental Heart active in this country, which has the technology to manufacture alchemical bombs on a large scale.

  The third one is the Haaland family.

  The alchemy bomb formulas mastered by these three forces are different. The alchemy bomb made by the Heart of Elements is the most expensive and the most powerful. An ordinary alchemy bomb sells for about 100 gold coins.

  The alchemy bombs made by dwarves are much weaker, and their prices range from thirty to fifty gold coins.

  The alchemical bombs made by the Harland family are the weakest, only about half as powerful as those made by the Elemental Heart. However, the expensive fire crystal is not used in the formula, and the manufacturing cost is the lowest.

  A bomb does not count labor, and the cost of materials is about two gold coins. Including labor, the cost price is about five gold coins. The super alchemy bomb is an enhanced version of the ordinary alchemy bomb. The explosion runes of this bomb are different from those of ordinary alchemy bombs. The formula of explosives is also more special.

  The price of a super alchemy bomb is more than five thousand gold coins, and you need to find a suitable opportunity to buy it.

  The number of super alchemy bombs produced by the Heart of Elements every year is very small, less than a hundred in total.

  There are dozens of countries in the mid-continent, large and small, and the Grant Kingdom has only accumulated more than thirty super alchemy bombs for hundreds of years. Each time one is used, it needs the approval of King Charles.

  As expected, we should receive a reply from King Charles today.

  "I don't know if the king will approve my request."

  After three months of siege, there were already complaints among the army. Zachary was under increasing pressure and paced back and forth in the big tent.

  "Legion Commander, an urgent letter from the capital." The messenger strode into the commander's tent and handed King Charles' handwritten letter.

  Zachary hurriedly opened the letter, his steady hands trembling slightly.

  These rough hands, accustomed to holding swords, had killed countless enemies, but they were trembling a little today. This showed how worried Zachary was.

  "The king agreed to our request. The alchemy bomb is already on the way to be transported. It will be transported to Black River Fort by waterway in seven days. Pass my order to

  let the soldiers dig three tunnels to confuse the orcs.

  We have not been in northern Xinjiang for decades. Using the super alchemy bomb, the orcs will not be prepared due to their war experience, and the fighter plan to annihilate the orc army is mature."

  In mid-July, the super alchemy bomb was finally delivered to the Zackley military camp. At the same time, the tunnel dug by Zachary also reached the foot of Graveson Castle.

  This time Zachary repeated his old trick and decided to blow up the city wall late at night and launch a surprise attack.

  At around two o'clock in the night, the Northern Legion detonated the super alchemy bomb.

  There was a loud noise, and a violent wave of air swept over. In an instant, the earth shook, and the overwhelming force immediately overturned the city wall. In an instant, the orcs who stood on the top of the city were buried by the collapsed city wall, causing countless casualties.

  This huge explosion, like an unstoppable god, instantly defeated the will of the orcs.

  "Annihilate the orc army and avenge the innocent and tragic death of your loved ones!"

  Zachary held a long sword and let out a high-pitched roar.

  Simon and William, two high-level professionals, personally led the first and third heavy armored brigades to undertake the first-line siege mission.

  "Kill all the orcs, take no prisoners, and avenge the tragic death of your loved ones."

  Because the orcs in Graveson Castle ate a large number of humans, many of whom were relatives and friends of the Northern Legion soldiers.

  Although the soldiers knew that the orc prisoners were worth more.

  But at this moment, simple emotions have already replaced the cold reason.

  The Northern Army, ranging from Army Commander Zachary to ordinary soldiers, all decided to kill all the human-eating beasts in the castle.

  (End of chapter)

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